Helmet to helmet no-calls

Can the league suspend a player after the fact once video is reviewed? Does not help Iowa, but might send a message.

First hit to cj was as blatent as it gets, Pitt did not even try to avoid the head. And cj did not see it coming, this play is why the rule was created. We are just lucky cj was not knocked out and sidelined for the next few weeks
This is correct. CJ didn't have time to duck. He didn't even see the blitzing until it was too late. He came in high and clearly nailed him in the face -- under the face mask, actually. Very dangerous blow to the head and could have done serious damage. An obvious helmet-to-helmet tackle and blown no-call.

I have a lot of respect for Pitt, and they're a solid team that will do very well this season -- significantly better than previous Pitt teams Iowa has played over the last 4 games of the series. That said, this was a clear helmet-to-helmet, illegal tackle that the refs blew.
Sad to say they are now coached by a dirtbag douche who has them playing dirtbag douche defense.
It really is hard to believe the refs missed that. As you say, 82, this was exactly the kind of play that prompted the rule in the first place. How they could miss a blitzing LB smacking a defenseless QB right in the face with his helmet is beyond me. My only thought was that they were too busy looking for the fumble.

I wondered if they might call the targeting on the review for the fumble that was overturned. I know they review every targeting penalty to determine whether it was, indeed, targeting, but I assume they can't make the call on a review for something else. If they could, I have to think they would have made the call in this case.
boy I guess. Time to change a bunch of tampons. Looks like the Penn St board.
Oh, everyone lookout Hawk Supreme and water boy are a couple of tough guys.

Narduzzi is a grown man that teaches his players to hit high. This knocks players out of games, and ends up costing some their careers.

The concussion issue is very serious, as the research on former NFL players has shown.

There is no place for it in the game. You can hit hard without targeting. Doesn't make Narduzzi tough to teach that kind of play.

But, Hawk Supreme and waterboy, those are some tough keyboard warriors, right there.
Oh, everyone lookout Hawk Supreme and water boy are a couple of tough guys.

Narduzzi is a grown man that teaches his players to hit high. This knocks players out of games, and ends up costing some their careers.

The concussion issue is very serious, as the research on former NFL players has shown.

There is no place for it in the game. You can hit hard without targeting. Doesn't make Narduzzi tough to teach that kind of play.

But, Hawk Supreme and waterboy, those are some tough keyboard warriors, right there.
If you are worried about concussions then football might not be your game. They are going to happen no matter what. There wasn't any obvious tackles to harm last night just good hitting.
Helmet to helmet contact with a QB is a penalty, both college and pro. Whether it is intentional or not,"it is a penalty", PERIOD! It's not whining to point out the facts. The mugging of Tevan with no flag was a disgrace. Hell, even Glenn Mason was in disbelief about that. (That non call was to me as bad as the phantom off side call that Iowa was flagged against Florida on there onside kick recovery in there bowl game years ago). The holding call on Blythe was a judgement call by the ref. Looked to me to be a bad call, but bad holding and non holding calls are part of the game and who knows what angle the ref had.
I though the biggest no call was the pass to Smith. The safety just teed off and wiped him out while the ball was in the air. How did they miss that.

The biggest phantom call was the hold on Blythe.

Crowd booed at the end with the Smith review but he was out, thought it was pretty obvious.
When did Iowa fans become the biggest bunch of whiny-ass pussies on the planet?

Is this a new thing?

Yes, I'm a big, big pussy for observing a crew of referees who show a blatant disregard towards a pattern of illegal and dangerous head shots by a team. Maybe I was wrong.

Or maybe your name-calling show that your a little sad on the inside.
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And Iowa was called for a "head slap" on Pitt's touchdown just before. How does the same guy who just threw a flag for "head slap" not throw one for leading with the crown of the helmet to the quarterback's helmet?
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Probably not nearly as many missed holding calls for Pitt. I don't think they got called once, despite having a handful of jersey on multiple occasions. Not to mention the non-called PI or the other uncalled helmet-to-helmets.

Pitt did very well with the refs tonight -- they got the better end of the deal as the road team. You don't see that very often.

And I have no idea where this blatant horse collar was. Never saw a horse collar, much less a blatant one. To be fair, I did miss a little bit while switching channels to watch other games, but I sure didn't see one.

The Pitt OT was actually holding Ott's bad arm and was jerking on it. Dirty. The D should have gone after him for it (high/low/cut blocks, etc). It was major bullshite
Glen Mason is so f'ing clueless! Doesn't even mention the targeting. But he did notice that Iowa usually doesn't win the coin toss. I'd rather listen to Pam Ward for the other one .

A color commentator that doesn't know a lot about the teams in his conference that he covers specifically is like tits on a boar
Personally, I have no doubt in my mind that the Pitt defense was instructed to try to take CJ out of the game. Those hits have a bad enough effect on a team when they ARE called. When blatantly ignored by the refs, well.... then it's just gravy for guys like Nardouchee.
No doubt, huh? And you know this how?
Wait.. I am here in peace, and you guys played a good game.. but on that sack your QB ducked his head.. was the defender to stop on a dime and avoid that.. It's funny what we all see when we want to..

Really, the way we want to see it? There were two other hits helmet to helmet, a receiver was tackled...pretty dirty coaching! Hope that works out for your team.... You need ACC refs for all your games, they were incompetent!
Wait.. I am here in peace, and you guys played a good game.. but on that sack your QB ducked his head.. was the defender to stop on a dime and avoid that.. It's funny what we all see when we want to..
Joe, yea we see what we want to see BUT... I know I saw many tacklers lead with the head and use the crown of the helmet. That's old school shit I thought they were trying to eliminate but since the refs and the announcers didn't seem to think it was illegal then I guess it wasn't. I will suggest that Pit fans not get bent if they have a game where the officials call them for that shit. Good luck the rest of the year.
Glen Mason is so f'ing clueless! Doesn't even mention the targeting. But he did notice that Iowa usually doesn't win the coin toss. I'd rather listen to Pam Ward for the other one .

A color commentator that doesn't know a lot about the teams in his conference that he covers specifically is like tits on a boar

Since you mentioned it, tits on a boar are actually quit important because they show what litter size can be. Just saying:D
If you are worried about concussions then football might not be your game. They are going to happen no matter what. There wasn't any obvious tackles to harm last night just good hitting.

You're an idiot. It's obvious from your juvenile drivel you've never played a singular down of big boy football. Just move along and spare us your meaningless trolling.
There were three helmet to helmet contacts on the Iowa QB in the first half, only the first one was called. The second was the play where he fumbled after being down. 3rd with 6:01 to go in the half. There was another clear attempt to target with 3:39 left to go in the half against Vandeberg, but he caught some shoulder instead.

None of these were running plays where the RB lowers there shoulder and helmet to helmet happens accidentally. These are plays where the defender chose to hit high, plain and simple.

This is your first year with Narduzzi, it's only a matter of time before the rest of the ACC is noticing this crap too. Will the ACC refs decide to swallow their whistles when it starts happening against other ACC teams?
I'm not a guy that usually bangs on the refs too much but Jeez, have these guys not been properly educated on today's rules of the game? Three blatant helmet to helmets that were not called. Two against CJ and one on Vandeburg reception on a slant route.

I'm not suggesting that CJ is playing poorly, but he appears to have lost a little pep in his step after that first helmet to helmet.

The Targeting Rule (2-27-14) states that no player shall target and initiate contact to the head or neck area of a defenseless opponent. One can argue that CJB was defenseless but the penalty wasn't called and I think that is why.
yeah i thought it was pretty close to being a helmet to helmet call. but the refs were bad all night.
Watch the game again on TV. The announcers are like, I don't like to criticize officials and try to not to say anything but then can't stop themselves.
1) They clearly point out Helmet to Helmet on the reversed fumble.
2) Smith getting run over on the failed pass interference call.
3) Jaleel getting held from behind by two guys with his jersey 2 yards behind him

Plus they talk on multiple occasions of physical defensive backs that the refs are not calling.

Announcers try to stay pretty neutral, but these officials were anything but neutral. Pitt played a solid game but a decent crew of stripes would have probably been worth atleast one more touchdown for Iowa.
was that necessary?

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