Harreld didnt want job....Was persuaded

Good to hear you found articles/cases about his work to be worth the read. By the way - I assume you know who Jerre Stead is. Does the fact he was fundamental in the recruiting efforts improve your opinion of Harreld?
Stead is extremely well-respected, and would certainly be a reference ANYBODY would want.
I think Rastetter has appeared pretty disingenuous during this whole selection process, and unfortunately Harreld has become kind of the lightning rod for it. And I'm just as guilty putting some of the blame on him. Reading recent interviews suggests to me that Harreld sees this as a challenge that could actually make a legacy for himself. In our emails back and forth I'm convinced that Harreld really has his finger on the pulse of the changing atmosphere of research intensive academia. If what he and others are predicting about the future landscape of funding in higher learning come to fruition, we're going to need someone with precisely the type of experience he has. Someone, who might be able to set up the university in a manner such that we will be ahead of the curve when it comes to changes in funding models.

I have a stack of articles and chapters about congruence models and the like that I'm going to read so I don't appear too ignorant.
Stead is extremely well-respected, and would certainly be a reference ANYBODY would want.
I think Rastetter has appeared pretty disingenuous during this whole selection process, and unfortunately Harreld has become kind of the lightning rod for it. And I'm just as guilty putting some of the blame on him. Reading recent interviews suggests to me that Harreld sees this as a challenge that could actually make a legacy for himself. In our emails back and forth I'm convinced that Harreld really has his finger on the pulse of the changing atmosphere of research intensive academia. If what he and others are predicting about the future landscape of funding in higher learning come to fruition, we're going to need someone with precisely the type of experience he has. Someone, who might be able to set up the university in a manner such that we will be ahead of the curve when it comes to changes in funding models.

I have a stack of articles and chapters about congruence models and the like that I'm going to read so I don't appear too ignorant.

Is that a light bulb I see turning on above your head? Do you see now why I was exited by the prospects of this hire and its potential as a positive change? I hope in 10 years other schools will be using the U of Iowa as THE model for research based academic institutions. As for funding - agreed - that's what I was alluding to regarding the licensing group. I know there are other potential approaches to increase funding - but that is a natural place to start. Iowa just needs to get people who know what they are doing in there - as the current folks don't seem to get it. Or at very least - try to bring in more expertise.

Based on what I had read about Harrelds - he seems like the absolute best hire to take Iowa to a new level. Let's hope it works.
Is that a light bulb I see turning on above your head? Do you see now why I was exited by the prospects of this hire and its potential as a positive change? I hope in 10 years other schools will be using the U of Iowa as THE model for research based academic institutions. As for funding - agreed - that's what I was alluding to regarding the licensing group. I know there are other potential approaches to increase funding - but that is a natural place to start. Iowa just needs to get people who know what they are doing in there - as the current folks don't seem to get it.

Based on what I had read about Harrelds - he seems like the absolute best hire to take Iowa to a new level. Let's hope it works.
Yes, I've done a turn around regarding him. I think having actually communicated with him goes a long way to assuaging some of my initial anxiety about him. I think it is imperative the campus gives him their full support, otherwise nobody benefits. Additionally, I certainly DO NOT see him as just a mouth piece for the BoR. Things he said tells me Rastetter will have a tough time if that's what he hopes for from Harreld.

I still think the selection process could have been handled better, though.
New funding model? Is that a fancy way of saying cutting state support?

I do not understand why cutting state support is viewed as some sort of fait accompli.
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Yes, I've done a turn around regarding him. I think having actually communicated with him goes a long way to assuaging some of my initial anxiety about him. I think it is imperative the campus gives him their full support, otherwise nobody benefits. Additionally, I certainly DO NOT see him as just a mouth piece for the BoR. Things he said tells me Rastetter will have a tough time if that's what he hopes for from Harreld.

I still think the selection process could have been handled better, though.

Agreed. But I do believe no matter how the process would have worked there would have been outrage because they hired a business guy - not an academic.

As for the mouthpiece thing - that was never believable to me as Harreld has definitely worked with much bigger dogs than Rastetter in his career.
New funding model? Is that a fancy way of saying cutting state support?

I do not understand why cutting state support is viewed as some sort of fait accompli.

Do you have some sort of deficiency that doesn't allow you to actually process information?
The guy needs a fair shake. He IS the U of I president - despite what some wish to be the truth. You university will have a hard time moving forward unless people get onboard. Time will tell if he was a good hire but for now, he deserves a chance ... It's not his fault for getting the job.
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In the business world people frequently are recruited to a new job. You do not have to be looking for something to get calls and often the first response is no.
True, but in those cases the business world generally doesn't spend over 300 grand and waste a lot of people's time pretending to consider 30 or 40 other candidates. Find the guy you want, talk him into taking the job and walk off whistling.
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Moonbats accomplishing much today.

For "not caring" you sure are participating quite a bit in these types of threads. Weird. I know that I also, like to chime in on a subject I don't care about at least 6 or 7 times just so people know how little I care. Your state isn't a prize as of late. Maybe stick to things a little closer to home.