I don't think so either but look where the progression of CC by our population has taken us.
Under May Issue if you had a good valid reason to carry you were vetted by someone local and in most situations you got your permit. How much gun crime did we have at that time?
Fast forward to Shall Issue and the need for reason went out the window and so did the vetting except for violations which would exclude you from being issued a permit. Did gun crime go down? Why not? It was easier to put more "good guys with a gun" on the street.
Fast forward to No Permit Required. Gone is all proactive restriction on anyone carrying. Instead we have an honor system in place that you are responsible to NOT carry if you have any violations or conditions that would exclude you from carrying. Do you think gun crime will go down? I doubt it but time will tell.
I predict we are more likely to just be giving ammunition to the people and their political leaders who feel no one should be able to CC and look to abolish it.
Going back 150 yrs to the wild west could be the death of CC to the responsible gun owners/carriers.