Harris on 18-24 year olds…

Your candidate thinks we should let disabled people just die. You tell us which is worse. Thanks.
Your media (msnbc) allowed a 3rd hand ( wallace) to read of an event that supposedly happened several years ago and cannot be confirmed by anyone, again, but sure, he wanted to "let disabled people die".

I've never been a "TDS" guy but there is something to this. The media REALLY impacted some of you.
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I’ve got to admit that you have got me on thiis.

How could anyone possibly vote for Harris after seeing this clip.

Now it’s easy to vote for the guy who called buried soldiers “suckers and losers”.
And who praised Putin……etc
Meanwhile trump calls his supporters “disgusting” and in private talks about how stupid they are according to people from his last admin. And they prove it daily, one of the very few things he is right about. Hilarious that he despises those that vote for him and they don’t care.
I still can’t figure out how OP went from so anti-Trump in 2020 that he begged for Biden to where he is now. Sure I get someone wouldn’t vote for Biden now, but how do you flip back to Trump in 2024? Especially now that there is a non-ancient alternative.

What the hell good thing did Trump do in the last four years that would cause someone to say they want back on that crazy train? Since then he is a felon, found liable for sexual assault, many of his supporters are felons in prison for disrupting an election (or sued into bankruptcy for the same).

And to top that off, Trump is against clean energy which is purportedly the number one issue OP cared about over the past several years.

The bottom line is OP simply cannot be taken seriously. He trolls so hard he started to believe his own product.
Comments last nite from Trump:
"America is stupid"
" if Kamala is elected there will be no cows"
"If kamala is elected there will be no people"

Trump's level of discourse is maybe 2nd grade but pretty sure my 3rd grade grandson would not buy it.
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1. She's right. As a group they are idiots and that's OK. I wish I was an idiot at that age again.

2. As a politician anything you say can and will be used against you so choose your words wisely.
Yeah I thought off the cuff generalizations insulting a huge voting base senselessly was generally frowned upon from politicians but here comes the idiot brigade (not you) to attack the messenger and ignore the message.
Person taking a small sound byte from a larger speech and calling others the idiot brigade.
I still can’t figure out how OP went from so anti-Trump in 2020 that he begged for Biden to where he is now. Sure I get someone wouldn’t vote for Biden now, but how do you flip back to Trump in 2024? Especially now that there is a non-ancient alternative.

What the hell good thing did Trump do in the last four years that would cause someone to say they want back on that crazy train? Since then he is a felon, found liable for sexual assault, many of his supporters are felons in prison for disrupting an election (or sued into bankruptcy for the same).

And to top that off, Trump is against clean energy which is purportedly the number one issue OP cared about over the past several years.

The bottom line is OP simply cannot be taken seriously. He trolls so hard he started to believe his own product.
Elon Musk
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I’ve got to admit that you have got me on thiis.

How could anyone possibly vote for Harris after seeing this clip.

Now it’s easy to vote for the guy who called buried soldiers “suckers and losers”.
And who praised Putin……etc
Another lie that was allowed to run rampant in the MSM.

They played a long game, no doubt.
I still can’t figure out how OP went from so anti-Trump in 2020 that he begged for Biden to where he is now. Sure I get someone wouldn’t vote for Biden now, but how do you flip back to Trump in 2024? Especially now that there is a non-ancient alternative.

What the hell good thing did Trump do in the last four years that would cause someone to say they want back on that crazy train? Since then he is a felon, found liable for sexual assault, many of his supporters are felons in prison for disrupting an election (or sued into bankruptcy for the same).

And to top that off, Trump is against clean energy which is purportedly the number one issue OP cared about over the past several years.

The bottom line is OP simply cannot be taken seriously. He trolls so hard he started to believe his own product.
Alphabet agencies non stop corruption

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