Howard done for rest of regular season per Dan Wetzel

1st time - Howard yells "I'm going to kill you!" at Mark Turgeon after a game, angrily threatening him while being restrained.

2nd time - Howard grabs Greg Gard by the shirt and threatens him for touching his arm in the handshake line. Then he forces his way through several players and coaches to smack a WI assistant coach in the head, starting a brawl.

3rd time? - maybe he brings a knife? Seriously injures an opposing coach?

He surprised me by this outburst because he was totally out of control. He needs to be in a zero-tolerance situation. He could really hurt someone.
Nice spin job. Do you work in DC?
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Fran gets 2 games for calling Ref name.
Howard gets 5 games for assault , inciting violent melee, in his second offense.

does that seem equitable?
Im sure the $ people at Michigan think it makes perfect sense.
Probably lobbying for Fran to get 3 more games.
Does the Big even want them in the post season?
I think only the Michigan athletic department can make that decision, but even if they qualify, they should politely excuse themselves from further competition after the B1G tourney.
Gard not getting any game suspension is bullsh!t. But it's what I'd expect coming from wisky.
I used to have respect for what Barry did for wisky football, but that no longer offsets their b-ball program which for me is the equivalent of nebby football. F@#k their whole program.
He should be gone for the regular and post season. 5 games is not enough punishment for the act. I'm shocked at the light punishment.
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Gard not getting any game suspension is bullsh!t. But it's what I'd expect coming from wisky.
I used to have respect for what Barry did for wisky football, but that no longer offsets their b-ball program which for me is the equivalent of nebby football. F@#k their whole program.
Gard grabbing Juwan's arm was piss poor judgement but that's it. He doesn't deserve punishment for that.
Howard-5 game suspension, fined 40K, Gard fined 10K, the 2 Michigan players and 1 Wisconsin player given 1 game suspensions.
What's Fran's career total for games suspended for calling out incompetent referees?

A guy strikes another coach in the head in a fit of rage? I'm beyond appalled that no one in the league office sees this for what it is. He went after Turgeon last year in a very aggressive manor. Apparently you can cross the line and literally commit physical assault and it's not a big deal.

I'd give it some slack if he owned up to it. Instead he maintained he was provoked and that gave him a free pass to physically attack someone.

I wish the NCAA would actually step in and say he's done for a year. Not the remaining games, but a calendar year. But that organization has multiple teams in the top 5 right now that the entire world thought were supposed to get the hammer.

In summary, criticize the organization, they'll put you in your place. Punch someone in the face, no one really cares.
Wouldn’t mind seeing Michigan and Wisconsin meeting up on Friday of the B1G tournament.

Of course that would require a Thurs win in Howard’s first game back. Not sure I could root for that.
Gard grabbing Juwan's arm was piss poor judgement but that's it. He doesn't deserve punishment for that.
He played a part in instigating. He had zero business laying hands on Howard at all; it was pouring gas on a open flame.
Howard's responsible for his actions. I'm fine with gone for the rest of the season, including any post season if they make it. That's at a minimum. If the league and/or um wants to give him more upon further consideration, I think his actions support that as well(up to and including dismissal by the university).
Gard's also responsible for the sh!t that he pulls. I don't think a fine is enough.
B1G will be a laughing stock if stick with Michigan AD's punishment of only 5 games, not with this being Howard's 2nd offense, aka Strike 2.

Warren needs act like the B1G commissioner and step in, to tell UM that Howard is done for rest of the regular AND post season.
I don’t think he has that power.
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Gard not getting any game suspension is bullsh!t. But it's what I'd expect coming from wisky.
I used to have respect for what Barry did for wisky football, but that no longer offsets their b-ball program which for me is the equivalent of nebby football. F@#k their whole program.
I guess you feel the same about the b1g....
Gard should get 1 game. Players who were throwing punches should get 1-2 games but Howard should be gone but im not surprised.
Gard did nothing out of the ordinary and does not deserve a suspension. Maybe the Big Ten sends him a letter suggesting that in the future he should just walk off the floor, but there's no way he should be suspended.
I don't like Gard any more than the rest of the world, but this is 100% on Howard.
Hopefully more suspensions are coming.

The Big Ten is obviously reviewing video of this game.

Should Coach Howard be suspended? Absolutely.

Should Brad Davison be suspended for the following?

(1) tripping during this game;

(2) elbowing Dickinson in the the ribs on a screen during this game;

(3) nut punching Dickinson during a screen during this game and

(4) his history of dirty play over the last 5 plus years

Hell yes he should be suspended

What follows are Davison's shenanigans from last night.

Check these out & watch:

Please change the record. This one is getting old. We get it, you don't like Brad Davison. The Big Ten has been letting him get away with his shenanigans this long. What makes you think they're going to do something about him now?
That's for Michigan to decide. If he learns from the mistake and this never happens again then problem solved. I do fear his temper will resurface, let's just hope it doesn't result in someone getting smacked.
Pretty certain if they do well in the NCAAs this year then he’s learned his lesson. If they don’t make the NCAAs this year or or maybe next then he hasn’t learned his lesson and will be terminated.
If there is no room for this behavior at Michigan why didn’t they fire him? Clearly they made room for this behavior. When do find out which booster will be paying his 40K fine? His statue is probably being commissioned as we speak. Michigan must be trying to reach Penn State status.
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What I saw was Howard trying to walk past Gard…. And Gard went hand on arm and held or pushed back to stop him so he could say something to Howard…..Hand on in that instance is clearly wrong and out of line. Howard then took things to another level and should therefore get more serious sanctions.
As Howard walked past him he says "I won't forget that" meaning he's going to remember the timeout Gard called. Gard can't let it go and grabs his arm. And off we go.

Howard found a coach who wasn't going to let his constant yelling at the other team slide. He should have been suspended last year for threatening to kill Turgeon. Thought Krabbenhoft might get some suspension. Also thought Kiabate should feel lucky with only 1 game suspension.
Now I have a strong desire to watch Izzo and his crew walk the imaginary HS line, shaking air, after Iowa beats them tomorrow night.

Have your guys walk off without participating in the HS line tomorrow night and make him prove it, Fran!!

Time to put up or shut up, angry elf.
What I saw was Howard trying to walk past Gard…. And Gard went hand on arm and held or pushed back to stop him so he could say something to Howard…..Hand on in that instance is clearly wrong and out of line. Howard then took things to another level and should therefore get more serious sanctions.
Yep, this is the way I took it also.
Gard should have just walked on.
Juwan gets in Fran's face and Fran will slap the sh&t out of him.

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