Gregg Doyel of the Indy Star is a bit creepy

Fair. Still doesn’t make it right
They were criticizing him on the Score this morning. Mully and Haugh are both journalists who started in print, and they were spot on in hammering him for making the story of the day himself. He was there to do a job, but he is either a sexist moron, figured he was being clever and funny, or both. It was wrong. Then he doubled down with a column about it. He should have owned it, apologized, and moved on. I don't get much Indianapolis market stuff, but Doyel has a national footprint with some of his coverage. My question is does he cover the Fever regularly, or was he there to get attention for himself? That seems to be where he first went sideways.
From the IndyStar it's mostly Purdue and now two with the arrival of #22.

Getting on the train to get noticed. He's junk.
I mean, yeah, he's weird and says off the wall stuff. How he remains employed is beyond me because he's a walking lawsuit waiting to happen eventually. These numerous interactions however, imo, are likely just a socially awkward person who doesn't understand boundaries and when not to push them. Probably because he doesn't know he's overstepping them until he's confronted with it. Education doesn't necessarily change this aspect. These are common occurrences with BPD, ADHD, OCD, etc etc. It's probably all it is.

I work in mental health, I see it everyday. He's harmless to everyone outside of his employer and it's being blown overboard like almost everything involving CC seems to be over the last year.

If she truly had a problem with it, she can do something about it but people acting like a murder occurred online, or are using this as gender justification are just being reactionary.

We see worse shit from our politicians and societal leaders every day with no ramifications far too often but this upsets people?

I'm sure people will be upset with this retort but damn, it's honestly a nothing burger. He'll get blacklisted if it's deemed inappropriate by the Fever and that will be a major ramification for his credentials.
Canceling Gregg Doyel on day one.. she really is the GOAT
Comparing this to let's say... the Don Imus thing.

And. Sorry I don't get it.

Awkward comment, awkwardly explained later. But expecting perfection from every host, announcer, personality 24/7 will result in lots of listening bordem. Like listening to a corporate team meeting every day, every minute.
He probably would have been okay if he'd kept his mouth shut after the press conference, or just given a straight up apology. He kept digging, which led to this.
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