How Billionaire Elon Musk's Extremism Is Shaping Trump Admin & Global Politics

Yawn. I posted a paragraph in response to your random-nobody tweet and the only thing you could offer was to argue semantics using your talking points "cheat sheet" because you know the rest of it is true. Let me know when you're willing to offer something more than bad faith arguments.

There's plenty of examples of Elon spreading misinformation, you really shouldn't need me to provide them for you. It's a shame you're unable to do a basic online search to find them. I'll leave you with these since you're clearly unable to read about the plethora of misinformation spread by Sissy SpaceX on your own:

As stated, misinformation has come to mean "things I don't agree with" vs things clearly factually incorrect.
Unironically it's the hot buzzword being used in an arena (politics) where lying is quite literally an acceptable form of getting things done.
But yes, Elon amplifying child rape gangs being underprosecuted in Europe is what you fixate on.