We have a few people here who I suspect are paid disinformationists. I know, it sounds paranoid. But the Kochs and others of their ilk have been paying for such phony operations for decades. It's the whole concept of
So those few have a motive.
But what on Earth is the motive of those who are not getting paid to behave like this?
I would think that for those who do not have some cynical vested interest in misinforming, the objective would be to get the facts, the truth, or as close to it as possible with the amount of energy they are willing to invest. Why do they spend the time and effort to find and regurgitate bad information? Why do they fight so hard against good information and good sources of information? Why do they waste more time trying to poke holes in the evidence than in trying to understand the evidence?
Can someone explain that to me?