Hahaha... the Socialist challenger might beat Gwen Graham in the FL Dem primary for governor....

The Tradition

HR King
Apr 23, 2002
Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum and former Congresswoman Gwen Graham were leading the field Tuesday evening for the Democratic nomination for governor.

With 83 percent of the state’s precincts reporting, Gillum had a small lead over Graham.

Philip Levine was running third at about 8:40 p.m.

With five candidates seeking the Democratic nomination for governor, it was impossible for anyone to receive an early, commanding victory in Florida’s primary on Tuesday.

Gillum backers think his outspoken progressive views and charismatic speaking style would excite the Democratic Party base.

Graham supporters think her steady — and often unexciting — demeanor is the ideal offering in a political era marked by trash talking on Twitter.

Either candidate would be historic. Graham would be the state’s first female governor. Gillum would be Florida’s first black governor.

As of 8:40 p.m., Graham and Gillum were separated by 1.69 percent of the vote. In Florida, if the candidates are separated by 0.5 percent of the votes cast, that triggers an automatic recount by machine. If it's 0.25 percent or less, ballots are recounted by hand.

Gwen Graham is the daughter of former governor Bob Graham and the mainstream party choice.

This dude is crashing the party. ha-ha.
Does it really matter who the Democrats nominate? Christ, you all voted Rick Scott as governor (twice), who if it weren't for Trump would be known as the most corrupt politician in America. Might as well try something different. They can't do any worse than before.
Does it really matter who the Democrats nominate? Christ, you all voted Rick Scott as governor (twice), who if it weren't for Trump would be known as the most corrupt politician in America. Might as well try something different. They can't do any worse than before.

Rick Scott is going to turn our blue senate seat red.
Rick Scott has done a tremendous job as governor. Outstanding leader!

He’s a shit head who didn’t have anything better to do with his money so he bought a governorship. He thinks pumping money in to “Visit Florida” to create more crap service jobs is what counts as making Florida great. But you’re a moran with a shallow thought process so it registers as “tremendous”.
I'll chuckle and think of you when large parts of Florida are under water.

No, he will likely be pissing you off to no end when he demands your tax dollars to build the giant sea wall that they will need.
DeSantis will win and Scott will lose. If Gillum wins there will probably be a state tax. Scott is a f’ing prick.


Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum and former Congresswoman Gwen Graham were leading the field Tuesday evening for the Democratic nomination for governor.

With 83 percent of the state’s precincts reporting, Gillum had a small lead over Graham.

Philip Levine was running third at about 8:40 p.m.

With five candidates seeking the Democratic nomination for governor, it was impossible for anyone to receive an early, commanding victory in Florida’s primary on Tuesday.

Gillum backers think his outspoken progressive views and charismatic speaking style would excite the Democratic Party base.

Graham supporters think her steady — and often unexciting — demeanor is the ideal offering in a political era marked by trash talking on Twitter.

Either candidate would be historic. Graham would be the state’s first female governor. Gillum would be Florida’s first black governor.

As of 8:40 p.m., Graham and Gillum were separated by 1.69 percent of the vote. In Florida, if the candidates are separated by 0.5 percent of the votes cast, that triggers an automatic recount by machine. If it's 0.25 percent or less, ballots are recounted by hand.

Gwen Graham is the daughter of former governor Bob Graham and the mainstream party choice.

This dude is crashing the party. ha-ha.

I always love how the Cons think the strongest criticism of a politician they can make is that he/she is a socialist and yet they support the socialist policies of Trump.

I think they don't really understand the term.
Florida is ridiculously difficult to poll, particularly in the summer. No one saw this coming at all and so I'd find it hard to pick favorites in either the governor or Senate race there.

It will give us a very interesting insight going into 2020. Depending on who performs better, the progressive Gillum or the moderate & pragmatic Nelson, it will give clear direction on which type of Democrat is better suited to potentially win Florida, which is of course, the path to the White House.
If the GOP hadn't been such a gigantic failure the last two years this wouldn't have happened. Happy cons? The American people are being pushed to the left because of you.
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I always love how the Cons think the strongest criticism of a politician they can make is that he/she is a socialist and yet they support the socialist policies of Trump.

I think they don't really understand the term.

Ummmm, what socialist policies? By 1960's standards, todays Republicans are freeking right wing nutjobs, even Trump.
Ummmm, what socialist policies? By 1960's standards, todays Republicans are freeking right wing nutjobs, even Trump.

While it's not actually socialism, I think he's referring to the bailout that Trump is giving to farmers to help make up for the loss of sales due to other nations counter tarriffing their products.

If the Dems did that they would scream socialism. But since it's Trump and it's their base then they are all on board with government handouts.
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While it's not actually socialism, I think he's referring to the bailout that Trump is giving to farmers to help make up for the loss of sales due to other nations counter tarriffing their products.

If the Dems did that they would scream socialism. But since it's Trump and it's their base then they are all on board with government handouts.
Does it really matter who the Democrats nominate? Christ, you all voted Rick Scott as governor (twice), who if it weren't for Trump would be known as the most corrupt politician in America. Might as well try something different. They can't do any worse than before.
#10 Ray Nagin
Scandal: New Orleans Shakedown (2004-2010)
Money: $500,000 / worth $600,000 today

#9 The Keating Five
Scandal: Savings and Loan Crisis (1989)
Money: $1.3 million / worth $2.5 million today

#8 Randy “Duke” Cunningham
Scandal: Bribery and Corruption (2004-2005)
Money: $2.4 million / worth $3 million today

#7 Edwin W. Edwards
Scandal: Racketeering and Extortion (1991-1997)
Money: $3 million / worth $4.6 million today

#6 Paul Powell
Scandal: Shoebox Scandal (1965-1970)
Money: $800,000 / worth $4.8 million today

#5 Kwame M. Kilpatrick
Scandal: Detroit's Crime Boss Mayor (2002-2008)
Money: $4.5 million / worth $5 million today

#4 Warren G. Harding
Scandal: Teapot Dome (1921)
Money: $400,000 / worth $5.3 million today

#3 Richard M. Nixon
Scandal: Watergate (1972-1974)
Money: $500,000 to $1 million / worth $2.8 million to$5.6 million today

#2 Ulysses S. Grant
Scandal: Whiskey Ring (1871-1875)
Money: $3 million / worth $63.7 million today

#1 William M. “Boss” Tweed
Scandal: Tammany Hall / The Tweed Ring (1869-1877)
Money: $6 million to $200 million / worth $129 million to $4.3 billion today
@The Tradition chances the communist wins?

You know Bernie will be down there campaigning. You also know they will be bringing in thousands of Puerto Ricans between now and election day to vote in Florida.
While it's not actually socialism, I think he's referring to the bailout that Trump is giving to farmers to help make up for the loss of sales due to other nations counter tarriffing their products.

If the Dems did that they would scream socialism. But since it's Trump and it's their base then they are all on board with government handouts.
And don't forget the massive welfare given to the business community by way of tax policies
#10 Ray Nagin
Scandal: New Orleans Shakedown (2004-2010)
Money: $500,000 / worth $600,000 today

#9 The Keating Five
Scandal: Savings and Loan Crisis (1989)
Money: $1.3 million / worth $2.5 million today

#8 Randy “Duke” Cunningham
Scandal: Bribery and Corruption (2004-2005)
Money: $2.4 million / worth $3 million today

#7 Edwin W. Edwards
Scandal: Racketeering and Extortion (1991-1997)
Money: $3 million / worth $4.6 million today

#6 Paul Powell
Scandal: Shoebox Scandal (1965-1970)
Money: $800,000 / worth $4.8 million today

#5 Kwame M. Kilpatrick
Scandal: Detroit's Crime Boss Mayor (2002-2008)
Money: $4.5 million / worth $5 million today

#4 Warren G. Harding
Scandal: Teapot Dome (1921)
Money: $400,000 / worth $5.3 million today

#3 Richard M. Nixon
Scandal: Watergate (1972-1974)
Money: $500,000 to $1 million / worth $2.8 million to$5.6 million today

#2 Ulysses S. Grant
Scandal: Whiskey Ring (1871-1875)
Money: $3 million / worth $63.7 million today

#1 William M. “Boss” Tweed
Scandal: Tammany Hall / The Tweed Ring (1869-1877)
Money: $6 million to $200 million / worth $129 million to $4.3 billion today
Is that Tweed guy running in this race?
Gillum will beat DeSantis. He is a panhandle democrat that will get out the vote. He spent $800,000 compared to Levine's $26 million and Graham's $8 million.
No way Gillum wins. He beat Graham (33% to 31%) because of
Levine and Greene running. If it had just been Graham and Gillum, Graham wins easily. She was the only Democrat that had a shot of beating the Republican.
Just saw him on MTP Daily and I was impressed. I don't know if he can win, but he is running the way Democrats should run and that's not to apologize for their positions. Fox News has convinced so many Democrats that actually campaigning for "what they believe in" will "energize the conservative base". All being timid does is depress the Democratic vote. Gee, I wonder why Fox News keeps spreading that idea.

If he loses, at least he will have lost running a real campaign.
By the way, Gillum went on record to say he would not endorse a state tax. He did say he would raise the corporate tax rate though.
By the way, Gillum went on record to say he would not endorse a state tax. He did say he would raise the corporate tax rate though.

This is all constitutional anyway. He can’t just change the tax laws. It’s just Republican fear-mongering. It’s all the modern Republican Party has to offer.
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