Half of the HBOT first page is the same two losers with multiple accounts hating on Kamala

Ignore them
All those threads have "but Trump" replies back.


The other half is libs bashing Trump and Rs. What's your point.
Those replies are more than fair. Any criticism of Harris's character, personality, or behavior that the MAGAs try to focus on are exhibited by Trump on a far greater scale. He's basically the personification of the seven deadly sins.
I would bet these angry guys starting the threads with all their Harris hate either:

A. Were terminated for attitude issues from a job or jobs by a Black manager (and of course that was DEI as they should have been boss)
B. Caught one or more of their ex-spouses having affairs with Black women or men
C. Were dumped by a Black a woman (or man) years ago and have never gotten over it
D. All of the above

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