Half a million immigrants could eventually get US citizenship under a sweeping new plan from Biden

Politically risky IMO.

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden ordered expansive election-year action Tuesday to offer potential citizenship to hundreds of thousands of immigrants without legal status in the U.S., aiming to balance his recent aggressive crackdown on the southern border that enraged advocates and many Democratic lawmakers.

The president announced that his administration will, in the coming months, allow certain U.S. citizens’ spouses without legal status to apply for permanent residency and eventually citizenship without having to first depart the country. The action by Biden, a Democrat, could affect upwards of half a million immigrants, according to senior administration officials.

“The Statue of Liberty is not some relic of American history. It still stands for who we are,” Biden said from a crowded East Room at the White House, filled with advocates, congressional Democrats and immigrants who would be eligible for the program. “But I also refuse to believe that for us to continue to be America that embraces immigration, we have to give up securing our border. They’re false choices.”
To be honest, I’m surprised they don’t get $100k upon citizenship.
It's not - the President has the Constitutional right to issue EOs. He's doing it because the legislature has not.

Are you purposely suggesting I am being obtuse as an overused effort to deflect once again?

So predictable.
Why did Bidens 2022 executive order to forgive student loan debt get overturned Riley?

I know this will shock you but executive orders do get overturned from time to time :)
Why did Bidens 2022 executive order to forgive student loan debt get overturned Riley?

I know this will shock you but executive orders do get overturned from time to time :)
Sure they do, but that's not the point.

You miss the point a lot.
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Guess I don't understand why that was ever a requirement to be honest.

It's not a requirement for many immigrant/nonimmigrant classifications. And keep in mind, a requirement to adjust status (go from an immigrant or nonimmigrant classification to Conditional or Permanent Resident) is they have to be in the country.

And yes, in some cases what Bin is saying is correct, there are some nonimmigrant statuses that have a residence requirement, meaning they have to leave the country before they can adjust.

And I also agree, to a point, with Bin about if some of this is within POTUS perview to do so. I also know that at different times in the past, previous POTUS put limitations or exceptions in place until the issue was addressed by Congress.

I will also tell people that when it comes to immigration, most people don't actually know what the law says. There are things that sound contradictory within US Code that aren't, because certain parts of the law only apply in very narrow situations. Two sections can be worded almost identically except for one small part, yet they have nothing to do with each other.

Example - no one can actually enter the country illegally. You are either inspected or not inspected (if you are an immigrant or nonimmigrant). And entering without being inspected doesn't automatically make you inadmissible or deportable.
And, one thing I should add, there are a couple of hundred immigrant and nonimmigrant classifications. Specifics that apply to one classification don't always apply to others. So it's nearly impossible to make blanket statements regarding requirements.
Ummm…I went through the process with my wife. He’s eliminating the need for them to leave the country to apply for legal status.
I'm interested in your story. How did you meet your wife? Did you marry before she returned to her country? How long did she have to stay in her home country before returning to the US? Where is she from originally? Feel free to ignore any question you think is too personal. I'm honestly just curious, I'm not trying to make some point.
I'm interested in your story. How did you meet your wife? Did you marry before she returned to her country? How long did she have to stay in her home country before returning to the US? Where is she from originally? Feel free to ignore any question you think is too personal. I'm honestly just curious, I'm not trying to make some point.
Met in Germany. Got married while visiting my Mom in California. Basically lived in Germany the next 26 years. I was stationed there and worked there after I retired from the military.

Couldn't apply for a "green card" until I established a residence in the states (more importantly she had to live in the states once approved) and the original "plan" was to stay in Germany. Got a civilian job on Eglin, started the application process. She stayed in Germany with my youngest daughter until it was complete. Took around 10 months.

She moved here and has been here ever since. She wants to get dual citizenship and the Germans are changing their law concerning that in July, very difficult to do that previously.
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Politically risky IMO.

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden ordered expansive election-year action Tuesday to offer potential citizenship to hundreds of thousands of immigrants without legal status in the U.S., aiming to balance his recent aggressive crackdown on the southern border that enraged advocates and many Democratic lawmakers.

The president announced that his administration will, in the coming months, allow certain U.S. citizens’ spouses without legal status to apply for permanent residency and eventually citizenship without having to first depart the country. The action by Biden, a Democrat, could affect upwards of half a million immigrants, according to senior administration officials.

“The Statue of Liberty is not some relic of American history. It still stands for who we are,” Biden said from a crowded East Room at the White House, filled with advocates, congressional Democrats and immigrants who would be eligible for the program. “But I also refuse to believe that for us to continue to be America that embraces immigration, we have to give up securing our border. They’re false choices.”

It's "residency".

Not "citizenship".

They have to apply for citizenship. Difference here is they can remain legally as residents while they wait to apply for citizenship and wait their turn in line like everyone else.
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If only Biden would address the glaring issue of C list models facing so many hurdles in falsifying a visa to gain entry into the US and then marry a fat rich guy in order to squirt out an anchor baby and gain citizenship for herself, her parents, and her sister in an expedited manner.
You mean families like my dad's where my grandpa beat and raped my grandma weekly for decades? And grandma had little recourse other than just "lie back and enjoy it"
So your inbred retarded family has what to do with this? West Virginia isn’t the norm. You’re an anomaly. So all nuclear families are just like yours and we should end them because they cause normal people to rape their wives? Get some help.
Democrats recently offered an immigration bill compromise that republicans refused to address.
So, to make progress, Biden is proposing an executive order.
Much like Trump did when he restricted immigration through executive order. Which was then struck down by the courts. This bill will face the same path, and we’ll see what the courts decide.

But, this is a great example of when people complain about illegal immigration, but then when there is a proposal to expand legal immigration to address it, those same people end up having to admit they actually don’t want any immigration.
So, you are mad Biden is attempting to fix something you shouldn’t have had to deal with?
No. It would have been better to streamline and improve the process.

What sucks about the process is it's slow. You basically have to fill out what is pretty much the same paperwork 3 times. One for State department, DHS and border and customs.

Letting folks come in undocumented and letting them take care of it in country isn't the answer.

I also don't think Joe has the power to basically amnesty these folks through executive order.
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So your inbred retarded family has what to do with this? West Virginia isn’t the norm. You’re an anomaly. So all nuclear families are just like yours and we should end them because they cause normal people to rape their wives? Get some help.

So, your family falls in the "Just lie back and enjoy it" category, got it.

BTW, were you dropped on your head as a child? Or did you inherit this from your parents and their bottom 20% IQs? There is help for you

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