I’ve come around to torbee’s way of thinking on trains

Apples & Oranges

You are talking infrastructure. A train is a service.

We may bail out airlines and car manufactures in this country but we don’t do direct subsidies.
Building roads is infrastructure, but rail is not?
You have not ridden a train?
Are ferry terminals infrastructure?
Why are cars and airlines golden?
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The 380 Bus goes back and forth EMPTY. You guys want trains? Hell, even the Hawkeye Express bit it. Give it a break. If big states with actual population density can't make bullet trains work, hicksville Iowa ain't making it work. Fill the damn bus first.
The Flyway bus system that runs from the Valley to LA EX and points between is busy as heck, timely, reliable and affordable.
Provide good service and it will be utilized.
Most opposition to trains eventually quotes cost. It never compares costs of roadway or airline traffic including subsidies.
The Flyway bus system that runs from the Valley to LA EX and points between is busy as heck, timely, reliable and affordable.
Provide good service and it will be utilized.
Most opposition to trains eventually quotes cost. It never compares costs of roadway or airline traffic including subsidies.
You're comparing California and Iowa? Haha. The bus here is brand new, has free wireless and costs like 5 bucks. And runs every half an hour. It's empty.
Thanks to subsidies and the fact 1 out of 6 Americans live in the NE corridor. It works for that part of the country but DC to BOS is a unique part of the country. It is not repeatable.
If you could create a route to go from Omaha to Chicago averaging even 100 mph you'd have ridership. Imagine getting to Chicago from Des Moines in 3 hours.
No doubt. If we could only reduce the area of the US, we’d be set.

It’s all good though, Elon’s Hyperloop will save us
Sure, and I 100% get the land area/density difference. But I’m not dreaming of going from NY to LA via train here, rather starting small with localized, major corridor routes. Then build from there.

The poster who mentioned Houston-to-DFW not getting off the ground is a bummer reality check, I’ll acknowledge.
I have. I got around Europe faster in my car and had the freedom to do what I wanted when I wanted to.
I get some people will always prefer driving, and that’s cool. But I’ll choose high speed train every day of the week (insert joke here). I love strolling onto the train, actually having time to stow bags and get settled, unfolding that center table to prop my book up or do some writing, or just stretching the ol’ legs and zoning out to the scenery. To me it’s idyllic.
If you could create a route to go from Omaha to Chicago averaging even 100 mph you'd have ridership. Imagine getting to Chicago from Des Moines in 3 hours.

The problem is you have to add in stops to make it profitable.

When I drove to Amsterdam it took 3 hours to get my hotel. The hotel I used was actually preset close to the train station, probably just a fifteen minute walk. But then add in the train ride took over four and a half hours and the 30 plus minutes it took to get to the train station, get tickets, wait for the train, etc….

A three hour drive took over five hours on train.
The problem is you have to add in stops to make it profitable.

When I drove to Amsterdam it took 3 hours to get my hotel. The hotel I used was actually preset close to the train station, probably just a fifteen minute walk. But then add in the train ride took over four and a half hours and the 30 plus minutes it took to get to the train station, get tickets, wait for the train, etc….

A three hour drive took over five hours on train.
Then let's bump it to 150mph. That terrain is mighty flat.
Airlines receive subsidies to service smaller airports
Correct, United has held EAS contracts for example for years to serve Sioux City, Mason City, Ft Dodge, Waterloo, Ottumwa, etc. That provides essential service from small rural communities.

However, you cannot compare that to the conversation to connect larger metros together. That’s apples vs oranges.

Unless….you want to propose a like-for-like argument and subsidize rail service between Ft Dodge and Chicago when they already have a direct air link subsidized.