IC Bicyclist struck last week taken off life support...


HB Legend
Nov 27, 2015
People's Republic of Johnson County
A bicyclist struck last week by a vehicle during an organized ride was expected to be taken off life support Monday, according to a Facebook post from Bike Iowa City.

Ashlee Hopkins was hit by a van and badly injured Sept. 15 during the Farm Cycle ride — where riders visit farms and have seasonal food and drinks made by local chefs — organized by Iowa City’s Bike Library.

Police were called to the 3300 block of Rohret Road to respond to the crash at 4:06 p.m. that day, according to a news release from the Iowa City Police Department. Police have not said what led to the crash or identified anyone involved in it.

Bike Iowa City, which was launched by the Iowa City and Coralville visitor and convention operation, identified Hopkins in its post and said she served as “a shining light in the local cycling community and Iowa City community as a whole.” Its Facebook post says she was struck “head-on” by the vehicle.

“We are heartbroken to share that her injuries were too severe, and on Monday, September 23rd, Ashlee will be able to donate her liver, saving a life, and will be taken off life support,” the Facebook post reads.

The post includes a link to a GoFundMe page raising money to cover Hopkins’ funeral and other end-of-life expenses.

As of Monday afternoon, the page had raised $39,410.
I built just off Rohert Road and lived there 1985-94. Not the best road for biking once you leave the city limits...

This happened just west of 218 on Rohert in the residential area near Weber. There is a HUGE bike lane that extends through that area. This was (supposedly) a medical emergency the oncoming driver experienced that resulted in him crossing the center lane into the opposite lane/bike lane and hitting her head on at full speed before crashing into a telephone pole. She could have been riding the grass and there’s no stopping this one. It’s a shit situation.

Edit to add: I only say supposedly on the driver because no details have come out. If it turns out the driver was incapacitated through no fault of his own I can only imagine that will be a tough thing to live with.
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This happened just west of 218 on Rohert in the residential area near Weber. There is a HUGE bike lane that extends through that area. This was (supposedly) a medical emergency the oncoming driver experienced that resulted in him crossing the center lane into the opposite lane/bike lane and hitting her head on at full speed before crashing into a telephone pole. She could have been riding the grass and there’s no stopping this one. It’s a shit situation.

Edit to add: I only say supposedly on the driver because no details have come out. If it turns out the driver was incapacitated through no fault of his own I can only imagine that will be a tough thing to live with.
That's what I heard about the incident as well. What a terrible tragedy for all involved. Heartbreaking.
This happened just west of 218 on Rohert in the residential area near Weber. There is a HUGE bike lane that extends through that area. This was (supposedly) a medical emergency the oncoming driver experienced that resulted in him crossing the center lane into the opposite lane/bike lane and hitting her head on at full speed before crashing into a telephone pole. She could have been riding the grass and there’s no stopping this one. It’s a shit situation.

Edit to add: I only say supposedly on the driver because no details have come out. If it turns out the driver was incapacitated through no fault of his own I can only imagine that will be a tough thing to live with.
good lord
looking at satellite
Google maps shows a bike lane where it presumably happened. Wonder what happened.
i snooped around on that also. Might have been more like sidewalk that seem to end and/or stop on one side and both the other.

Sidewalk isn’t always great for biking if people are walking on it or it stops and starts.
Google maps would show it happened 1/2 mile east of Weber school. As 97 said there was supposedly a medical incident involved. My statement was that it's not the best road for biking once you leave the city limits to the west. It's just chip and seal with no shoulders and can be very hilly a little farther out. When we lived out there we'd ride Rohert to Jasper to the Black Diamond road over to the Windham bar and back. Probably wasn't the best idea looking back...
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Riding on the road is always risky. I’ve had more near misses than I care to remember, and I use trails whenever possible. You’re just too vulnerable to the unpredictable.
It sounds like this was a fluke situation.
Riding on the road is always risky. I’ve had more near misses than I care to remember, and I use trails whenever possible. You’re just too vulnerable to the unpredictable.
It sounds like this was a fluke situation.
This was a group ride (Farm Cycle Ride) that had lots of riders. I believe the other post was correct in a "medical emergency" caused this, sad day for the community.
Riding on the road is always risky. I’ve had more near misses than I care to remember, and I use trails whenever possible. You’re just too vulnerable to the unpredictable.
It sounds like this was a fluke situation.

I've come to hate the unavoidable highway stretches. A few months ago I was going from one trail to the next, booking it as fast as possible. Around the time school was letting out. Looked back and saw about 5 cars coming. Got off the bike and moved all the way towards the fence line. I'm not playing around with this stuff anymore. I'm lit up like a Christmas tree but if their head is buried in their phone it isn't gonna matter.
Sometimes when I check out the Bicyclists of Iowa City's event rides, I kind of shake my head. West Branch loop includes 4-5 miles on highway 6, some on highway 22 and so on. Lots of 65 -70 mph vehicles on those roads. No thanks...

Agreed. I used to bike on Melrose Avenue. That was bad enough, in the 80's! Rohret road used to be a rural road when I grew up; I think it converted to gravel. The guy who owned fin and feather lived on that road.
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I ride a lot less on road these days than in years past, and even when I do it’s never alone. I have been hit by a vehicle twice in my “career,” and stories about others getting hit only seems to be increasing. Indoor trainer, gravel, and mtb now consume about 80% of my ride time.
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Agreed. I used to bike on Melrose Avenue. That was bad enough, in the 80's! Rohret road used to be a rural road when I grew up; I think it converted to gravel. The guy who owned fin and feather lived on that road.
Yep, Roger was my neighbor. His kids babysat mine. They improved the road to the city limit after I left, but it was always gravel out past Jasper.
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Agreed. I used to bike on Melrose Avenue. That was bad enough, in the 80's! Rohret road used to be a rural road when I grew up; I think it converted to gravel. The guy who owned fin and feather lived on that road.
Used to blow my mind when I saw people biking on Burlington. Like bro, just go over to College.
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Rough stretch for that family. Her husband (Trevor) died unexpectedly last year of a heart attack. They were both very active in the local Iowa City scene across a lot of different areas. If you search hard a silver lining can be found in that they didn’t have kids.
I was going to suggest that the silver lining can be found in that her death will result in the saving and improvement of many lives through organ donation. As a recipient I am forever grateful.
Google maps would show it happened 1/2 mile east of Weber school. As 97 said there was supposedly a medical incident involved. My statement was that it's not the best road for biking once you leave the city limits to the west. It's just chip and seal with no shoulders and can be very hilly a little farther out. When we lived out there we'd ride Rohert to Jasper to the Black Diamond road over to the Windham bar and back. Probably wasn't the best idea looking back...

Not quibbling but just for clarity’s sake, it happened where the bike lane is in play. Like I said though, it really wouldn’t have mattered in this case. No bike lane, even curb barriers, would have stopped an out of control car. It’s the risk you run on two wheels!
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I've come to hate the unavoidable highway stretches. A few months ago I was going from one trail to the next, booking it as fast as possible. Around the time school was letting out. Looked back and saw about 5 cars coming. Got off the bike and moved all the way towards the fence line. I'm not playing around with this stuff anymore. I'm lit up like a Christmas tree but if their head is buried in their phone it isn't gonna matter.

I’m probably one of the least risk averse riders out there, but even I have to admit there are a few roads that have fallen off my list with the invention of the cell phone.

The road in this particular incident wouldn’t have spiked my spidey senses at all. Big time wrong place, wrong time.
I don't know if I met either of them that I can recall, but I just clicked on the Go Fund Me page to donate solely off of posts I see, and some of the people I know who have commented about her today.

Good on ya. Trevor was huge in the live music scene so if you ever did any of that IC, good chance he had something to do with it. Ashlee was very well known in the cycling scene across pretty much every discipline. Both just genuinely nice folks.
Sometimes when I check out the Bicyclists of Iowa City's event rides, I kind of shake my head. West Branch loop includes 4-5 miles on highway 6, some on highway 22 and so on. Lots of 65 -70 mph vehicles on those roads. No thanks...

I’ll never understand on those group rides why more people don’t just ride the gravel shoulder for the (hopefully) short time you’re on them. I do old 218 out of IC down to hwy22 before coming back up Sand Rd all the time. Once the wide paved shoulder ends at the casino, ain’t no way you’re finding me on the concrete until the turn. I’m over near the grass 4-5ft from the 18 wheelers coming through there. I don’t care about my Strava PR.
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Not quibbling but just for clarity’s sake, it happened where the bike lane is in play. Like I said though, it really wouldn’t have mattered in this case. No bike lane, even curb barriers, would have stopped an out of control car. It’s the risk you run on two wheels!
Not quibbling either, just pointing out the location in relation to Weber, which is a half mile away. The improved, paved. bike lane Rohert Road ends at Lakeshore, then turns to the more dangerous chip and seal rural road that isn't that wide and has no shoulders. Like I said I rode to the bar at Windham often back when I was young and dumb (er)... :)
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I give kudos to Johnson country for their bike friendly efforts. I’m still waiting to hear the true details on this tragedy. This just sucks.
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