Where did anyone hear that it isn't the reason? Most people in this country probably couldn't name a single ME country prior to about 1973. Our entire involvement in the ME is economics, based around the oil.
Here's a hint, if OPEC was centered in Kenya or the Sudan, we'd have fought about 10 wars in Africa in the last 40 years.
Ok, if ME oil is the problem??....right now the US has plenty of oil....dont have enough storage space to contain it all. Oil supplies for the US is not a problem, yet Democrats fight fracking, oil production, pipelines......anything oil. The US has had very few incidents from fracking, the State Depaertment has deemed it safe.....
How about the idea that we are in the ME because we do not want war in our country? It doesn't seem like Obama/Democratsdon't care if the war comes to us instead of keeping the war with them. Keep those that hate us from invading us. Also, the principle of "a good offense is a better defense." Strength keeps us safe Weakness gets us killed" Obama's philosophyweakness could get us killed. Paris first.....America next....Americans have not been this concerned since WWII.