I take it you have never had an aquarium in your life?I just blew your mind
Not according to the National Ocean ServiceThey don't, they sleep too.
You’re being disingenuous. They simply say they do not sleep in the same way land mammals do.Not according to the National Ocean Service
You’re being disingenuous. They simply say they do not sleep in the same way land mammals do.
Do fish sleep?
Sleep is described as a period of rest in which the eyes are closed and there is little thought or movement. That is, sleeping means closing your eyes and resting. The first thing we notice is that, except for sharks, most fish don't have eyelids. Also, while some ocean fish never stop moving...oceanservice.noaa.gov
When humans sleep, our brain does not completely shut off. Part of it has to keep us breathing, our heart beating, etc. Fish do essentially the same thing, but more of their brain is still active to keep them swimming/floating or otherwise. So instead of shutting off 95% of their brain, they shut off 50% of their brain. But they still essentially sleep.
Stop acting like a lawyer. People hate lawyers. 😂I'm not being disingenuous. I used there very words. The rest. They don't sleep
Trust me, I know.![]()
I ❤️ lawyers
Never know when I might do something stupid
Is there a preferred billable rate for HORTers? Say I went back and liked all 22,853 of your messages, how many hours (minutes?) of legal advice would that get somebody?Hopefully you won't need my help, but I'm here.
Fish sleep my dude.Not according to the National Ocean Service
Fish sleep my dude.
Is there a preferred billable rate for HORTers? Say I went back and liked all 22,853 of your messages, how many hours (minutes?) of legal advice would that get somebody?
Trust me on this. Yes, it looks different to how we do it, but they do. Zzzzz. Pretty much what I do at my jobI'm not a scientist. I defer to scientists.
I suppose animals that stand while sleeping don’t really sleep either.Not according to the National Ocean Service
Hey, I'm no scientist. I'll trust a scientist on such things. Hence why I don't hire an electrician to do my plumbing
Wires are just electricity pipes.
I got electrocuted 2x as a kid. One time, my arm was numb for 3 days. I recommend people don't f with electricity. You will be, for sure, hurt and at worst, die.You just want to make sure those hot wires are not touching your pipes. Good way to die
The internet is a vast system of tubes!Wires are just electricity pipes.
I got electrocuted 2x as a kid. One time, my arm was numb for 3 days. I recommend people don't f with electricity. You will be, for sure, hurt and at worst, die.
Well that changes date night!You just want to make sure those hot wires are not touching your pipes. Good way to die
I got electrocuted 2x as a kid. One time, my arm was numb for 3 days. I recommend people don't f with electricity. You will be, for sure, hurt and at worst, die.
Hopefully you won't need my help, but I'm here.
True story. Was sitting at Bushwood Sportsbar one evening and there is Jeff Tronvold with some smokeshow of a blonde. Guy is polishing off two entrees like it's his f'ing job. Legend.
I just blew your mind
Those posters were the best. They left little to the imagination.
Back that wr-asse. Nice tank. My brother used to keep a salt water tank. The oldest fish lived to 13 years old, a majestic angel. The yellow tang lived a decade.Fish definitely sleep and employ different strategies to avoid predators.
For example, I have an Orangeback Fairy Wrasse
that sleeps by either laying on the sand or wedging itself In the rockwork and then exuded thick strands of mucus which it makes a “sleeping bag” or “cocoon” out of which keeps predators from smelling it while it sleeps. They also change colors and take on “camo” at night.
Meanwhile, my male blue star leopard wrasse who looks like this
Goes to bed every night by going to the top of the tank and then going face first into the sand kicking up a sandstorm as it buries itself to go to sleep. It doesn’t make a mucus nest, it needs about six inches of sand in order to bury itself.
Even weirder is that male blue star leopard wrasse was a much prettier female. If they don’t have successful sex over a couple of months they will change genders. They can go back and forth between male and female at will.
This is what a female blue star leopard wrasse looks like.
" I have an Orangeback Fairy Wrasse"
I feel like this is a no comment response.
Fairy wrasses of all species are the sh!+. While leopard wrasses just switch back and forth between two sexes, fairy wrasses have a third gender. When they are ordinary males they can switch back and forth to females. Usually they keep a ratio of one male to every two or three females. And they form little threesome and foursome households. But for every three of those male led multi partner homes, one of the males transitions into a “supermale” or “terminal male” that not only protects and shepherds three or four little orgy groups but he will frequently mate with any of the females in his conglomorate of threesome and foursomes. So he has prima nocta or monarch sex rights over any of the “sister wives” of his subordinate males.
So in human terms, the fairy wrasse society would look like several Mormon families all looked after by an in his prime Arnold Schwarzenegger who then gets to hump any wife he wants at any time…....well really I suppose it’s more like Elton John gets to bang all the wives because the supermales aren’t really much bigger, they’re just more colorful and with a lot of showy, flashy fins. So I guess it would be more accurate to say Randy Macho Man Savage gets to come around all dressed to the nines and bang all of your wives whenever he wants.
So this
plowing through all of his neighboring Mormon families.