How to stop fake news…

"We need to be more like Finland"

Let's do it!

Finland–Russia border barrier​

The Finland–Russia border barrier (Finnish: Itärajan esteaita, Swedish: Gränsstaket vid östgränsen) is an under construction border barrier in Finland along the Finland–Russia border.[1] The border barrier began to be built in response to the 2022 Russian Invasion of Ukraine by the Marin Cabinet,[2] and gained increased popularity due to the use of migrants in hybrid warfare by the Russian Federation.[3] The border barrier is to be approx. 200 kilometres (120 mi) long,[4] covering roughly 15% of the 1,340-kilometre (830 mi) border. The construction of the border barrier began in Imatra on 28 February 2023, and construction is set to be complete in 2027 or 2028.[5]

The border barrier is to be built by the Finnish Border Guard,[6] and the border barrier is to be equipped with razor wire and cameras. The border barrier is predicted to cost around 380 million euros.

Finland Passes Law to Turn Away Asylum Seekers at Border​

The country last year closed all land crossings with Russia, accusing Moscow of trying to weaponize migration. Russian authorities have called the accusations “unsubstantiated.”

Parliament voted 167 to 31 to approve the bill, which would be in place for a year. Because it is an expedited constitutional amendment, it required more than the typical supermajority to pass.

The legislation gives the authorities the power to halt the acceptance of asylum applications at the border for up to a month at a time — and to remove migrants who had already made it into the country in hopes of seeking asylum. Forcing people back over a border, a practice known as “pushbacks,” is illegal under European and international law.
But ahead of its passage, the bill appeared to be largely supported by the Finnish public. About 65 percent of Finns said they were in favor of the law, with just 19 percent saying they were opposed, according to a survey commissioned by a prominent Finnish newspaper in late June.

Finnish officials have claimed Moscow is encouraging and helping an influx of migrants to cross the border, in hopes of stoking polarization within the country. More than 1,300 people have crossed the Finnish-Russian border to seek asylum since last summer, according to border authorities, largely coming from third countries in the Middle East and Africa. Russia, however, has denied deliberately shuttling migrants to the Finland border.

The border closures Finland implemented have been effective: Since December, only some 35 migrants have crossed illegally into the country from Russia, according to the Finnish broadcaster Yle.
Nice job switching subjects.
Finland is one of the top nations in the world in education, and #1 in the world in discerning between fake news and legitimate news. They teach it in schools, at an early age, because Russia is constantly bombarding them with fake news and propaganda.

Yet in the U.S. we have one political party spreading fake news (pro Russia, election deniers, immigrants eating pets, etc.). One party is trying to degrade public education to keep the masses stupid. And it’s why we can’t have nice things…

We need to be more like Finland

I'd be all for this.

But I don't think one party is trying to keep people stupid so as to benefit their politics
"We need to be more like Finland"

Let's do it!

Finland–Russia border barrier​

The Finland–Russia border barrier (Finnish: Itärajan esteaita, Swedish: Gränsstaket vid östgränsen) is an under construction border barrier in Finland along the Finland–Russia border.[1] The border barrier began to be built in response to the 2022 Russian Invasion of Ukraine by the Marin Cabinet,[2] and gained increased popularity due to the use of migrants in hybrid warfare by the Russian Federation.[3] The border barrier is to be approx. 200 kilometres (120 mi) long,[4] covering roughly 15% of the 1,340-kilometre (830 mi) border. The construction of the border barrier began in Imatra on 28 February 2023, and construction is set to be complete in 2027 or 2028.[5]

The border barrier is to be built by the Finnish Border Guard,[6] and the border barrier is to be equipped with razor wire and cameras. The border barrier is predicted to cost around 380 million euros.

Finland Passes Law to Turn Away Asylum Seekers at Border​

The country last year closed all land crossings with Russia, accusing Moscow of trying to weaponize migration. Russian authorities have called the accusations “unsubstantiated.”

Parliament voted 167 to 31 to approve the bill, which would be in place for a year. Because it is an expedited constitutional amendment, it required more than the typical supermajority to pass.

The legislation gives the authorities the power to halt the acceptance of asylum applications at the border for up to a month at a time — and to remove migrants who had already made it into the country in hopes of seeking asylum. Forcing people back over a border, a practice known as “pushbacks,” is illegal under European and international law.
But ahead of its passage, the bill appeared to be largely supported by the Finnish public. About 65 percent of Finns said they were in favor of the law, with just 19 percent saying they were opposed, according to a survey commissioned by a prominent Finnish newspaper in late June.

Finnish officials have claimed Moscow is encouraging and helping an influx of migrants to cross the border, in hopes of stoking polarization within the country. More than 1,300 people have crossed the Finnish-Russian border to seek asylum since last summer, according to border authorities, largely coming from third countries in the Middle East and Africa. Russia, however, has denied deliberately shuttling migrants to the Finland border.

The border closures Finland implemented have been effective: Since December, only some 35 migrants have crossed illegally into the country from Russia, according to the Finnish broadcaster Yle.
We need to keep you russians out of our country also. But the fascist right welcomes your crime syndicates.
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Finland is one of the top nations in the world in education, and #1 in the world in discerning between fake news and legitimate news. They teach it in schools, at an early age, because Russia is constantly bombarding them with fake news and propaganda.

Yet in the U.S. we have one political party spreading fake news (pro Russia, election deniers, immigrants eating pets, etc.). One party is trying to degrade public education to keep the masses stupid. And it’s why we can’t have nice things…

We need to be more like Finland

This is why one party wants to do away with the Department of Education. Fascists and dictators live the poorly educated.
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We are increasingly living in a world where most Americans live in a world that doesn’t match reality.

A world where we're told Biden is "sharp" and "focused".
A world where we're told that the Afghan National Army is many times the size of the Taliban.
A world where we're told that COVID is many times more lethal than it really is.

Imagine a world where voices opposing those narratives were silenced or muted at the direction of government agents.
That's what the Democrats want.
I can't vote for that.
I figured we were done with that since you didn't respond, but called me in this thread.

So you agree with the Obama appointed federal judge that no 'reasonable' person thinks Maddow is providing 'factual' information, right?

Just want to get you on the record about these disinformation agents, Tom.
787 million
A world where we're told Biden is "sharp" and "focused".
A world where we're told that the Afghan National Army is many times the size of the Taliban.
A world where we're told that COVID is many times more lethal than it really is.

Imagine a world where voices opposing those narratives were silenced or muted at the direction of government agents.
That's what the Democrats want.
I can't vote for that.
Ok, Vlad.
787 million
This isn't dodgeball, Tom.
I asked you a question:

Do you agree with the Obama appointed federal judge that no 'reasonable' person thinks Maddow is providing 'factual' information, right?

Just want to get you on the record about these disinformation agents, Tom.
Ok, Vlad.

It's amazing you've been brainwashed to think opposition to government preferred narratives must be of foreign origin.

The people in power have been using the same Red Scare tactics for over a century now.

They definitely play well among some.
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The idea that you believe it illustrates how badly we need those classes. The media isn't an arm of one political party. That's idiotic.

Or maybe they aren't stupid enough to believe this.
The majority of individuals in American MSM are Democrats. It’s a free country and they can certainly vote for whomever they chose. However, their personal bias should not be part of their reporting, but that’s not been the case in recent years.
This is why one party wants to do away with the Department of Education. Fascists and dictators live the poorly educated.
The globalists know that they have to indoctrinate the youth in order to get them on board with their agenda. For people on the right who are not on board with the globalist agenda, it makes sense that they do not want this type of indoctrination in schools.

There are multiple mentions of the importance of getting the youth on board with the agenda in the "Pact for the future" by the UN.

"Action 20. We will accelerate the implementation of our commitments on youth, peace and security. 41. We recognize that the full, effective, safe and meaningful participation of youth is critical to maintain and promote international peace and security. We decide to: (a) Take concrete voluntary measures to increase the inclusive representation of youth in decision-making at all levels in prevention and the resolution of conflict, including by increasing opportunities for them to participate in relevant intergovernmental deliberations at the United Nations; (b) Strengthen and implement existing youth, peace and security national and regional road maps to deliver on our commitments, and develop them where they do not exist, on a voluntary basis; (c) Request the Secretary-General to carry out the second independent progress study on youth’s positive contribution to peace processes and conflict resolution by the end of the eightieth session."

Today’s generation of children and young people is the largest in history, with most of them living in developing countries. They are critical agents of positive change and we welcome the important contributions of young people to peace and security, sustainable development and human rights.
The majority of individuals in American MSM are Democrats. It’s a free country and they can certainly vote for whomever they chose. However, their personal bias should not be part of their reporting, but that’s not been the case in recent years.
Only in the empty minds of you far right brain dead fascists.
"We need to be more like Finland"

Let's do it!

Finland–Russia border barrier​

The Finland–Russia border barrier (Finnish: Itärajan esteaita, Swedish: Gränsstaket vid östgränsen) is an under construction border barrier in Finland along the Finland–Russia border.[1] The border barrier began to be built in response to the 2022 Russian Invasion of Ukraine by the Marin Cabinet,[2] and gained increased popularity due to the use of migrants in hybrid warfare by the Russian Federation.[3] The border barrier is to be approx. 200 kilometres (120 mi) long,[4] covering roughly 15% of the 1,340-kilometre (830 mi) border. The construction of the border barrier began in Imatra on 28 February 2023, and construction is set to be complete in 2027 or 2028.[5]

The border barrier is to be built by the Finnish Border Guard,[6] and the border barrier is to be equipped with razor wire and cameras. The border barrier is predicted to cost around 380 million euros.

Finland Passes Law to Turn Away Asylum Seekers at Border​

The country last year closed all land crossings with Russia, accusing Moscow of trying to weaponize migration. Russian authorities have called the accusations “unsubstantiated.”

Parliament voted 167 to 31 to approve the bill, which would be in place for a year. Because it is an expedited constitutional amendment, it required more than the typical supermajority to pass.

The legislation gives the authorities the power to halt the acceptance of asylum applications at the border for up to a month at a time — and to remove migrants who had already made it into the country in hopes of seeking asylum. Forcing people back over a border, a practice known as “pushbacks,” is illegal under European and international law.
But ahead of its passage, the bill appeared to be largely supported by the Finnish public. About 65 percent of Finns said they were in favor of the law, with just 19 percent saying they were opposed, according to a survey commissioned by a prominent Finnish newspaper in late June.

Finnish officials have claimed Moscow is encouraging and helping an influx of migrants to cross the border, in hopes of stoking polarization within the country. More than 1,300 people have crossed the Finnish-Russian border to seek asylum since last summer, according to border authorities, largely coming from third countries in the Middle East and Africa. Russia, however, has denied deliberately shuttling migrants to the Finland border.

The border closures Finland implemented have been effective: Since December, only some 35 migrants have crossed illegally into the country from Russia, according to the Finnish broadcaster Yle.
If we take that report at face value, there are some interesting differences.

First, Russia is weaponizing immigration, and is shuttling immigrants from the Middle East and Africa (not Russians fleeing Putin).

Second, Finland it building their wall for less than $3 million per mile. I seem to recall we were paying more like $20 million. That's just from memory, though, so I could be wrong.

Third, Finland's approach allows halting asylum applications for a month at a time.

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