Holy Crap: Harreld Named New UI President

I can understand this way of thinking. I'm sorry for being naive on the subject, but if someone were to graduate from a satellite campus, I'm assuming the diploma would reflect that, correct? I guess people can always say they went to any particular school, but wouldn't their diploma show the University of Iowa at Des Moines, for example?

Usually that what it does.

It just rubs me the wrong way when I hear someone say I am a a Michigan alum and it turns out they went to U of M Deabron. One is the one we all think of when we hear michigan. The other is a school near Detroit for commuters designed to provide them so higher ed opportunity on a michigan-lite curriculum.
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Well, for starters, the UI has dropped in every ranking that I'm aware of over the last several years.

The Academic Ranking of World Universities had Iowa in the top 100 in 2007; they're now in the 151-200 grouping.
The London Times World University Rankings had them at 132 in 2011; now at 175.
The QS rankings had them at 192 in 2011; now at 269.
The US News used to have them as a top 20 public national university, and they're now in the lower 20s.

I know that rankings have their flaws, but I would much rather see the rankings get better, not worse.

I know a couple parents who had law school grads the last few years. Top 10% type kids. Couldn't even sniff a job at the top firms in Chicago or large cities despite some of them still hiring fairly decent #'s of grads from other schools. Many cases didn't even get interviews and the firms have stopped recruiting stops in Iowa City.
Looks like in addition to already significantly reducing my contributions to the athletic department, I will be doing the same on the academic side.
Looks like in addition to already significantly reducing my contributions to the athletic department, I will be doing the same on the academic side.

I know a couple parents who had law school grads the last few years. Top 10% type kids. Couldn't even sniff a job at the top firms in Chicago or large cities despite some of them still hiring fairly decent #'s of grads from other schools. Many cases didn't even get interviews and the firms have stopped recruiting stops in Iowa City.

And how doe s a university president fix this? Besides firing a dean? And it seem like anyone should be able to do that.
This thread has been a joy to read. Righteous indignation abounds! Anyway, the BoR made the right hire. Universities are about raising money and expanding infrastructure. Herrald will do this while maintaining academic integrity.
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This thread has been a joy to read. Righteous indignation abounds! Anyway, the BoR made the right hire. Universities are about raising money and expanding infrastructure. Herrald will do this while maintaining academic integrity.
I hope so, but you don't know that for certain.
What needs to take place is that just as faculty have to accept his position as president, Harreld has to realize where he sits with the faculty as well. If the faculty chooses to be obstructionist, nothing will be accomplished. If Harreld tries to be autocratic, nothing will be accomplished.
It's a two way street.
Also, given the proven track records of the other candidates makes you think they could not do the same, if not better?
I hope Harreld does well, but there's no tangible evidence to suggest he was in fact the best candidate.
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I hope so, but you don't know that for certain.
What needs to take place is that just as faculty have to accept his position as president, Harreld has to realize where he sits with the faculty as well. If the faculty chooses to be obstructionist, nothing will be accomplished. If Harreld tries to be autocratic, nothing will be accomplished.
It's a two way street.
Also, given the proven track records of the other candidates makes you think they could not do the same, if not better?
I hope Harreld does well, but there's no tangible evidence to suggest he was in fact the best candidate.

Look Coe, I know you're an academician and can speak to this better than I can, but Public Universities are now about dollars more than they are about academics. Hell, you probably spend more time fishing for bucks than you do researching. In any case look around the U of I, at all the construction real and planned, and tell me I am wrong.
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Totally serious. May revoke my signed pledge to fund an academic scholarship but I will wait a year to make sure what I think is going to happen actually happens.

You sound like a swell fellow. If you are the type of character to revoke a signed pledge, tell me why anyone should really care what you think.
Second reaction. Kirk Ferentz should consider himself on notice. He gets a crap ton of money if he's fired, but, Harreld is a bottom line guy. He likes results, not promises of trying harder.

Admittedly, I don't know a lot about this guy but from what I've read about him this hire falls directly in line of what I was told a couple months ago. I was told they were looking for a CEO type to lead the University, someone who was going to embrace the athletic department, not hold it back. Those who didn't produce, while given a fair shot, won't be around long. We'll see if that happens or not, but this hire is certainly interesting.
The UI has been building things my whole life. Thats a red herring. I remember when there was a field on Melrose. I remember when the Law School site was a bunch of beautiful old homes.
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I'm not giving for a while either. I'm not a big donor, but its been in the thousands over the years. This guy will be gone in 3 years and hopefully we will get a real president again
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Uh I never figured that. There is just no point in continuing to give to them.

Its like the UI has become the University of Phoenix...
I think thats the goal of the regents.

This is not a matter of who is best for the university. They dont care. This is about going after people you perceive as your political opponents. The regents were not supposed to be political. Well, thats gone. I realize TB and the Repubs set that agenda now, but the door will swing the other way eventually, and does a BoR under a Dem Governor go after the farm funding at ISU because rural Iowa is more conservative? This is a very bad precedent.
Give the guy a chance? What happened to needing to work for the next 4 years to get rid of the guy?
You are making a horrinle comparison.

This is a guy that none of the leftists knows a thing about yet were throwing a fit before he even was hired. Heck, before they even knew anything other than "business guy"

Obama already had a record as a horrible candidate for the most powerful position in the world. Very bad comparison. Even for you
You sound like a swell fellow. If you are the type of character to revoke a signed pledge, tell me why anyone should really care what you think.

I haven't lived in Iowa for almost 35 years but have given over $200,000 because the University provided me the education to have a successful career and retire at at 50. The last two presidential hiring processes have been a joke and both ended with very poor Presidents. The athletic department is in shambles. Ask Gary Barta why he cared enough to write me after I let them know I would no longer be a golden hawk until changes were made. Ask the Foundation why they care enough to have someone visit every other year to thank me for my past contributions and to ask if I had concerns that I wanted to convey to the Administration. The Board of Regents has turned into a joke. But if I do choose to revoke my pledge to fund an annual scholarship, it will be given to a school like the University of Washington where state leaders actually want the school to continue to be a leader in excellence. Of course the real answer to your question as to why anyone should care about what I think, is money. Unfortunately, almost everything in the end is all about money.
Sally Mason got distracted trying to get UI off the party school list. Seems like all other priorities went out the window.
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Please tell me what any of us know for certain(besides Death and Taxes)

Let's see what the man can do.
I think that's what I said. It was in response to those who said he was the best candidate in regards to raising capital. I saw evidence in the CVs of the other 3 candidates that showed experience in raising funds for academic institutions. Nothing in Harreld's CV indicated that he has experience in this domain.
As I've said, I'm more than happy to give him a chance. I just hope the rest of the Iowa community does as well.
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I'm hoping I'm wrong, but I think the U laid a turd on this hire. Herreld was in charge of IBM marketing. The problem is that IBM marketing sucks. Apple has stolen their lunch in every way. I can think of many creative Apple commercials. Their product lines are super-popular and consumers can't wait to get their hands on them. But not IBM. I can't think of a single creative IBM ad nor a product that your average consumer has gone wild for. If Herreld was in charge of new innovations, for example, I might be able to get more excited. IBM has done some amazing things with stuff like Watson, but IBM's weakness, their marketing, is the one area he was in charge of. Guess we're just going to have to get used to Iowa State being the best University in the future.
Well put me in the, "Wow, I didn't see that coming", crowd. I haven't followed this search real closely, but with all of the hubbub over the past couple of days regarding Harreld, I didn't think this would be the outcome.

The BOR choosing him would seem to signal a very real divide between the Regents and the U of I "community", or at least the ones that were freaking out about him, which was not everyone to be sure, but it wasn't just a few either.

This should make for some interesting times ahead.

The divide has been there and growing for awhile. This move just completes it. Once Rasteter saw the general disapproval off this guy at the meet and greet he saw a chance to shove a red hot poker up U of I's collective ass. I'd say the divide is now complete.
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I haven't lived in Iowa for almost 35 years but have given over $200,000 because the University provided me the education to have a successful career and retire at at 50. The last two presidential hiring processes have been a joke and both ended with very poor Presidents. The athletic department is in shambles. Ask Gary Barta why he cared enough to write me after I let them know I would no longer be a golden hawk until changes were made. Ask the Foundation why they care enough to have someone visit every other year to thank me for my past contributions and to ask if I had concerns that I wanted to convey to the Administration. The Board of Regents has turned into a joke. But if I do choose to revoke my pledge to fund an annual scholarship, it will be given to a school like the University of Washington where state leaders actually want the school to continue to be a leader in excellence. Of course the real answer to your question as to why anyone should care about what I think, is money. Unfortunately, almost everything in the end is all about money.

And I will be very happy to pick up where you left off. I am nearing a point in my life where I will be able to make substantial contributions to my university as well. I will never agree with everything they do but at no point outside of breaking a law or something equally as egregious will I go all high and mighty and pull my support. Some of you act like we just sold the university itself to McDonald's and will be officially changing our name to Evil Business University. There are thousands of great people at the university and I will not punish them for a self righteous I think I know everything stance. Take your precious money and your ego and go big fellow, your want of bee lobbyist influence is not wanted or needed. Go Hawks!
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You know, part of me feels sorry for this guy. Although making $600,000 a year tempers that a lot. He got in the middle of a war between Regents and the UI Faculty. Its a no win situation. There could be a no confidence vote by the faculty senate before he even takes office.
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