I see Harvard has finished becoming a total cesspool.

So now we are for censoring student speech on college campuses?

Although, to be fair, criticizing leadership for not at least putting out a statement saying the views expressed by these students do not reflect the views of the University is fair.
No one is censoring anyone. But if you agree with those abhorrent views, you shouldn't get hired because you obviously are either evil or a lemming like moron.
I can’t believe we’re talking about this when there are people walking the streets of this country that haven’t denounced January 6th. THOSE are the real terrorists!
Yes let's make light of an attack of our actual democracy by the leader of one of our 2 political parties. What a stupid post.
Some, true. And plenty of fakes. Do you know which is which? Some major media and plenty in social media don't seem to.

I'd like to think we can agree that atrocities are bad. But to some they only bad when Hamas actors commit them.

Both sides think their violence is justified. And you know what? Both sides are at least partly right. If you can imagine yourself as an Israeli living under threat and attack, and if you can imagine yourself as a Palestinian living under threat and attack, I think you can easily imagine feeling justified.

But sure, let's all get on the bandwagon that only one side is wrong, and only the other is justified in calling them and treating them like animals - up to and including extermination.
People like you that try and say "ya but both sides..." after a terrorist attach are vile and it makes me very sad that there are Americans that still think like you. Maybe 9-11 was just too long ago for you.
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No what I'm saying is that one of the most prominent newspapers in Israel is running think pieces describing how Netanyahu's government bares some responsibility for these attacks due to their treatment of Palestinian people and no one in America cares. But if a group of college students says the same thing then it's the end of the world and they should be blacklisted for life.

*Edit* To be clear just because I believe the Israeli Government deserves some blame for the conditions they've forced Palestinian people to live in doesn't mean I support Hamas. I want the IDF to kill Hamas but to do so in such a way that limits the amount of civilian casualties on both sides.
Another nazi.

I notice you don't criticize Egypt or Jordan for the poor Palestinians. Weird.

Palestine isn't a real thing and never has been. It has always been used as a proxy to try and exterminate jews.
I think we we around and around on something similar a year or two ago. I don't remember the thread. Maybe it was Ukraine. Maybe it was drunk driving arguing the difference between manslaughter and murder. I seem to recall you arguing that a death is a death, regardless of how it occurred. I believe that is a horrible take, as there is war and then there is terrorism, they are not the same thing even if the end result is dead people. If I am misremembering and it was not you, my apoligies.
That's not my position. Sure all dead are equally dead. But not all deaths are equal. Some are horrific, some gentle, and everywhere in between. Some are justified, some unjustified - and for some justice isn't in the equation.

Most of the killings on both sides of this conflict - now and in the past - fall into the horrific and unjustified categories.

Where we may or may not disagree here is that many are calling for the mass slaughter of Palestinian "animals."
Some, true. And plenty of fakes. Do you know which is which? Some major media and plenty in social media don't seem to.

I'd like to think we can agree that atrocities are bad. But to some they only bad when Hamas actors commit them.

Both sides think their violence is justified. And you know what? Both sides are at least partly right. If you can imagine yourself as an Israeli living under threat and attack, and if you can imagine yourself as a Palestinian living under threat and attack, I think you can easily imagine feeling justified.

But sure, let's all get on the bandwagon that only one side is wrong, and only the other is justified in calling them and treating them like animals - up to and including extermination.
Another idiot that would be promoting the rights of Germany to deal with the Jewish problem.

You need to wake up
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People like you that try and say "ya but both sides..." after a terrorist attach are vile and it makes me very sad that there are Americans that still think like you. Maybe 9-11 was just too long ago for you.
I would appreciate it if you would stop mischaracterizing my position.

This is serious business and childish responses don't improve the level of discussion.
That's not my position. Sure all dead are equally dead. But not all deaths are equal. Some are horrific, some gentle, and everywhere in between. Some are justified, some unjustified - and for some justice isn't in the equation.

Most of the killings on both sides of this conflict - now and in the past - fall into the horrific and unjustified categories.

Where we may or may not disagree here is that many are calling for the mass slaughter of Palestinian "animals."
Show the rallies around the world calling for the gassing of Palestinians

Why won't Egypt open their border exactly? Nothing stopping them at all.

Maybe because the middle east in has been using Palestinians as proxies to exterminate the jews. You haven't seen any of those speeches?

You are on the side of the nazi equivalents in modern times. You are the reason Israel was needed and appropriately adopts the positions they do on national defense. Your mealy mouthed bullshit disguising your antisemitism.
Its indifference/ support of this shit is grotesque.

Some of Harvard University’s most prominent political alumni are criticizing the school for not condemning a student-led statement that blamed Israel for the surprise Hamas attack over the weekend.

“The silence from Harvard’s leadership, so far, coupled with a vocal and widely reported student groups’ statement blaming Israel solely, has allowed Harvard to appear at best neutral towards acts of terror against the Jewish state of Israel,” Lawrence Summers, a former Harvard president and longtime Washington economic policy hand, wrote on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter.

Summers, a Democrat who served as Treasury secretary under Bill Clinton, added: “I am sickened. I cannot fathom the Administration’s failure to disassociate the University and condemn this statement.”

In their comments, prominent figures who studied at the university — many of them Republicans — blasted the school for not standing up for Israel. The story made the rounds on Sunday and Monday across a plethora of mostly conservative news sites, picking up the attention of Washington figures like Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) and Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.)

In their comments, prominent figures who studied at the university — many of them Republicans — blasted the school for not standing up for Israel. The story made the rounds on Sunday and Monday across a plethora of mostly conservative news sites, picking up the attention of Washington figures like Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) and Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.)

‘Dangerous’: Washington reacts to war in Israel amid speaker chaos

“What the hell is wrong with Harvard?” Cruz, who attended Harvard Law School, wrote Monday on X.

Stefanik, the House Republican Conference Chair, wrote Sunday night on X: “It is abhorrent and heinous that Harvard student groups are blaming Israel for Hamas’ barbaric terrorist attacks that have killed over 700 Israelis.”

Following much of the backlash, Harvard’s leadership released a statement Monday night that did not directly address the student organizations but instead focused on the school’s commitment to fostering open dialogue.

“We have no illusion that Harvard alone can readily bridge the widely different views of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, but we are hopeful that, as a community devoted to learning, we can take steps that will draw on our common humanity and shared values in order to modulate rather than amplify the deep-seated divisions and animosities so distressingly evident in the wider world,” the school’s leadership said.
The students originally wrote in a Saturday statement that the Hamas-led attack “did not occur in a vacuum” and that Israel was “entirely responsible for all unfolding violence.”

“In the coming days, Palestinians will be forced to bear the full brunt of Israel’s violence,” the students wrote.

A review of the statement shows that most of the 35 student organizations signing the letter are identity-based groups or caucuses — and several of them, in name, expressly support the rights of Palestinian people. Activist student groups that support Palestinians are common across the country, and they often lead demonstrations and protests critical of Israel on campuses.

The development could represent an early challenge for Claudine Gay, who recently became Harvard’s president this summer. The university has often been the target of conservative criticism that higher education panders to elites and teaches liberal viewpoints, and it was the main target of the Supreme Court case that toppled affirmative action in June.
Would you expect anything less from the institution that produced one of the most dangerous muslim/marxists of our time; Barack Hussein 0boma?
I can’t believe we’re talking about this when there are people walking the streets of this country that haven’t denounced January 6th. THOSE are the real terrorists!
By comparison, "Jan 6" was a drunken frat party compared to what the squad and most dem/socialists want for this country.
By comparison, "Jan 6" was a drunken frat party compared to what the squad and most dem/socialists want for this country.
On the one hand I like the way you downplay 1/6 as a party. Very clever. Who can be upset about a party?

On the other, yes, we lefties want to see good, honest, progressive governance. Better for America and Americans than your "drunken frat party."
On the one hand I like the way you downplay 1/6 as a party. Very clever. Who can be upset about a party?

On the other, yes, we lefties want to see good, honest, progressive governance. Better for America and Americans than your "drunken frat party."
And you can do all that with your own money, no? You don't need to be stealing from drunks, right? After all, one of the definitions of your beloved marxism--progressive governance--is stealing the production from others for the good of the "party."
In no particular order:

1. Israel is to blame for this mess.
2. Hamas is to blame for this mess.
3. The student organizations have a right to express their opinion
4. The school is correct for not coming down on the students for expressing their opinion.
5. OP has a right to criticize both the students and the school.
6. OP is still a nincompoop
7. What the h3ll is a nincompoop?
OP is a huge pro-cancel culture, justice warrior.
For points 1 and 2, define "this mess." The conflict overall or the terror attack?
Both. But at this moment I would say more Israel for #1 and much more Hamas for #2.

Give it a couple of weeks, and the sentiment on #2 may start changing.

That's always a problem for Israel. As the body count mounts and becomes disproportionate, people don't stop blaming Hamas but they start thinking Israel isn't a paragon of virtue any more.

When enough Americans start becoming concerned about the carnage in Gaza, it becomes harder for the US to protect Israel from UN pressure to impose a cease fire. It comes down to how much of the lawn Israel can mow before we reach that point.
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Some, true. And plenty of fakes. Do you know which is which? Some major media and plenty in social media don't seem to.

I'd like to think we can agree that atrocities are bad. But to some they only bad when Hamas actors commit them.

Both sides think their violence is justified. And you know what? Both sides are at least partly right. If you can imagine yourself as an Israeli living under threat and attack, and if you can imagine yourself as a Palestinian living under threat and attack, I think you can easily imagine feeling justified.

But sure, let's all get on the bandwagon that only one side is wrong, and only the other is justified in calling them and treating them like animals - up to and including extermination.
I’ve been doing plenty of reading and listening over the last few days.

Although you’re right in that both sides have had a hand in this mess, I’m still going with the side that doesn’t want to dismantle western culture or cut my head off in the name of Allah.

As someone else said in this thread, life is a series of decisions and electing a terrorist organization to lead you has consequences.
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When enough Americans start becoming concerned about the carnage in Gaza, it becomes harder for the US to protect Israel from UN pressure to impose a cease fire. It comes down to how much of the lawn Israel can mow before we reach that point.
And there's the difference. We are normally concerned when it comes to excessive carnage. We have Palestinian supporters all over the world who don't think what Hamas did went far enough.
Israel cuts off electricity and water. A war crime when Russia does it. Justified when Israel does it?

Eighteen schools bombed, 9 UN personnel dead. No doubt we'll hear the "human shields" cliche.

Is it wrong to ask for consistent standards?
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Israel cuts off electricity and water. A war crime when Russia does it. Justified when Israel does it?

Eighteen schools bombed, 9 UN personnel dead. No doubt we'll hear the "human shields" cliche.

Is it wrong to ask for consistent standards?
I know this sounds heartless, but this is the definition of FAFO.

I'm going to guess that if Hamas didn't butcher Israeli citizens last weekend, these Palestinians would still have water and electricity.

Again, just like in America, elections have consequences. You can't elect barbaric, religious shitheads to lead you and expect a lifetime of peace and happiness.
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No one is censoring anyone. But if you agree with those abhorrent views, you shouldn't get hired because you obviously are either evil or a lemming like moron.
It sure sounds like the author of the original article would be all for the administration preventing those students from making that statement.

And I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt that you were using the non-personal "you" instead of directing the accusation of supporting the terrorists at me because that would be quite the asinine assumption on your part if it were directed at me.

lalala GIF by Offspring on TEN

Maybe step out of the echo chamber and get in touch with the real world.
Anyone who sets his compass by Larry Summers or Ted Cruz is morally bankrupt.

Not saying I agree with the students' statement, since I haven't yet cared enough to read it, but it's usually a good bet to disagree with Summers and Cruz on important issues.
I’m thinking I’m not the only one who didn’t wait to find out what anyone else thought of these pronouncements from 20 year old students before determining my own opinion.
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Both. But at this moment I would say more Israel for #1 and much more Hamas for #2.

Give it a couple of weeks, and the sentiment on #2 may start changing.

That's always a problem for Israel. As the body count mounts and becomes disproportionate, people don't stop blaming Hamas but they start thinking Israel isn't a paragon of virtue any more.

When enough Americans start becoming concerned about the carnage in Gaza, it becomes harder for the US to protect Israel from UN pressure to impose a cease fire. It comes down to how much of the lawn Israel can mow before we reach that point.
According to the United Nations, roughly 6,400 Palestinians and 300 Israelis had been killed in the ongoing conflict since 2008, not counting the recent fatalities.

Median age in Gaza is now around 16.
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