If Ramos' Goal was Olympic Medal he should have been Training with Dennis, Not Avoiding Him



Ramos has the wrong attitude and prepared incorrectly. He has been a world team member for the past 2 years, but hasn't had much success against international competition. If his ultimate goal was an Olympic medal instead of just being a qualifier, he should have been training with Dennis all of the time. The two would make each other better.

I was a huge Ramos fan/supporter but he approached this situation entirely wrong. You don't medal at the Olympics by avoiding training with the best trainer partner in the country at your weight. You medal at the Olympics by training with them constantly and improving. Ramos is not good on top. He was incredibly hesitant to do anything on his feet. Even if he qualified, he would have been very unlikely to medal. He should have been training with Dennis instead of avoiding him. Maybe if he had been doing that, he would have learned how to gut wrench.
Also, Dennis most likely will retire from competition after 2016. It makes no sense for Ramos to leave Iowa if his ultimate goal is an Olympic medal. The returning U.S. Olympian at your weight is at your wrestling club and could potentially return as a training partner, but you decide to run from the program that turned you into a world class athlete. Makes no sense.
gilman clark lee and mejia, renteria will be after same olympic spot in 2020, get use to it
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Ramos has the wrong attitude and prepared incorrectly. He has been a world team member for the past 2 years, but hasn't had much success against international competition. If his ultimate goal was an Olympic medal instead of just being a qualifier, he should have been training with Dennis all of the time. The two would make each other better.

I was a huge Ramos fan/supporter but he approached this situation entirely wrong. You don't medal at the Olympics by avoiding training with the best trainer partner in the country at your weight. You medal at the Olympics by training with them constantly and improving. Ramos is not good on top. He was incredibly hesitant to do anything on his feet. Even if he qualified, he would have been very unlikely to medal. He should have been training with Dennis instead of avoiding him. Maybe if he had been doing that, he would have learned how to gut wrench.

I disagree. I've had a few kids in this situation -- and while the level is different the concept is the same. The more two guys wrestle against each other, the more they learn how to wrestle against each other. If you're the better wrestler, that sucks because it gives the other guy a good chance of keeping the match close by anticipating your moves, and stealing the match at the end. If you're the lesser wrestler you might like the idea at first glance, but on the other hand you would like to think you can catch the other guy by surprise by scoring early -- perhaps diminishing some of his confidence. I prefer the two not be used to each other before wrestling in a high stakes tournament.

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