How many of you people would pass a MMPI?

It’s not a pass/fail. It’s about diagnosing someone.

Primarily, the MMPI is used to help mental health professionals assess and diagnose mental health conditions such as schizophrenia, depression, and anxiety.

Lawyers also use the MMPI as forensic evidence in criminal defense and custody disputes. According to the publisher of the MMPI, the University of Minnesota Press, employers sometimes use the test in job screenings for high risk public safety positions, such as:

  • police officers
  • nuclear power plant personnel
  • firefighters
  • pilots
  • air-traffic controllers
Primarily, the MMPI is used to help mental health professionals assess and diagnose mental health conditions such as schizophrenia, depression, and anxiety.

Lawyers also use the MMPI as forensic evidence in criminal defense and custody disputes. According to the publisher of the MMPI, the University of Minnesota Press, employers sometimes use the test in job screenings for high risk public safety positions, such as:

  • police officers
  • nuclear power plant personnel
  • firefighters
  • pilots
  • air-traffic controllers
I could pass it as long as I get my Snickers breaks. Get cranky when I’m hungry.
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Primarily, the MMPI is used to help mental health professionals assess and diagnose mental health conditions such as schizophrenia, depression, and anxiety.

Lawyers also use the MMPI as forensic evidence in criminal defense and custody disputes. According to the publisher of the MMPI, the University of Minnesota Press, employers sometimes use the test in job screenings for high risk public safety positions, such as:

  • police officers
  • nuclear power plant personnel
  • firefighters
  • pilots
  • air-traffic controllers
It isn't about passing it's about knowing how personalities respond in work settings and knowing how personalities are predisposed to violence or being really good at lying.
It isn't about passing it's about knowing how personalities respond in work settings and knowing how personalities are predisposed to violence or being really good at lying.

If during a job application process the assessment revealed that your personality isn't suited to be an air traffic controller, I'd say that you failed the assessment.

Regardless, you're getting bogged down on this one.

There's some real psychos on this board.
If during a job application process the assessment revealed that your personality isn't suited to be an air traffic controller, I'd say that you failed the assessment.
You failed to get the job, you will still be assigned a personality profile.

The only way someone could really fail would be to not complete the exam. Decent chance some on here would in fact drop out due to attention span.
If during a job application process the assessment revealed that your personality isn't suited to be an air traffic controller, I'd say that you failed the assessment.

Regardless, you're getting bogged down on this one.

There's some real psychos on this board.
Most of them aren’t. When you can hide behind anonymity. You’ll say and do things social norms keep under control.
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I took the MMPI 3 times over the course of my career during promotions and would always tell people who were taking one for employment the very first time to just answer the questions. If a person tries to analyze or think how a question should be answered, the outcome will not be good.
Most of them aren’t. When you can hide behind anonymity. You’ll say and do things social norms keep under control.
So when the question is, "You change the way you act according to a social situation." Do you answer true or false? That question phrased 4 different ways answers the hiding behind anonymity/social norms.
Who are the they? I have never been told anything about MMPI results for the government..We

One time I took it and the interviewer - a great big guy - came to me with the results, and he had tears in his eyes. He said, “Sir, this is the highest score any of us have ever seen.”
Many people are saying that I got the highest score they’ve ever seen.

This is one test where you don't want the highest score.

MMPI raw scores are transformed into standardized T-scores where the mean is 50 and the SD is 10. A T-score of 65 or greater indicates clinically significant psychopathology on the MMPI-2.

Primarily, the MMPI is used to help mental health professionals assess and diagnose mental health conditions such as schizophrenia, depression, and anxiety.

Lawyers also use the MMPI as forensic evidence in criminal defense and custody disputes. According to the publisher of the MMPI, the University of Minnesota Press, employers sometimes use the test in job screenings for high risk public safety positions, such as:

  • police officers
  • nuclear power plant personnel
  • firefighters
  • pilots
  • air-traffic controllers
People say I have the best mental health of anyone they've ever seen. Maybe the greatest in history.
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So when the question is, "You change the way you act according to a social situation." Do you answer true or false? That question phrased 4 different ways answers the hiding behind anonymity/social norms.
That depends on how many beers or edibles in me :). My answer was replying to,Northern’s assertion about the number of nut jobs on the board.