Holy Fudge: The GOP Convention is off the rails…

Somehow, despite all of this, these people are going to be in charge of everything in 6 months. It is going to be a long 4 years.
*Of course* Trump tapped disgraced Catholic Archbishop who covered up and protected multiple pedophile priests for the opening day invocation and speech.

You really can't make this shit up.
Even if you’re voting for Trump, you have to be embarrassed about what your party has become, right?

You would think so but it doesn't appear that way. At least not here? They just say things like "I'm sitting this one out". We all know they're voting for Trump when they should be disgusted with where there party is. But hey, Biden is old!
You would think so but it doesn't appear that way. At least not here? They just say things like "I'm sitting this one out". We all know they're voting for Trump when they should be disgusted with where there party is. But hey, Biden is old!
Don't forget the classic, and my personal favorite, "Yeah what the GOP is doing is embarrassing, but the Dems (insert both sides argument here)."

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