This is the cleanest I've seen the front page in a LONG time--no H4aD, Champ, PF, Rico, et al spam. How you holding up as your buddy handles slowly fade into oblivion?

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Men get quiet when comfortable.
There is a reason the hens of hbot are clucking.
Monday morning 2 cups of coffee rule. I shall sacrifice 3 Joesplaces as pentananceFixed your typo for you. Men get quiet when they know they’ve done something bad and are afraid to admit it as well.
Monday morning 2 cups of coffee rule. I shall sacrifice 3 Joesplaces as pentanance
Dear Hbot gods, please accept these 3 virgins as my confession of a typo, in Kirk Ferentz we trust, raise hell, praise Dale.
In Jesus name, amen.
And that's what I appreciates about you.Hey man, I’m just here to help you out. The unsavory amongst us could make a lot of assumptions about what you meant starting out with a statement like “Men get quite….” and not qualifying it.
A typo in an apology for a typo. How Meta of you. Or maybe the word “pentanance” means something?Monday morning 2 cups of coffee rule. I shall sacrifice 3 Joesplaces as pentanance
Dear Hbot gods, please accept these 3 virgins as my confession of a typo, in Kirk Ferentz we trust, raise hell, praise Dale.
In Jesus name, amen.
It means it's Monday morning and anything I actually give a shit about gets reviewed by the legal team anyway.A typo in an apology for a typo. How Meta of you. Or maybe the word “pentanance” means something?
It means it's Monday morning and anything I actually give a shit about gets reviewed by the legal team anyway.
Definition of PENANCE
an act of self-abasement, mortification, or devotion performed to show sorrow or repentance for sin… See the full
O fred....I can only imagine the chortles that come from the Legal Dept. when they see Capt. Dipshit has sent something over for review.
He's busy counting how many packs of gum he'll be able to buy with his DOGE payout...This is the cleanest I've seen the front page in a LONG time--no H4aD, Champ, PF, Rico, et al spam. How you holding up as your buddy handles slowly fade into oblivion?