Hillary Characterizes Bernie's Health Care Plan

[my transcription from a clip on CNN]

"He wants to roll Medicare, Medicaid, the Children's Health Insurance program, Affordable Care Act program, and private health insurance into a national system, and then turn it over to the states to administer."

I don't know if that is an accurate characterization - and frankly doubt the bit about private insurance - but let's assume it is.

What's so bad about that? Fewer programs, fewer gaps between programs, and handled at the state level.

I see very little "wrong" with it. It is the public option this nation should have adopted when they passed the ACA. ACA with such a public option would be an unmitigated success...and the GOP understands this. That is why they HATE ACA with such a passion. .
I see very little "wrong" with it. It is the public option this nation should have adopted when they passed the ACA. ACA with such a public option would be an unmitigated success...and the GOP understands this. That is why they HATE ACA with such a passion. .
and also, why they (the GOP) hates MediCare so much, too. Combining MediCare with ACA/supplemental insurances would be the best thing this nation could ever hope to see in healthcare delivery in the next 20 years.

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