Have any MAGA posters called for Trump to leave the election after his debate?

Pretty sure most of them are firmly dug in by this point. We knew they'd never change.
You Cant See Me Going Away GIF by Film Riot

I'm more so concerned about those voters who won't admit they'll vote for him but on election day will still vote for him because, you know, those evil dems!
Melania Trump Conspiracy GIF
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They are moving off of the Great Lie on Haitian’s eating pets to now how ABC and Harris colluded on debate. By Saturday he will be working this lie into his Rally schtick and all will believe to be true. It’s really sad.

They are moving off of the Great Lie on Haitian’s eating pets to now how ABC and Harris colluded on debate. By Saturday he will be working this lie into his Rally schtick and all will believe to be true. It’s really sad.

Do you think he or his team is savvy enough to realize (or care) that this will essentially acknowledge that Harris won the debate?
They are moving off of the Great Lie on Haitian’s eating pets to now how ABC and Harris colluded on debate. By Saturday he will be working this lie into his Rally schtick and all will believe to be true. It’s really sad.

The questions were about the economy, inflation, and the border. What kind of idiot, besides Trump, couldn't predict these?
these weirdos are truly insane. only a moron would believe this pet stuff and kids getting gender changes at school. even the diehards have to be a little embarrassed at this point
They'll make some sort of idiotic stretch to make it seem like Trump is actually telling the truth. I wouldn't be shocked to see ol WDT say that he read online that a boy went to school once and got called a girl by a bunch of bullies and therefore it was basically a sex change and Trump wants to stop it from happening so we have to vote him into office.
There can't be anyone remotely undecided at this point!

And I'm convinced there's a significant percentage of those asked on their preference are lying to the pollsters.
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