Hunter Biden may get 17 years in prison.

His sentencing date is December 16.


Tere is ZERO chance B gets “17 years” of jail time. If every tax cheat/gun violator received jail time for their offense, America would have to double its prison space. I think 17 months would be excessive but closer too what he will be sentenced. IF HB gets “17 years”….Trump will spend the rest of his natural life in prison for the NY crimes…..with 3 more trials to go.
Because 17 years. That's why. If it were a year or two I think that letting him serve his time would be righteous. But 17 years? That's not righteous.
particularly when most if not all of the crimes were when he was dealing with substance abuse issues.
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Probably won't. But if it was anywhere near that time I would throw my word in the garbage and pardon him as a father. And I wouldn't entrust that pardon to Harris. My kid. My pardon.

What if Hunter gets 5 you pardon?
I would pardon my kid.
Excited Lets Go GIF
It would hurt President Biden's legacy, IMO.
Not really. He will always be remembered for stepping down and willingly relinquishing power. Moreso if Harris wins in November.

And if Trump wins nobody, especially Republicans, will give a rats ass what happens to him because it was never about crimes he committed.

Also, since he pled guilty there is no f****g way he goes to prison for 17 years. I'll be surprised if he goes to jail for any time at all, honestly.
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Hunter will almost certainly get probation rather than prison, but I wouldn't blame Joe if he pardoned him.

And LOL at the MAGA's who will howl about it after Trump's Pardon Fest after the 2020 election. So full of shit.