If we started locking up everybody in this country who did drugs and owned a gun...

The premise is certainly true.

We can start by locking up drug user who lied to get a gun who wrote a book bragging about all of their exploits. If we want to narrow it down a little bit, we can just lock up the ones having a family member take the gun, then file a police report about it.
Have we not been locking up people who get caught with drugs and illegal guns?
I'm doing my part.

I haven't touched an illegal drug since I've owned a gun.

That's been 20 years or so I'd guess.

Given the right crowd/situation, I'd smoke some pot though again. It would have to be in my house (kids gone) or a house I was going to sleep at. I'd have to be certain I wasn't going to get caught with it.
To be fair Hunter hasn't been locked up yet and there is a good chance if the judge doesn't go off the rails to try to throw the book at Hunter because of who is dad is that he won't go to jail

But I'm all for punishing people who are hooked on drugs and have guns at the same time.
I'm doing my part.

I haven't touched an illegal drug since I've owned a gun.

That's been 20 years or so I'd guess.

Given the right crowd/situation, I'd smoke some pot though again. It would have to be in my house (kids gone) or a house I was going to sleep at. I'd have to be certain I wasn't going to get caught with it.

I've considered sometime when my kids grow up heading up to Michigan where it's legal and trying weed one time, probably via edible in a hotel. But I wouldn't bring my guns for that one.

I've sort of reached an age where I want to try more things than I was when I was younger.
I've considered sometime when my kids grow up heading up to Michigan where it's legal and trying weed one time, probably via edible in a hotel.
Be careful if it’s your first time. It’s going to take roughly 45 minutes to an hour for the edibles to kick in, and I wouldn’t recommend eating more than 100mg of THC.
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I've considered sometime when my kids grow up heading up to Michigan where it's legal and trying weed one time, probably via edible in a hotel. But I wouldn't bring my guns for that one.

I've sort of reached an age where I want to try more things than I was when I was younger.
Don't eat 100mg !!!!
Don't eat 100mg !!!!
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Be careful if it’s your first time. It’s going to take roughly 45 minutes to an hour for the edibles to kick in, and I wouldn’t recommend eating more than 100mg of THC.

Will keep that mind! Probably not going to do this for another 10 years anyways at least.

My wife and I were just sort of thinking that if the kids don't have to be watched we can go up there, get a hotel, pick up an edible and some snacks (because we know you are suppose to get hungry) then probably eat our edibles and laugh at one another while high. Then probably sleep it off, and go home the next day.
It's not the fact that he owned a gun that got him in trouble. It's the fact that he lied on a Federal form to obtain the gun.
It's not the fact that he owned a gun that got him in trouble. It's the fact that he lied on a Federal form to obtain the gun.

Which I hope you would agree doesn't warrant a heavy prison sentence right?

Quite frankly with no other crime alleged I don't think it warrants prison at all and if it does than no more than 2 years.
I'm all for punishing people who are hooked on drugs and have guns at the same time.
As the NRA folks like to say: "What part of 'shall not be infringed' don't you understand?"

How is it that the questions you have to answer to get guns don't violate your constitutional right against self-incrimination?

I mean it's one thing to ask if you've been convicted of drug use. Quite another to ask if you are using.
As the NRA folks like to say: "What part of 'shall not be infringed' don't you understand?"

How is it that the questions you have to answer to get guns don't violate your constitutional right against self-incrimination?

I mean it's one thing to ask if you've been convicted of drug use. Quite another to ask if you are using.

Simple, you are not compelled to purchase a gun.
No clue how the law works.

At the time I've purchased every single gun I own, which is several, I didn't do any illegal drugs. So I didn't lie on the applications.

If I decide to roll a joint tonight and the cops raid my house, did I break a law? Other than possessing pot? Did I commit a felony?
Do you really think that's a good argument?

Yeah. . . The 5th Amendment reads

No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

It isn't a criminal case nor are you compelled to buy a gun. 5th amendment doesn't apply.
I don't think the issue is with the law, or even prosecuting the law. The issue is with the gross hypocrisy from those on the right.
No one in the Hunter thread on the left said he shouldn't be convicted. He broke the law.
But the people who screamed about the second amendment are suddenly quiet now that it's a Biden.
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To be fair Hunter hasn't been locked up yet and there is a good chance if the judge doesn't go off the rails to try to throw the book at Hunter because of who is dad is that he won't go to jail

But I'm all for punishing people who are hooked on drugs and have guns at the same time.
Feds have sentencing guidelines,
You were caught with drugs and illegal drugs?

Why aren't you in jail?
I presume this is your way of avoiding answering my question. It’s not like Hunter is the first American to be convicted and face the possibility of jail time for being addicted to cocaine and illegally owning a gun. It happens literally every day in every U.S. state.
Which I hope you would agree doesn't warrant a heavy prison sentence right?

Quite frankly with no other crime alleged I don't think it warrants prison at all and if it does than no more than 2 years.
I think the most egregious "crime" of this saga was Hallie Biden disposing of the gun in a dumpster.

I agree with Hunter not get much, if any, prison time for the charges he was found guilty of...
Yeah. . . The 5th Amendment reads

No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

It isn't a criminal case nor are you compelled to buy a gun. 5th amendment doesn't apply.
Your argument that "you are not compelled to purchase a gun" has nothing to do with the 5th amendment. The 5th amendment argument is a separate criticism of our gun purchasing process.

The "you are not compelled to purchase a gun" argument fails when you try to apply it to other things. There are lots of things we want and even need but aren't compelled to buy.

Suppose you had to fill out a government form to buy a cell phone. And suppose you would be denied if you smoked pot. You are not compelled to purchase a cell phone. But does that mean it's OK to deny you the ability to get one, or to brand you a criminal if you do? Try other products in that equation. Cars, 3D printers, bus tickets, N95 masks, any clothing but a hijab (for women)....

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