How worried are you about AI?


Gold Member
Sep 23, 2021
Interested to hear what a group of average Americans thinks about the development and progression of AI in America and the world.

Do you think it will be beneficial to most of us in terms of higher productivity/ easier work in our jobs or do you think it will solely be used by the ruling class as a way to replace working people while simultaneously leaving them in the dust?

Do you worry at all about AI becoming too sentient and eventually becoming the “big brother” figure that writers have prognosticated about for decades or believe it will simply be a way for us all to enhance our own intelligence?

All of the above?
I think it's going to be all of the above. We have a couple of AI work tools that I've come to depend on. One creates notes and action item follow-ups to ever call, incoming and outgoing. Another is a just a content creator similar to Chatgpt. We also have an AI tool for our clients that's text based. All very, very useful tools.

Like anything, it comes with pitfalls. Decrease in critical thinking for one.

It's the old adage, Creativity inspires technology, but technology hinders creativity.
Extremely. He’s selling garden hoses now.
Interested to hear what a group of average Americans thinks about the development and progression of AI in America and the world.

Do you think it will be beneficial to most of us in terms of higher productivity/ easier work in our jobs or do you think it will solely be used by the ruling class as a way to replace working people while simultaneously leaving them in the dust?

Do you worry at all about AI becoming too sentient and eventually becoming the “big brother” figure that writers have prognosticated about for decades or believe it will simply be a way for us all to enhance our own intelligence?

All of the above?
I think it's overhyped at the moment. The amount of energy required to create and sustain a true AGI is out of our current capacity. I think eventually it will be a net good in terms of medical and scientific breakthroughs (Alphafold comes to mind). Hopefully a cancer cure comes out of it. Someone will use it for war and violence (probably already happening), but I think the AI arms race will keep it balanced. What we have now is a good predictive AI that can kind of provide creative answers to simplistic prompts, but is very far from actual self creativity.

AI has been around for a while now, but I think the recent buzz has been over Nvidia's huge profitability. Which is a byproduct of having the top 5-6 US companies making profits hands over fist, having a government that is against these companies buying out smaller companies, so these businesses are throwing billions of those profits into a new technology that may or may not provide an ROI since they cannot do anything else with the profits than buyback their own stock.
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Careerwise not at all. Lifewise not sure. I have an iPhone and lurking this app is about the most wild thing I do with it. I don't see AI changing my life significantly but could be wrong.
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I think it will end up taking over most customer service interactions and will make talking to an actual human for any customer service problems mostly impossible. That could end up being good if they do a good job with it, since a lot of customer service people are just reading from a script anyway, and not exercising any critical thinking.

I'm not really worried about it taking over, or much of anything else that really matters. Outside of customer service, editing papers, and a fancier version of googling something, I don't think it's going to make much difference to me.
Going to wipe out a lot of white collar jobs.

When an ERP system lie SAP gets in with AI in a big way and shit ton of accountants, supply chain, and middle management excel pumpers are going to be toast.

I will be retired in about 3 years so I won’t be affected in the wallet.

I do hope robots can help me in my old age to avoid the indignity of nursing home.
Interested to hear what a group of average Americans thinks about the development and progression of AI in America and the world.

Do you think it will be beneficial to most of us in terms of higher productivity/ easier work in our jobs or do you think it will solely be used by the ruling class as a way to replace working people while simultaneously leaving them in the dust?

Do you worry at all about AI becoming too sentient and eventually becoming the “big brother” figure that writers have prognosticated about for decades or believe it will simply be a way for us all to enhance our own intelligence?

All of the above?
It has the potential to end civilization, and our dinosaur political leaders aren’t capable of regulating development because they’re ignorant to what it even is, so I’m as worried as I can be, which isn’t much because I have a control what you can control philosophical bedrock to life.
It has the potential to end civilization, and our dinosaur political leaders aren’t capable of regulating development because they’re ignorant to what it even is, so I’m as worried as I can be, which isn’t much because I have a control what you can control philosophical bedrock to life.
No cause for concern. Instead of experts in a regulatory agency who would understand the applications, advantages, and pitfalls of AI, we can rely on the wisdom of our incorruptible courts and/or elected representatives.
Going to wipe out a lot of white collar jobs.

When an ERP system lie SAP gets in with AI in a big way and shit ton of accountants, supply chain, and middle management excel pumpers are going to be toast.

I will be retired in about 3 years so I won’t be affected in the wallet.

I do hope robots can help me in my old age to avoid the indignity of nursing home.
My employer about five years ago invested millions to replace/"help" the blue collar workers. It ultimately was a multi-million dollar waste of money. The robots couldn't keep up with the pathetic hoomans. Funny thing was they kind of moved the robots to the tasks that you'd give to your worst worker.
I am wondering if AI isn't already becoming a bit of an intrusive problem, what with getting inundated with recommendations for the actual thing or similar things, seconds after searching for or following a link on the internet, either with PC/laptop or phone.
I’m more worried about deep fakes.

They are getting more and more realistic.

That’s the type of shit that can start nuclear wars
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I am in my early 50s so what ever happens, I will likely not have to worry about it.

That said... Based on everything I have seen over the years.. The human race is fűcked.

Don't be so sure of that. AI adoption rate is greatly outpacing even things like the internet. It will be here before you know it.

I don't think the human race is F'd. We'll always need a human check and balances even with Generative AI.

I do worry that it will make us even more lazy than we are already. I also worry about disinformation. If you think social media is bad, AI is going to only make that worse. Governance, security, and source of data are my biggest concerns.
Interested to hear what a group of average Americans thinks about the development and progression of AI in America and the world.

Do you think it will be beneficial to most of us in terms of higher productivity/ easier work in our jobs or do you think it will solely be used by the ruling class as a way to replace working people while simultaneously leaving them in the dust?

Do you worry at all about AI becoming too sentient and eventually becoming the “big brother” figure that writers have prognosticated about for decades or believe it will simply be a way for us all to enhance our own intelligence?

All of the above?
You came to the wrong place pal, this board is full of elites and 1%er’s dum dum.
Humans generally, fear death.

Eventually AI will assist humans in living forever by essentially making humans digital.
Black Mirror touches on this subject a few times. I don’t think someone’s actual consciousness could ever be digitized, but who tf knows.
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No. This will not happen.
Well, we already replace hips, knees, shoulders; in theory, AI should get to a point where it could also make replacements for every part of the human body to things that won’t deteriorate and die?

An individuals brain function being the most difficult to replace; but I’m sure there will be a way, an AI way.
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Just like everything else I think AI has the opportunity to make lives better or worse. I think AI will take a lot of human interaction out of the equation. As a poster said such as customer service or interaction with a cashier. I find that specifically troubling because I think part of being human is the human experience. AI and social media are making that less and less.

I do think it has the opportunity to eliminate or streamline jobs which maybe will allow people more time to enjoy living and life. I think humans are on this earth to have a purpose and hopefully AI will allow humans more time to pursue that in the future
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in theory, AI should get to a point where it could also make replacements for every part of the human body to things that won’t deteriorate and die?
Well, but that wouldn’t be “digital”. You’re talking about physical, tangible parts.

That might include the brain, but never the mind.
I’m honestly probably more concerned about the strain on infrastructure with resource heavy data centers (water and electricity) than the technology itself
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All you positing on AI and not one of you can tell me what intelligence is.
Everybody should be worried because business leaders will all say I can get about 60% of the job done at 5% of the cost, so you're getting a shit product while I get rich

Don't believe me? Take a look around you right now and look at all of the shit that came from China that gets you about halfway where you want to be at 10% of the cost
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All you positing on AI and not one of you can tell me what intelligence is.
I’m sorry you don’t know what intelligence is.

But seriously. Not worried about AI with the exception of we may find talking to a human CSR damn near impossible. Pressing zero will just get you a more responsive layer of fake friendly bot assistance.
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All you positing on AI and not one of you can tell me what intelligence is.
Computers so fast they can simulate billions of solutions and based on all digitalized history pick the best option. And it gets better and better on a geometric scale.

Also it can consume text images and video

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