If Hillary escapes Bernie, and thats a big if...I can't see his followers going for her in Nov.


HB King
Jul 9, 2003
They would be perhaps in the Green camp. Unless Cruz is the Repub nominee and frightens them bad enough to turn to her. If its Kasich or Bush....pffftt....
And, will the energized Trump supporters show up if he is not the candidate? I think it's more likely that the Sanders supporters will line up behind Hillary versus alienated Trump supporters actually coming out to vote for Cruz, especially after all the Trumpertantrums thrown at Cruz calling him a horrible person.
She crossed the line with me a few days ago. I was leaving the door open to voting for her, but the lies and dirty tricks - all unnecessary - just pushed me away.

I don't really think Bernie can win. But Hillary is on her own in November. Most people who feel the way I do will probably come around. But some will vote 3rd party or stay home.
So you would rather stay home and watch Cruz or Trump win. What a fascinating position.
The other side goes something like this - So you would rather stay home and watch Hillary win. What a fascinating position.

The way Hillary is going I am sure I will vote for someone else who I am not happy with.

This would be a fascinating election to see how a None of the Above option would do.
I think they would not be happy, but would do it to avoid the alternative of trump, Cruz, etc.
The other side goes something like this - So you would rather stay home and watch Hillary win. What a fascinating position.

The way Hillary is going I am sure I will vote for someone else who I am not happy with.

This would be a fascinating election to see how a None of the Above option would do.
The original premise was that he might vote for her. That puts a dot on the political spectrum that would seem to make a Cruz or Trump presidency undesirable.

I would agree that when a conservative voter decides not to vote for the Pub nominee because it's not their first choice, it is also a fascinating position. This point is amplified in my mind when the reason given is traits common to all of these bozos.
Really? You can't?

You might be the only one.
Recent news stories have indicated Sanders is not bringing new voters to the party. His support comes from energized voters who would still be likely to vote. Trump is bringing new voters to the party. I don't know if they want to stick around to vote for Jeb or Marco in the end.
They would be perhaps in the Green camp. Unless Cruz is the Repub nominee and frightens them bad enough to turn to her. If its Kasich or Bush....pffftt....

Hell Bernie himself has trouble getting the number of people who rally for him to vote in caucus and primaries.
The other side goes something like this - So you would rather stay home and watch Hillary win. What a fascinating position.

The way Hillary is going I am sure I will vote for someone else who I am not happy with.

This would be a fascinating election to see how a None of the Above option would do.
I absolutely agree that we should have a NOTA option. For all races.

Unlike you, (apparently) I am not faced with having to vote for someone I don't like. Jill Stein is actually a little better on the issues than Bernie. Mainly on foreign policy and visible dedication to environmental issues. Bernie is good on the environment and better than the other major candidates on foreign policy, if not quite where I'd like him to be. But Jill is better.

I voted for Jill in 2012. I will happily vote for her this year if Bernie is not the D nominee.

That's about as far as my pragmatism goes. I will vote for the lesser good (Bernie) because he is still very good and he has a much better chance to win. But I won't vote for the lesser evil.
If you support Bernie but would not support Hillary in the general, be ready for the consequences if she loses. The SCOTUS could flip in a very bad direction for lefties, and good luck getting that fixed anytime soon.

I would vote for Bernie if he were the nominee. Not because I like his policies (I don't like his economic policies), but because I don't want the SCOTUS taken any further to the right.