Helmet Laws/Abortion


Aug 11, 2020
The Iowa motorcycle mortality rate thread got me thinking. Does “my body, my decision” apply to both of these? If you are pro choice, does that mean helmets and babies?
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The Iowa motorcycle mortality rate thread got me thinking. Does “my body, my decision” apply to both of these? If you are pro choice, does that mean helmets and babies?
Epic Fail GIF
Good one. Care to answer the question?
What the **** is the question?

Yeah, if you put a helmet on Tall Tommy, ya know, wrap it before you tap it, that would probably reduce unwanted pregnancies that lead to abortions.

Excellent observation, Ronald.
What the **** is the question?

Yeah, if you put a helmet on Tall Tommy, ya know, wrap it before you tap it, that would probably reduce unwanted pregnancies that lead to abortions.

Excellent observation, Ronald.

Huh? Did you actually read the question? What do rubbers have to do with motorcycle helmet laws?

I will simplify it for you. We (myself included) use “my body, my choice” mantra used to support a pro choice opinion and to keep abortion legal. Does that same mantra apply to laws requiring motorcycle riders to wear helmets?
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"My body, my decision" could apply in some degree to a number of illegal activities as well. Drug use. Euthanasia. Underage drinking and smoking. How can abortion be legal but the right to plan one's death not be? I'm pro-choice, btw. And pro-Euthanasia.
"My body, my decision" could apply in some degree to a number of illegal activities as well. Drug use. Euthanasia. Underage drinking and smoking. How can abortion be legal but the right to plan one's death not be? I'm pro-choice, btw. And pro-Euthanasia.

Thanks for the answer. Take the underage part out of it as I am taking about consenting adults. Smoking, drinking, and various levels of drug use are great examples. All of those have demonstrable cost to society. Euthanasia and motorcycle helmets actually do not. They are a net positive in the financial spectrum yet we have helmet laws in 47 states. Why? Is it not their body and their choice?

If you don’t mind, maybe you could stop by Ragnars house and provide some lessons on reading comprehension.
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The same as motorcycle helmets have nothing to do with women’s reproductive health.

Last try I guess. I will simplify it for you. We (myself included) use “my body, my choice” mantra used to support a pro choice opinion and to keep abortion legal. Does that same mantra apply to laws requiring motorcycle riders to wear helmets?
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Last try I guess. I will simplify it for you. We (myself included) use “my body, my choice” mantra used to support a pro choice opinion and to keep abortion legal. Does that same mantra apply to laws requiring motorcycle riders to wear helmets?
I understood the question from the beginning.

I just think it’s a rather stupid one.

A better connection to abortion would have been, does “my body, my choice” apply to vaccines?

And my answer would be that it should.
I support a whole lot of different ways of reducing the population: abortion, riding without helmets/ seatbelts, euthenasia, death penalty, eating tide pods, trying to get a selfie as close to the edge of the grand canyon as possible, etc.

The death penalty though? Ouch.
Thanks for the answer. Take the underage part out of it as I am taking about consenting adults. Smoking, drinking, and various levels of drug use are great examples. All of those have demonstrable cost to society. Euthanasia and motorcycle helmets actually do not. They are a net positive in the financial spectrum yet we have helmet laws in 47 states. Why? Is it not their body and their choice?

If you don’t mind, maybe you could stop by Ragnars house and provide some lessons on reading comprehension.
So how is forcing women and girls into motherhood financially beneficial? Seems like it's a steep financial cost.
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The Iowa motorcycle mortality rate thread got me thinking. Does “my body, my decision” apply to both of these? If you are pro choice, does that mean helmets and babies?

Is a medical procedure required to put on a helmet? That is the difference

As to why there are helmet/seatbelt laws, the persons who frequently do not adhere to safety options are poors, so forcing them to protect themselves saves non poors millions
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Is a medical procedure required to put on a helmet? That is the difference

As to why there are helmet/seatbelt laws, the persons who frequently do not adhere to safety options are poors, so forcing them to protect themselves saves non poors millions

With regard to helmet laws, it doesn’t. It actually cost society at large more.

And you are saying that a persons choice to do with as they please with their own body is dependent upon whether the action is a surgical procedure? I don’t even know where to start with that.
Huh? Did you actually read the question? What do rubbers have to do with motorcycle helmet laws?

I will simplify it for you. We (myself included) use “my body, my choice” mantra used to support a pro choice opinion and to keep abortion legal. Does that same mantra apply to laws requiring motorcycle riders to wear helmets?
No. Although it does leave less time for law enforcement to keep a watchful eye on those they've profiled as suspicious (for whatever reason let's not jump to conclusions) when they have to do the scraping skull off pavement paperwork then notify next of kin. Definitely helps keep the morgue churn constant which frees up hospital beds if you want to consider the positives.
The Iowa motorcycle mortality rate thread got me thinking. Does “my body, my decision” apply to both of these? If you are pro choice, does that mean helmets and babies?

For me, yes. Although I do feel sorry for EMT’s that have to scrape up the motorcyclist skid marks. It’s common enough though so they get used to it.
OPs question may be the dumbest attempt to make two things analogous I have ever seen. These are opposites in almost every way that matters, other than they both involve an individual’s ability to make a choice between two things.

On the one hand abortion restrictions impose a potential financial, health and emotional cost on the prospective mother AND, all too often, on society. The choice for an abortion prevents these costs.

On the other hand, the refusal to wear a helmet dramatically increases the risk of a bad outcome and puts a potential financial, health and emotional cost on the rider and, all too often, on society. The choice to ride sans helmet exacerbates these things.
lol. No, you didn’t. Nice recovery though.
Recovery from what?

You’re the one who posted this dumbass thread presumably for the purpose of denigrating what should be a woman’s legal right to have autonomy over her own reproductive healthcare.

I simply provided the mirror.
So how is forcing women and girls into motherhood financially beneficial? Seems like it's a steep financial cost.

If the right really wanted to put "common sense" abortion legislation in place, they would not use non-medical and non-legal language like "to save the life of the mother".

They would identify every possible medical condition that could require an abortion (ectopic, risk of sepsis, non-viable fetus, etc) and literally list every medical code as an abortion exception, all the way to term.

It would not be difficult at all, to do this. But they will not, because it will allow medically necessary abortions, and ones they don't agree with to still take place. Then, hospitals would have the exact medical codes to enter when performing abortions to avoid any confusion by the staff/physicians. Would not be difficult to codify, at all, really.

But that is not the goal of the right. They want a religious patriarchy, where men get to dictate those rules, arbitrarily. That's a feature, not a bug.
Weird that he wants to conflate something medically necessary (abortion) with a completely voluntary activity (owning/riding a motorcycle).
Actually, I wanted to conflate the right of a women to choose what she wants to do with her body with the right of a motorcycle rider to do what they want with their body by choosing not to wear a helmet.

Jojo, I know that you know the definition of “elective procedure”. An abortion is “medically necessary” less than 1% of the time. The vast majority of abortions are elective, not medically necessary. I am pro choice and support the right of the woman. (Nobody asked, they just assumed that this was left vs right) I also support the right of a motorcycle rider to take their life into their own hands by not wearing a helmet. This thread, however absurd you and others may think it is, shines a light on how many people’s politics aren’t based principles. They are based on what individual situations they would like the government to control in other people.
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Actually, I wanted to conflate the right of a women to choose what she wants to do with her body with the right of a motorcycle rider to do what they want with their body by choosing not to wear a helmet.

And riding a motorcycle is a voluntary action.
Having a problem pregnancy, is not.
Recovery from what?

You’re the one who posted this dumbass thread presumably for the purpose of denigrating what should be a woman’s legal right to have autonomy over her own reproductive healthcare.

I simply p

Actually, you have been led around by your nose to prove a point. I am pro choice. I never once “denigrated” anything. I simply provided a mirror to show how binary and reactionary people are and how “principles” like personal health decisions only go as far as someone’s political bent.
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Weird that he wants to conflate something medically necessary (abortion) with a completely voluntary activity (owning/riding a motorcycle)
Lol. A very small percentage of abortions are “medically necessary”. The vast majority are “completely voluntary”.
The shitty thing about helmets is that they do take away from the "experience" of riding. At least full-faced helmets do. And they're the only helmets that make a big difference for rider safety. Open-faced helmets don't do nearly as much as a lot of serious or fatal motorcycle accidents involve a rider being throw forward and impacting things with their face and chin.
So you don’t support a woman’s right to choose if it is not a problem pregnancy?
Sometimes they do not choose to become pregnant, either.

But you choose whether you want to ride a motorcycle. No one forces that on you.
Lol. A very small percentage of abortions are “medically necessary”. The vast majority are “completely voluntary”.

That is what "choice" means.
You can "choose" to use transportation other than a motorcycle. No one f***s you, and within a couple weeks you get told "you have to ride a motorcycle now".
Actually, I wanted to conflate the right of a women to choose what she wants to do with her body with the right of a motorcycle rider to do what they want with their body by choosing not to wear a helmet.

Jojo, I know that you know the definition of “elective procedure”. An abortion is “medically necessary” less than 1% of the time. The vast majority of abortions are elective, not medically necessary. I am pro choice and support the right of the woman. (Nobody asked, they just assumed that this was left vs right) I also support the right of a motorcycle rider to take their life into their own hands by not wearing a helmet. This thread, however absurd you and others may think it is, shines a light on how many people’s politics aren’t based principles. They are based on what individual situations they would like the government to control in other people.