High Interest Rates & Energy Prices jo, Starts The 2nd Quarter in Style!!

Go jo, go! Look at WTI go, baby! Handcuff that industry tighter you stupid bitch! 🤡 🤣
And tharrrr she blows! jo pushes WTI over $84/barrel! I telled ya last week it would break $85 this week....didn't count on it being today! 🤣 It's good to be long oil.....but soul wretching to make money in this manner. :eek:o_O🚨🚓
Gonna be pricey to refill the SPR before November so it's not an election issue! 🤣🤣🤡
Forget that new house 🏡 this spring, boys and girls!! jo’s policies say NO!!😔😣😢