HBOT Republicans sure are a sensitive bunch

Mister Hawkeyes

HB All-State
Feb 3, 2013
What happened to you guys and gals? Good Lord. The moment President Biden announced he was suspending his campaign and endorsing Kamala Harris, you guys went into straight snowflake mode. You can't even have formal, educated conversations. So far it has been fake pictures of Kamala with Epstein, calling Kamala the blow job queen, quoting Trump's opinions on Kamala. I get not liking her, but damn. You guys just went straight to being a bunch of pouty babies.

I thought the GOP was supposed to represent the strong working-class type. The first ones there, last to leave. The bring your lunchpail to work kind of person. The prototypical masculine Alpha Male we should all strive to be. Now you guys all sound like you need a safe space to hide in and cry. What happened?
I thought the GOP was supposed to represent the strong working-class type. The first ones there, last to leave. The bring your lunchpail to work kind of person. The prototypical masculine Alpha Male we should all strive to be.
Literally none of these qualities describe their lord, savior, and cult leader Donald Trump.

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