Guess What? The Globe Is Warming Faster than Predicted

That's not what I asked.

How many more years does the planet have before man-made climate change makes the planet unlivable for man?

Give us the number.

As I've been pointing out for a few years now, just about any time a new report on climate change comes out, things are worse than previously thought.

The score, if anyone is counting looks like this:

Alarmists: 86
Conservative scientists and MSM: 12
Deniers: 0

[yeah, I made that up; it's probably even worse]

Here's the latest....

Startling new research finds large buildup of heat in the oceans, suggesting a faster rate of global warming

The findings mean the world might have less time to curb carbon emissions.

The world’s oceans have been soaking up far more excess heat in recent decades than scientists realized, suggesting that Earth could be set to warm even faster than predicted in the years ahead, according to new research published Wednesday.

Over the past quarter-century, the Earth’s oceans have retained 60 percent more heat each year than scientists previously had thought, said Laure Resplandy, a geoscientist at Princeton University who led the startling study published Wednesday in the journal Nature. The difference represents an enormous amount of additional energy, originating from the sun and trapped by the Earth’s atmosphere — more than 8 times the world’s energy consumption, year after year.

In the scientific realm, the new findings help to resolve long-running doubts about the rate of the warming of the oceans before 2007, when reliable measurements from devices called “Argo floats” were put to use worldwide. Before that, different types of temperature records — and an overall lack of them — contributed to murkiness about how quickly the oceans were heating up.

The higher-than-expected amount of heat in the oceans means more heat is being retained within the Earth’s climate system each year, rather than escaping into space. In essence, more heat in the oceans signals that global warming itself is more advanced than scientists thought.

“We thought that we got away with not a lot of warming in both the ocean and the atmosphere for the amount of CO2 that we emitted,” said Resplandy, who published the work with experts from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography and several other institutions in the U.S., China, France and Germany. “But we were wrong. The planet warmed more than we thought. It was hidden from us just because we didn’t sample it right. But it was there. It was in the ocean already.”

Wednesday’s study also could have important policy implications. If ocean temperatures are rising more rapidly than previously calculated, that could leave nations even less time to dramatically cut the world’s emissions of carbon dioxide, in hopes of limiting global warming to the ambitious goal of 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit) above preindustrial levels.

The world already has warmed 1 degree Celsius (1.8 degrees Fahrenheit) since the late 19th century. Scientists backed by the United Nations reported this month that with warming projected to steadily increase, the world faces a daunting challenge in trying to limit that warming to only another half-degree Celsius. The group found that it would take “unprecedented” action by leaders across the globe over the coming decade to even have a shot at that goal.

Meanwhile, the Trump administration has continued to roll back regulations aimed at reducing carbon emissions from vehicles, coal plants and other sources, and has said it intends to withdraw from the Paris climate accord. In one instance, the administration relied on an assumption that the planet will warm a disastrous 7 degrees Fahrenheit, or about 4 degrees Celsius, by the end of the century in arguing that a proposal to ease vehicle fuel-efficiency standards would have only minor climate impacts.

The new research underscores the potential consequences of global inaction. Rapidly warming oceans mean that seas will rise faster and that more heat will be delivered to critical locations that already are facing the effects of a warming climate, such as coral reefs in the tropics and the ice sheets of Greenland and Antarctica.

“In case the larger estimate of ocean heat uptake turns out to be true, adaptation to — and mitigation of — our changing climate would become more urgent,” said Pieter Tans, leader of the Carbon Cycle Greenhouse Gases Group at NOAA, who was not involved in the study.

The oceans absorb more than 90 percent of the excess energy trapped within the world’s atmosphere.

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The earth has warmed 1.8 degrees since the 1880's onward. Of course it has. We had one of the greatest cooling events in history in the 1870's, called Krakatoa. But liberals are too ****ing stupid to understand this. Geez, at least prove your point liberals! Using REAL data, not estimates. Morons.
I wouldn't know.

Of course, when I don't know about something I rely on experts to tell me.

And they can't tell you either. But what they CAN do is accept a lotta book and movie deals peddling a narrative that the world will cease to be liveable at some point in the future unless....we do......something.

The sad part is, the hucksters are keeping a lot of money away from sustainability and clean energy simply because the stigma it has outside the left of being snakeoil. If 'climate change' proponents would actually be honest about what it is (and more importantly, what it is NOT), then a lot of people would get on board with your efforts and you could actually do a LOT of good for the environment and world.

But that won't happen as long as you guys keep pushing that man-made climate change is real. That's where you lose most everyone.
That's not what I asked.

How many more years does the planet have before man-made climate change makes the planet unlivable for man?

Give us the number.
I'll go full Sith: Without drastic action, 37 years.

That's the point when increased ocean levels, devastation of ocean-based protein sources, massive disruption of traditional agricultural regions, widespread refugee problems, water wars, extended periods and areas of unsafe heat, storm damage, drought, and wildfires, epidemics and pandemics - all these things taken together will put more than half of the human population of the planet at a high risk of premature death.

37 years.

And that's probably optimistic.

Methane release is the scary variable. It can - and will - accelerate global warming and all those problems. We just don't know when that tipping point is. The alarmists who have proven to be right so far suggest 2040 may be when we hit that tipping point. And once we hit that point, we're toast. Earth won't become Venus, but barring scientific advances that border on magic, only the wealthy who have invested very wisely stand much chance of surviving to the end of this century.

Even the elites - who have cleverly changed laws to accumulate most of the world's wealth - may not be safe. If the shit hits the fan, it could keep getting worse for hundreds of years.
I'll go full Sith: Without drastic action, 37 years.

That's the point when increased ocean levels, devastation of ocean-based protein sources, massive disruption of traditional agricultural regions, widespread refugee problems, water wars, extended periods and areas of unsafe heat, storm damage, drought, and wildfires, epidemics and pandemics - all these things taken together will put more than half of the human population of the planet at a high risk of premature death.

37 years.

And that's probably optimistic.

How'd you arrive at 37 years? What's the formula you used?
The earth has warmed 1.8 degrees since the 1880's onward. Of course it has. We had one of the greatest cooling events in history in the 1870's, called Krakatoa. But liberals are too ****ing stupid to understand this. Geez, at least prove your point liberals! Using REAL data, not estimates. Morons. many things wrong here, but I'll start off with the easy one. You can't even get the year correct for the eruption of Krakatoa, but you have nerve to call other people stupid.
And they can't tell you either. But what they CAN do is accept a lotta book and movie deals peddling a narrative that the world will cease to be liveable at some point in the future unless....we do......something.

The sad part is, the hucksters are keeping a lot of money away from sustainability and clean energy simply because the stigma it has outside the left of being snakeoil. If 'climate change' proponents would actually be honest about what it is (and more importantly, what it is NOT), then a lot of people would get on board with your efforts and you could actually do a LOT of good for the environment and world.

But that won't happen as long as you guys keep pushing that man-made climate change is real. That's where you lose most everyone.

What happens if you are wrong and the hucksters are right? many things wrong here, but I'll start off with the easy one. You can't even get the year correct for the eruption of Krakatoa, but you have nerve to call other people stupid.

How many degrees did the earth cool as a result of the Krakatoa explosion? Since you know more, give us the number.
How many degrees did the earth cool as a result of the Krakatoa explosion? Since you know more, give us the number.

The Northern Hemisphere cooled roughly a degree for a year or so........roughly similar to what Pinatubo did back in 1992. But it's faulty logic to even compare something like climate to an event such as that.

We'll both be dead. The difference is, I won't have wasted my life living in fear.

Survey says..............irony.
I am worried about the future.

BTW, I am driving my family to the Minneapolis airport tonight in my giant ass SUV, we are flying down to Miami where we will embark on a 7 day cruise. I can’t wait to go diving around the coral reefs and blast around on jet skis.

When I get back I am really going to self reflect on what I could do to help the environment. Perhaps send in a few bucks to a lobbying group, you know, something that truly makes a difference.
THIS is exactly it. Some pretend to give a chit until they find out what sacrifices it would take to actually make a difference.
And how did you arrive at that number?

You're going to have to show your work if you want your man-made climate change theory to be taken seriously.

From memory, we covered volcanic eruptions and their impacts in multiple classes........and Krakatoa was nothing compared to the 1815 Tambora eruption which is responsible for the 'Year Without a Summer'

Still, these events are what's known as outliers in statistics and have very minimal affect on "climate"........I high recommend take a few seconds to actually learn what an outlier is.
From memory, we covered volcanic eruptions and their impacts in multiple classes........and Krakatoa was nothing compared to the 1815 Tambora eruption which is responsible for the 'Year Without a Summer'

Still, these events are what's known as outliers in statistics and have very minimal affect on "climate"........I high recommend take a few seconds to actually learn what an outlier is.

The asteroid that hit the planet and killed the dinosaurs was an outlier too. Did that have an impact on the climate?
The asteroid that hit the planet and killed the dinosaurs was an outlier too. Did that have an impact on the climate?

LMAO........did you really just compare those two?


And where did I say it didn't have an impact? I said it's impact was minimal........perhaps you should actually go learn what the definition of climate is, which would help you understand why.

And the K-T impact's affect on Earth's climate had more to do with WHERE it hit and not THAT it hit.
LMAO........did you really just compare those two?


And where did I say it didn't have an impact? I said it's impact was minimal........perhaps you should actually go learn what the definition of climate is, which would help you understand why.

And the K-T impact on Earth's climate had more to do with WHERE it hit and not THAT it hit.

I just asked you to quantify the impact. You stated a number. I asked you to tell us how you arrived at that number. You said something about go look up what an outlier is.

It's not my fault that you can't show your work.
IDK if global warming is real or not but what I do know is that it is used as a money making scheme by our corrupt politicians. So I'm against it.
Well then why are you guys all afraid of it?
Who's afraid of it. People treat this as if there are only two answers. Either this will definitely happen or it definitely won't happen.

The truth is that there is very real possibility that this might happen. Not definite but a probability. How much is that probability. What is the cost if that should happen? How much does it cost me to mitigate that risk? If the cost of the mitigation is less than the cost of ignoring the risk * the prob of the event happening than I mitigate.

That's how you manage risk. Fear has nothing to do with it.
Who's afraid of it. People treat this as if there are only two answers. Either this will definitely happen or it definitely won't happen.

The truth is that there is very real possibility that this might happen. Not definite but a probability. How much is that probability. What is the cost if that should happen? How much does it cost me to mitigate that risk? If the cost of the mitigation is less than the cost of ignoring the risk * the prob of the event happening than I mitigate.

That's how you manage risk. Fear has nothing to do with it.

The problem is, the goalposts keep moving. Look at the title of this thread "Guess what? The globe is warming faster than predicted"

IOW, they got it wrong on the previous prediction. How do we know they aren't wrong now as well?

"But what's the price of being wrong?!?!??"

I dunno. What's the price of living your life in fear of something that never happens?

Basically, man-made climate change theorists want to believe based on faith. That's fine, but just be upfront about it.
I just asked you to quantify the impact. You stated a number. I asked you to tell us how you arrived at that number. You said something about go look up what an outlier is.

It's not my fault that you can't show your work.

LMAO..........even if I showed my work you wouldn't understand it because you don't know the BASICS about this subject. You are starting to show your true colors OiT.

The problem is, the goalposts keep moving..

Survey says............irony II.
The problem is, the goalposts keep moving. Look at the title of this thread "Guess what? The globe is warming faster than predicted"

IOW, they got it wrong on the previous prediction. How do we know they aren't wrong now as well?

"But what's the price of being wrong?!?!??"

I dunno. What's the price of living your life in fear of something that never happens?

Basically, man-made climate change theorists want to believe based on faith. That's fine, but just be upfront about it.
I've noticed that the globe seems to warm the fastest right around election time. I think we better let scientists know.
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The problem is, the goalposts keep moving. Look at the title of this thread "Guess what? The globe is warming faster than predicted"

IOW, they got it wrong on the previous prediction. How do we know they aren't wrong now as well?

"But what's the price of being wrong?!?!??"

I dunno. What's the price of living your life in fear of something that never happens?

Basically, man-made climate change theorists want to believe based on faith. That's fine, but just be upfront about it.
Nobodies moving the goal post. You need to think critically here.

You yourself said the price of being wrong was the end of human life. Pretty consequential cost isn't it?
Nobodies moving the goal post. You need to think critically here.

You yourself said the price of being wrong was the end of human life. Pretty consequential cost isn't it?

I am thinking critically here. I don't accept theories without compelling evidence. You shouldn't either. And you should be suspicious of anyone that tells you to.

A few years ago there was some ancient Mayan prophecy that was supposed to be translated to say the world would end around this time a few years ago.

What if we had all been wrong about that? Should we have started building a lunar station on the moon to save ourselves? We had just as much evidence of that being reality as we do with man-made climate change theories.
I am thinking critically here. I don't accept theories without compelling evidence. You shouldn't either. And you should be suspicious of anyone that tells you to.

A few years ago there was some ancient Mayan prophecy that was supposed to be translated to say the world would end around this time a few years ago.

What if we had all been wrong about that? Should we have started building a lunar station on the moon to save ourselves? We had just as much evidence of that being reality as we do with man-made climate change theories.



You apparently believe the fate of the world literally depends n the theory of man-made climate change, and you are this ill-equipped to intelligently make a compelling case for believing a theory that you literally believe is life and death.

That is legit the saddest thing I have ever heard.


I am thinking critically here.

A person of your dizzying intellect should be able to think outside the box. You don't have to believe either side. You simply have to weigh the costs, benefits and probabilities that either side is correct.

You, yourself have already said that if your wrong the cost is the end of life as we know it. I'm just noting that if you are wrong the cost is substantial. If the climate change guys are wrong the cost is what?
You apparently believe the fate of the world literally depends n the theory of man-made climate change, and you are this ill-equipped to intelligently make a compelling case for believing a theory that you literally believe is life and death.

That is legit the saddest thing I have ever heard.

LMAO...........I've forgotten more about the science of Climate Change than you will ever know. It's very obvious that you've never even taken a intro Environmental class, which answers the question of what your college degree is.

You bring to mind a certain story about a pigeon playing chess.
Weird how Trad isn’t on the board anymore.... what could his new handle be?

Edit - maybe I’m wrong, I see he’s posting now.