That's because neither of the three knows what the glass ceiling is -
Hillary didnt lead the charge into Libya. The Libyan revolution was an off-spring of the Arab Spring. The Libyan citizens rose up against Qaddafi with the backing of the Arab League and Nato forces, so to put all the blame on Hillary is very short sighted and it suggests you have an active case of priapism towards Hillary. Sure, Hillary voted to go to war in Iraq, but just like the American polulation and every member of the Republican party, they too were fed intelligence lies by the Bush administration planted to sway votes in favor of invading Iraq. The crap about voting to go into Iraq - who got it right and who didn't get it right is way oveThisscwicThisscwic'mpky due to the documented falsified "facts."Those who voted NO, like President Obama and Senator Sanders deserve medals for seeing through the BUSH administratiin bull$hit. No WMD's were ever found, and you can say all you want that some were found but what was found had nothing to do with the lies put forth to commence the war for profiteering.