Here we go - WrestleStats is ready for another season


HB Heisman
May 18, 2004
Urbandale, IA
Well, after ALOT of late nights, I finally have everything ready for the next season. There was WAY more work than I anticipated just to be able to have multiple seasons available on the site.

What's new?
1) The look of some of the pages have changed. There are still some pages that haven't been transitioned to the new style, but the majority have been.

2) Multiple years of match results. From now going forward, I'll have data from the 2013-2014 season, and everything after that. This will be beneficial when viewing common opponents so you'll be able to see a wrestlers entire collegiate career.

3) Transfers. If you are logged in to the site, you have the ability to transfer a wrestler to another team. For example, Steven Micic from Northwestern transfered to Michigan. If you go to the wrestlers profile page, then click on his name in the black title bar (where it says "Click to edit") you can then edit some information, including the team that he is tied to for the current season.

4) Has Redshirted/Is Redshirting/Starter status. These options are also available from the wrestler edit page. For example, if a wrestler is a true freshman this year, then odds are they will be taking a redshirt. Therefore, the "IsRedshirting" flag needs checked. This will help me correctly increment the wrestlers class/eligibility year when we transition to the next season. HasRedshirting is just like it sounds, if the wrestler has taken a redshirt already this can be checked. This is more of a handy indication, has no bearing on the current season. Starter status, this just indicates that a wrestler is designated as a starter for this season.

5) Re-designed Wrestler and Team pages. I did not like how the team/roster page was the same place where you would change a wrestlers weight, class, or deleted them altogether. That has been transitioned to the wrestler edit page. The roster page is now a view only page. The new team page is where you can update information about the team, like their nickname, and short name (which will be used in the near future). There will be more fields added to both team and wrestler pages in the future, but for now, that's all that's available.

6) Ranking history. The data is there, but you can't see it yet (the pages will be added next). When viewing a wrestler or team page, you will be able to click on the ranking and see the history of the ranking all the way back to 2013-2014 (for team), or as far back as the wrestlers career goes. This will allow you to view how each wrestler has improved throughout their career. Like I said, I already have the data generated, I just need to create the page to display it, shouldn't take more than 1 night of work to complete.

Also, the preseason rankings are out, but there are a few that are off. How were they calculated? Previous year NCAA results, using a scale of 1st = 2000, 2nd = 1975, 3rd = 1950, 4th = 1925, 5th = 1900, 6th = 1875, 7th = 1850, 8th = 1825, R12 = 1800. Then, the remaining wrestlers were assigned there point value from the previous season. There are some wrestlers that still need tweaked since they didn't reach the R12 at the tournment, but yet were ranked higher than 1800 (ie Dylan Peters at 125). Those will get updated the next night I work (they'll get moved down to 1775).

One last thing, I noticed after trying to update the starters for Iowa that it's more painful with the new style to set the 10 starters (since you have to go "edit" each wrestler to toggle their starter status, vs the old way that had it all on the roster page). I may add another page to update the starters all from a single page.

As always, if any of you have any feedback, please feel free to let me know. Positive and negative feedback are both appreciated.

I know some of you have provided feedback in the past, and if I haven't implemented it yet, I have NOT forgotten about it, just trying to prioritize everything I have, and get the site ready as fast as possible.

Thanks again! Get ready for another fun season.

WrestleStats has become one of my core go-to resources, particularly for the eligibility breakdowns.

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