Fox news didn't make the price of everything rise by 20-45% I er the past 3 years, nor did they allow record numbers of illegals over the border virtually unchecked over the past 3 years.
These are real things that matter to many people, and Biden/Harris presided over it. Sure we can say trump/pandemic is the reason for all of that, but it isn't lost on many people that Dems were the driving force between shutdowns, vaccine mandates, and restrictions that sent the economy into freefall.
While Trump is a highly undesirable human being, people simply were better off for the vast majority of his presidency than they have been under Biden Harris.
Since Republicans were unable to get together and elect someone reasonable, people are left to choose between the life they had 2016-2020, or more of '21-24. It isn't hard to see why people would support Trump.
Abortion is the big winning issue for dems, but it's having to work very hard given how relatively few voters are impacted by it.
Fox news is the reason why Republicans back Trump in the first place. Because they have been filled with hatred, anger, and fear.
I'm not blaming them for not being huge Biden/Harris fans. There are certainly reasonable reasons to not like Biden/Harris.
But those reasons pale in comparison to the danger that Trump presents to the country. The man attempted a coup and Republicans nominated him again. This says that the Republicans in general want a dictator and they want that dictator to be Trump.
I'd rather have a recession for the next 8 years than have a dictator.
Also the inflation is on Trump too. The money supply started exploding under his watch during the pandemic. We didn't feel the inflation immediately because people were saving their money. Once they started spending money again inflation was inevitable given the money supply explosion that had happened.