Hillary has 242 Electoral Votes out of 270 Already


HR King
Jul 9, 2003
I have no great love of her either, but you might as well get used to the idea of her as President.

"The map for Clinton, as with any Democrat, starts with D.C. and the 18 solidly blue states: California, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington and Wisconsin. Next come the battlegrounds: Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio and Virginia.

In the 2012 presidential contest, the three most closely contested states were Florida and Ohio, which Obama won, and North Carolina, which Mitt Romney won. Together the three amount to 62 electoral votes. So Obama—who finished with 332 electoral votes—could have lost all three of those states and still have made it to 270. If Clinton held the 18 states that have voted Democratic since 1992, winning Florida and its 29 electoral votes would by itself seal a victory."
I can't imagine a D winning FL this time with two locals ginning up the base. FL Rs will be organized. I'm not so sure Hill can hold onto that whole blue list either. Would it really be a shock if WI or MI or PA went red with Walker on the ticket? I don't see his appeal, but blue state voters did three times.
I can't imagine a D winning FL this time with two locals ginning up the base. FL Rs will be organized. I'm not so sure Hill can hold onto that whole blue list either. Would it really be a shock if WI or MI or PA went red with Walker on the ticket? I don't see his appeal, but blue state voters did three times.

Walker will be an anchor on any national ticket. Too much red meat.
Why didn't that red meat hurt him already with blue voters in WI?
All politics are local?
Butt load of Koch money concentrated in one state?
Opponents couldn't take him down over his commitment to cutting the national social safety net?
I support Webb, but I can't see her losing this time. Webb has a fantastic record and experience and has no shot. Sad.

What bothers me about her is that she is not there on her on merits. If she was not married to Bill Clinton she would not be where she is now. Elizabeth Warren is there on her own merits. She has the whole first woman president thing going on too. Sure, I guess anything is possible, but barring some big bombshell not yet known I don't see her losing. Of those 242 votes, she is almost certain to get nearly all of them. CA and NY are sure things.

I think we are going to have a Hillary v Bush election with a very disillusioned electorate.