If there had never been a Third Reich, who would be our go-to evil regime for lame comparisons?

actually, neither thing I wrote is me being an a-hole, by any definition, it's just me pointing out the truth

truth hurts. a-holes complain about the truth hurting them. hee hee
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Britain's colonial empire was pretty brutal. I'd add that to contenders Stalin and Imperial Japan. The US record of overthrowing and exploiting nations - especially in Latin America - is pretty despicable, too. Obviously WE wouldn't be calling ourselves the "go-to evil regime" but others might.
When I saw the OP I made a mental note to self that WWJD would come in with some anti American BS. The left never surprises
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Godwin's Law seems way too prevalent these days. Let's pretend for a moment that the Nazis never existed. No Holocaust. No World War II.

Who would we use as our comparison for everything we dislike?
Stalin, Mao - since those nations have never been toppled, no one will ever know the true extent. The Japanese were really no better to the people they subjugated and had similar viewpoints on race/ethnicity.
Don't forget the Romans. A number of the emperors were as brutal as anyone who would come later.