Harreld addresses dozens at Graduate Student Senate


HB King
May 29, 2001
Good for him!:

The new University of Iowa president told the body representing its more than 5,000 graduate students Wednesday that the university needs to take more pride in its reputation of providing a strong, liberal arts education.

“I think we’re a little uncomfortable with who we are,” UI President Bruce Harreld said in a special meeting of the UI Graduate Student Senate. “… We’re a classic liberal arts college, and in a world of STEM, we’re almost embarrassed to say it.”

With several dozen members of the senate present — along with another dozen protesters lining the back of the room — the event was among the largest public gatherings Harreld has addressed since his public forum as a candidate for the job.

The senate, along with the broader UI Graduate and Professional Student Government, was one of the governance groups on campus that criticized the Iowa Board of Regents for the search process that led to Harreld’s hiring in September.

Anticipating questions about his goals for the university, Harreld said he is still only able to provide “glimpses of my vision.” With less than three weeks on the job, he said he still is assessing the needs of the 400 undergraduate groups on campus along with various groups representing graduate and professional students, faculty, staff and other community stakeholders.

“What we are doing right now is a collection process,” said Harreld, who became UI's 21st president after a career in corporations such as IBM and Boston Chicken. “I’m opening the floodgates.”

Once the needs and priorities from all those groups are compiled into a single list, Harreld said, he will work with the deans and administrators to create a team to evaluate reconcile those priorities as much as possible, then decide which are possible quickly and which will require more time.

“Your needs, right now, are behind the scenes,” Harreld said. “You’ve got to get them on the table.”

High on his own list of priorities, Harreld said, is to improve UI’s ranking when it comes to faculty compensation. He said he has been hearing that, with UI’s below-average faculty pay, the university is in danger of being raided for its best faculty while simultaneously being unable to backfill because they don’t have enough to offer for starting salaries.

“The current process in the last decade caused us to lose 110 tenure-track faculty,” Harreld said. “Should we fix that? You’re damn right. Don’t ask me if it’s 110 we’re going to hire back or 120. I don’t know. But we’ve got to fix that."

Harreld’s comments had mixed reaction from the audience.

“It’s clear to me that President Bruce Harreld has certainly learned a lot between the time of his initial appointment and now,” said Nicole Jardine, GSS president and a graduate student in the UI Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences. “I think it’s also clear that he’s going to have to continue to ramp up his learning about what really makes graduate education important.”

Jardine said while she heard Harreld focus much on graduate teaching, she would have liked to hear him talk more about the importance of research to the university as a whole.

Harreld also hit a sour note with his audience when he suggested that his experience as a lecturer at Harvard Business School was representative of the average adjunct professor or lecturer at UI.

“I was getting paid a pittance of what I got paid before, but that was OK because I was trying to do something else to give back," Harreld said. "If on the other hand, we’re going to have to provide gainful employment, (the adjuncts) are going to have to fit within the envelope of what we can afford. And if they don’t like that role, they should find some other place to work.”

Protesters at the meeting held signs with various pointed questions and renewed a call for Harreld to participate in a “true public forum.”

The questions asked to Harreld had been chosen and vetted by the senate. One questioner, however, did go off script to ask about whether Harreld would submit to a more free-wielding conversation in public.

Harreld said he would be happy to submit to such a forum, after he had met with more members of the UI community and if it was based more on Wednesday’s forum than the “gotcha” experience of his earlier public forum.
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