How Obama transformed America ... Phil Gramm

Titus Andronicus

HB Legend
Gold Member
Sep 26, 2002
Las Vegas, NV
From a column in the WSJ

Essentially, he did this through lying and various other sorts of deceit ... as follows:

Senator Gramm argues that because everything has been built on dishonesty, none of his achievements will stand.


Aug. 23, 2015 6:03 p.m. ET

How did Barack Obama join Franklin Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan to become one of the three most transformative presidents in the past century? He was greatly aided by the financial crisis that erupted during the 2008 campaign. This gave the new president a mandate and a large Democratic congressional majority that fully embraced his progressive agenda.

Having learned from previous progressive failures, President Obama embarked on a strategy of minimizing controversial details that could doom his legislative efforts. But no factor was more decisive than his unshakable determination not to let Congress, the courts, the Constitution or a failed presidency—as America has traditionally defined it—stand in his way.

Americans have always found progressivism appealing in the abstract, but they have revolted when they saw the details. President Clinton’s very progressive agenda—to nationalize health care and use private pensions to promote social goals—was hardly controversial during the 1992 election. But once the debate turned to the details, Americans quickly understood that his health-care plan would take away their freedom. Even Mr. Clinton’s most reliable allies, the labor unions, rebelled when they understood that under his pension plan their pensions would serve “social goals” instead of maximizing their retirement benefits.

In its major legislative successes, the Obama administration routinely proposed not program details but simply the structure that would be used to determine program details in the future. Unlike the Clinton administration’s ill-fated HillaryCare, which contained a detailed plan to control costs through Regional Healthcare Purchasing Cooperatives and strictly enforced penalties, ObamaCare established an independent payment advisory board to deal with rising costs. The 2009 stimulus package was unencumbered by a projects list like the one provided by the Clinton administration, which doomed the 1993 Clinton stimulus with ice-skating warming huts in Connecticut and alpine slides in Puerto Rico.

The Obama stimulus offered “transparency” in reporting on the projects funded but only after the money had been spent. Similarly the 2010 Dodd-Frank financial law defined almost nothing, including the basis for designating “systemically important financial institutions” that would be subject to onerous regulation, what bank “stress tests” tested, what an acceptable “living will” for a financial institution looked like or what the “Volcker rule” required.

In addition to a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate, Mr. Obama benefited from unprecedented Democratic support in Congress. Congressional Quarterly reported that “Obama’s 98.7% Senate success score in 2009 was the highest ever,” surpassing LBJ’s 93%, Clinton’s 85% and Reagan’s 88%. Reagan’s budget, tax cuts, Social Security reform and tax reform programs all had significant bipartisan input and garnered the strong Democratic support they needed to become law. But ObamaCare had no bipartisan input and did not receive a single Republican vote in Congress. The Obama stimulus package received no Republican votes in the House and only three Republican votes in the Senate. Dodd-Frank received three Republican votes in the House and three in the Senate.

Voters used the first off-year election of the Obama presidency to express the same disapproval that they had expressed in the Clinton presidency. Democrats lost 54 House and eight Senate seats in 1994, and 63 House and six Senate seats in 2010.

Mr. Clinton reacted to the congressional defeat by “triangulating” to ultimately support a bipartisan budget and tax compromise that fostered broad-based prosperity and earned for him the distinction of being one of the most successful modern presidents. Mr. Obama never wavered. When the recovery continued to disappoint for six long years he never changed course. Mr. Clinton sacrificed his political agenda for the good of the country. Mr. Obama sacrificed the good of the country for his political agenda.

The Obama transformation was achieved by laws granting unparalleled discretionary power to the executive branch—but where the law gave no discretion Mr. Obama refused to abide by the law. Whether the law mandated action, such as income verification for ObamaCare, or inaction, such as immigration reform without congressional support, Mr. Obama willfully overrode the law. Stretching executive powers beyond their historic limits, he claimed the Federal Communications Commission had authority over the Internet and exerted Environmental Protection Agency control over power plants to reduce carbon emissions.

When Obama empowered himself to declare Congress in “recess” to make illegal appointments that the courts later ruled unconstitutional, he was undeterred. In an action that Lyndon Johnson or Richard Nixon would have never undertaken, Mr. Obama pushed Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid to “nuke” the rights of minority Senators to filibuster judicial nominees and executive appointments by changing the long-standing 60-vote supermajority needed for cloture to a simple majority.

American democracy has historically relied on three basic constraints: a shared commitment to the primacy of the constitutional process over any political agenda, the general necessity to achieve bipartisan support to make significant policy changes, and the natural desire of leaders to be popular by delivering peace and prosperity. Mr. Obama has transformed America by refusing to accept these constraints. The lock-step support of the Democrats’ supermajority in the 111th Congress freed him from having to compromise as other presidents, including Reagan and Mr. Clinton, have had to do.

While the Obama program has transformed America, no one is singing “Happy Days Are Here Again” or claiming it’s “morning in America.” Despite a doubling of the national debt and the most massive monetary expansion since the Civil War, America’s powerhouse economy has withered along with the rule of law.

The means by which Mr. Obama wrought his transformation imperil its ability to stand the test of time. All of his executive orders can be overturned by a new president. ObamaCare and Dodd-Frank can be largely circumvented using exactly the same discretionary powers Mr. Obama used to implement them in the first place. Republicans, who never supported his program, are now united in their commitment to repeal it.

Most important, the American people, who came to embrace the Roosevelt and Reagan transformations, have yet to buy into the Obama transformation. For all of these reasons it appears that the Obama legacy rests on a foundation of sand.

Mr. Gramm, a former Republican senator from Texas and chairman of the Senate Banking Committee, is a visiting scholar at the American Enterprise Institute.
He is right that there's very little done that cannot be undone.

That does have a good deal to do with the manner in which it was done.
Phil Gramm? The father of the criminally insane financial industry we have today?
Forgive me if I don't take one of the most corrupt and destructive congressman this country has ever seen seriously on anything.

So attack the messenger instead of the message? Looks like he hit the nail on the head.
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So attack the messenger instead of the message? Looks like he hit the nail on the head.

If it is true, is it really an attack or just pointing out the facts? Especially since one of PG's signature accomplishments was sneaking in a piece of legislation that had not been debated by anyone (even his own repub colleagues). So yeah, his opinion holds no value to me, nor should it anyone. If you get some spare time do some research on Gramm's history, it rather interesting.
Especially since one of PG's signature accomplishments was sneaking in a piece of legislation that had not been debated by anyone (even his own repub colleagues).

Are you familiar to the term "Pork Barreling"?
we have a communist country, the only transformation needed would be one where we change it back to a representative republic, Obama really didn't transform it, he just furthered the cause begun when jfk was murdered
we have a communist country, the only transformation needed would be one where we change it back to a representative republic, Obama really didn't transform it, he just furthered the cause begun when jfk was murdered

Step one let capitalism transform into corporatism. Step two create an oligarch powered by the most free speech money having plutocrats. Step three...............???? Step four, Communism.
I find it completely predictable that the lefties on the board refuse to address anything Gramm said. It's all completely true, easily verifiable, and they have utterly no response to it.

Is Gramm as asshole who can be ripped for some of his antics? Absolutely. Is that relevant to the points he makes here? Absolutely not.
Step one let capitalism transform into corporatism. Step two create an oligarch powered by the most free speech money having plutocrats. Step three...............???? Step four, Communism.
yes, your step one is Italian style fascism. I just use communism as a generic term. what Obama and the globalists and banksters use is actually a form of socialism and fascism and communism, all morphed into one oligarchy. step one has been happening here forever. 1913 jekyl island is proof. step two is really part of step one. step three is getting rid of religion and making it to where we all worship the feds. brainwash us. takeover the schools and churches and institutions. make the feds gods. devalue human life. make us all minions. step four, fully implement the oligarchy god-like fed government. use it to take our freedoms. go to war in the name of fedGod. been going on wayyyyy before Obama. he just furthers the cause.
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I find it completely predictable that the lefties on the board refuse to address anything Gramm said. It's all completely true, easily verifiable, and they have utterly no response to it.

Is Gramm as asshole who can be ripped for some of his antics? Absolutely. Is that relevant to the points he makes here? Absolutely not.
this is exactly why trump is so popular right now, you kind of described trump
the people need to transform it back- the answer to 1984 is 1776, alex jones says this all the time -it truly is the case
Phil Gramm? The father of the criminally insane financial industry we have today?
Forgive me if I don't take one of the most corrupt and destructive congressman this country has ever seen seriously on anything.
1913 and jeckyl island was the father of the criminally insane financial system we have today
yes, your step one is Italian style fascism. I just use communism as a generic term. what Obama and the globalists and banksters use is actually a form of socialism and fascism and communism, all morphed into one oligarchy. step one has been happening here forever. 1913 jekyl island is proof. step two is really part of step one. step three is getting rid of religion and making it to where we all worship the feds. brainwash us. takeover the schools and churches and institutions. make the feds gods. devalue human life. make us all minions. step four, fully implement the oligarchy god-like fed government. use it to take our freedoms. go to war in the name of fedGod. been going on wayyyyy before Obama. he just furthers the cause.

I'll admit that you have me interested enough to at least read up on the Jekyl Island thing.
I'll admit that you have me interested enough to at least read up on the Jekyl Island thing.
everyone should. basically a bunch of industrialists and banksters and politicians met on an exclusive island and took us off the gold standard and invented the modern form of fractional reserve banking and the making of debt out of notes which are backed by nothing but air, in order to further their wealth and to screw the public. everyone should watch the documentary about money and cash and gold and debt called "the secret of oz" also.
I find it completely predictable that the lefties on the board refuse to address anything Gramm said. It's all completely true, easily verifiable, and they have utterly no response to it.

Is Gramm as asshole who can be ripped for some of his antics? Absolutely. Is that relevant to the points he makes here? Absolutely not.
Certain parts I might agree with. To say the economy has "withered" under Obama is laughable. How would he describe the economy under con control?
Certain parts I might agree with. To say the economy has "withered" under Obama is laughable. How would he describe the economy under con control?
I would describe it as withered either way - all the tax breaks they promise, middle class being their target for equality is a bunch of BS. This is why I would vote for someone like *Trump, as the rest are politicians and say what you want to hear - not what you need to hear.

*I like his brashness (?) and straight-at-you approach as it sets the "politicians" on their heels and leaves them nearly speechless. I hope the debates this year have hard questions for ALL candidates that are relevant to making this country better.

Tired of hearing SSDD from these folks.
the sooner we realize we are not watching a football game with the red "R" team vs the blue "D" team, we shall be better off. we are watching the evil takeover ourselves
everyone should. basically a bunch of industrialists and banksters and politicians met on an exclusive island and took us off the gold standard and invented the modern form of fractional reserve banking and the making of debt out of notes which are backed by nothing but air, in order to further their wealth and to screw the public. everyone should watch the documentary about money and cash and gold and debt called "the secret of oz" also.
It took them a while, didn't it? Considering that the U.S. was on the gold standard until 1971.
It took them a while, didn't it? Considering that the U.S. was on the gold standard until 1971.
well, they kind of kept moving in and out of it covertly. to finance ww1 and ww2 and stuff. jfk put us on the silver standard in the 60's and got killed and some say that should still be in effect because it never was repealled, even though Nixon took us off gold in 71 or whatever, we were already off gold and into silver, then jfk got killed and it's all a mess, what a mess. it's all hocus pocus and air and notes and debt and the printing of money. some say ft knox is completely empty
well, they kind of kept moving in and out of it covertly. to finance ww1 and ww2 and stuff. jfk put us on the silver standard in the 60's and got killed and some say that should still be in effect because it never was repealled, even though Nixon took us off gold in 71 or whatever, we were already off gold and into silver, then jfk got killed and it's all a mess, what a mess. it's all hocus pocus and air and notes and debt and the printing of money. some say ft knox is completely empty
I think the US of A was on the silver standard before it was on the gold standard.
Phil Gramm? The father of the criminally insane financial industry we have today?
Forgive me if I don't take one of the most corrupt and destructive congressman this country has ever seen seriously on anything.
Seems to me that Gramm is trying to claim credit for Obama when he says "He was greatly aided by the financial crisis that erupted during the 2008 campaign."

Phil Gramm is arguably the architect of that crisis.
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Seems to me that Gramm is trying to claim credit for Obama when he says "He was greatly aided by the financial crisis that erupted during the 2008 campaign."

Phil Gramm is arguably the architect of that crisis.

You've failed again to give a lot of people involved credit for that crisis. Many appointed by Clinton. But hey, no need for facts in a talking points post.
You've failed again to give a lot of people involved credit for that crisis. Many appointed by Clinton. But hey, no need for facts in a talking points post.

Don't blame Bush!!!!!!!!!!! But I can blame Clinton all I want

LOL!!!!!! What a bi-partisan response from the most bi-partisan person on the board. LOL!!!!!
You've failed again to give a lot of people involved credit for that crisis. Many appointed by Clinton. But hey, no need for facts in a talking points post.
Since I was the first one here to point out that Clinton signed the Gramm bill, and to blame him for his role, your stupid attack is just a stupid attack.

Not surprising that you would jump in to deflect, though.
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Don't blame Bush!!!!!!!!!!! But I can blame Clinton all I want

LOL!!!!!! What a bi-partisan response from the most bi-partisan person on the board. LOL!!!!!

My God, what a little child you are. And you're raising kids? Good luck with that.
Since I was the first one here to point out that Clinton signed the Gramm bill, and to blame him for his role, your stupid attack is just a stupid attack.

Not surprising that you would jump in to deflect, though.

Well, considering I didn't see your post calling out Clinton for signing the Graham bill, I'm not sure you can accurately portray my post as being stupid.

I see the older you get, the more you resort to name calling and attacks on someone intelligence. Seems to be a regular ploy by you lately. Good for you. Are you the kind of old man that stands outside (when he can drag himself away from the keyboard long enough) and yell at people to get off your lawn? Have you gotten to that point again?
My God, what a little child you are. And you're raising kids? Good luck with that.

Truth hurts. I wasn't the one bouncing around this board proclaiming to be the most bi-partisan. It's funny you won't engage my comment though about blaming Clinton. Probably because you're a hypocrite.

Truth hurts. I wasn't the one bouncing around this board proclaiming to be the most bi-partisan. It's funny you won't engage my comment though about blaming Clinton. Probably because you're a hypocrite.


Your childish ass knows damn well I never claimed to be the most bi-partisan poster on this board. Hyperbole seems to be at the top of your list. Now run along and play in your sand box you pathetic little boy.
Your childish ass knows damn well I never claimed to be the most bi-partisan poster on this board. Hyperbole seems to be at the top of your list. Now run along and play in your sand box you pathetic little boy.

LOL!!! You've brought it up plenty of times throughout the past. Did you think I'd forget about that? What's it like to know that you are nothing more than a partisan hypocrite that you seem to despise so much?
LOL!!! You've brought it up plenty of times throughout the past. Did you think I'd forget about that? What's it like to know that you are nothing more than a partisan hypocrite that you seem to despise so much?

And I remember on several occasions when you were playing your childish games (like now) that others on this board responded to your nonsense defending that I was more bi-partisan than many on this board, and certainly you.

Now like I said, take your angry little midget's body back under the bridge where you belong.
And I remember on several occasions when you were playing your childish games (like now) that others on this board responded to your nonsense defending that I was more bi-partisan than many on this board, and certainly you..

Well if you and YellowSnow say it's true it has to be!!!! What a schmuck.
This reminded me of my 2nd wife who about 30 years ago or so observed that Phil Gramm reminded her of a turtle that had lost its shell. Yes In know, not germane, but funny.
Seems to me that Gramm is trying to claim credit for Obama when he says "He was greatly aided by the financial crisis that erupted during the 2008 campaign."

Phil Gramm is arguably the architect of that crisis.


No mention of Andrew Cuomo ... Bill Clinton ... Barney Frank? These are the guys who believed that everyone, rich and poor alike, "deserved" to own their own home. They then drove government policy in the direction of forcing banks in some cases and "encouraging" them in others to approve loans that would not have been otherwise approved.

If you are looking for someone who abetted the root causes of the wild-eyed housing speculation, Phil Gramm is way down the list.
I find it completely predictable that the lefties on the board refuse to address anything Gramm said. It's all completely true, easily verifiable, and they have utterly no response to it.

Is Gramm as asshole who can be ripped for some of his antics? Absolutely. Is that relevant to the points he makes here? Absolutely not.

Yes, yes it is relevant to take into account the character and history of someone when considering the full fabric of their statements.

No mention of Andrew Cuomo ... Bill Clinton ... Barney Frank? These are the guys who believed that everyone, rich and poor alike, "deserved" to own their own home. They then drove government policy in the direction of forcing banks in some cases and "encouraging" them in others to approve loans that would not have been otherwise approved.

If you are looking for someone who abetted the root causes of the wild-eyed housing speculation, Phil Gramm is way down the list.

Don't forget Larry Summers (Treasury secretary) who bullied the woman that reported her concerns (based on research) that derivatives needed to be regulated. He basically told her to STFU. And the lack of regulation on derivatives was one of the leading causes, if not the leading cause, of the great recession.

It started under Clinton and continued under Bush.
Yes, yes it is relevant to take into account the character and history of someone when considering the full fabric of their statements.
Take it into account, certainly. Dismiss it out of hand, certainly not.