If you are not in favor of more stringent immigration

Interesting question posed by the OP.

Depends on how you value contributions from a set of immigrants vs harm from a set of immigrants.

I speak of "sets" here because we ought to possess the analytical resolution needed to decipher between sets of immigrants with distinctive enough properties that you might be able to logically group them by said properties.

(these attributes including but not limited to items like region,religion,gender,race,education,criminal history -- anything telling)

Do the contributions from X set of immigrants more than offset the harms from X set of immigrants?

That's a fair question to ask, and you're going to get a lot of different answers. While we ought to appeal to analytics to inform us, they cannot answer the question.

How much "good" introduced by set X is enough to offset necessary (they're humans) harm? How much good to offset 300 new murders? I don't know. I do know I'd like to see lots more data.

This ends up being a very utilitarian question.

Also, on illegal immigration:

Saying that an illegal immigrant shouldn't have been here in the first place (to commit a murder) is essentially a "truism" and isn't too interesting.

The solution for a safer society is clear based on this data. If you’re a citizen and you commit a crime you lose your citizenship and after your incarceration ends, you’re deported.
I am 100% for keeping illegals out. I just don't think the wall will do one damn bit of good and don't want my tax dollars going to such a waste.

I guess I would push for punishing employers who higher illegals and punishing them harshly. If they can't get jobs they would have no reason to be here.

The problem is the cost of enforcement goes up the more illegals who enter the country. The wall is only part of the solution. But it would help to lower the entry rate. Fewer people to deal with, less time and expense for the court system and enforcement personnel.
Of course when voters put someone in office who wants the federal gov't to fly illegals into the country at taxpayer expense . . . no wall would be high enough to stop that.
The problem is the cost of enforcement goes up the more illegals who enter the country. The wall is only part of the solution. But it would help to lower the entry rate. Fewer people to deal with, less time and expense for the court system and enforcement personnel.
Of course when voters put someone in office who wants the federal gov't to fly illegals into the country at taxpayer expense . . . no wall would be high enough to stop that.

The wall is so impractical and so prohibitively expensive, anyone who suggests it's a good idea is too stupid to take seriously.
laws, you are not only of questionable character but also partly responsible for terrible tragedies like Mr. Rivera has been a part of.
You are partly responsible for every woman killed in this country by a whacko with easy access to a gun.
Hawkeyegold LOL, read a history book or two and pick up a bong. It might make you coherent, might.
The reward Americans get for being generous to law-breakers is:
1) depressed wages
2) strain on social services
3) preventable crime
4) being called Nazis
5) Pressing 1 for english
6) stolen identity by the millions
7) empowering a political party hostile toward capitalism and the constitution

Should that really be the reward for people demonstrating compassion to someone they owe nothing to? I know we get mass demonstrations leading to property damage and traffic shut-downs . . . and name-calling and fraudulent voting and the rejection of our existing culture. But have North Americans ever ONCE gotten a thank you for treating illegals in a way Mexico never would for citizens of this country? If you feed a starving rabid dog and all he does is bite your hand in return, wouldn't it make sense to stop feeding him? It's shocking that this issue is even considered debatable. Either we have a sovereign nation or we don't.
The reward Americans get for being generous to law-breakers is:
1) depressed wages
2) strain on social services
3) preventable crime
4) being called Nazis
5) Pressing 1 for english
6) stolen identity by the millions
7) empowering a political party hostile toward capitalism and the constitution

Should that really be the reward for people demonstrating compassion to someone they owe nothing to? I know we get mass demonstrations leading to property damage and traffic shut-downs . . . and name-calling and fraudulent voting and the rejection of our existing culture. But have North Americans ever ONCE gotten a thank you for treating illegals in a way Mexico never would for citizens of this country? If you feed a starving rabid dog and all he does is bite your hand in return, wouldn't it make sense to stop feeding him? It's shocking that this issue is even considered debatable. Either we have a sovereign nation or we don't.

Maybe if you stopped comparing them to rabid dogs people would take you more seriously.
Many of our ancestors migrated legally to the United States for economic and personal freedom, never expecting a government welfare state to pay them money for nothing. Today, according to the Center for Immigration Studies, about 51% of immigrant-led households receive at least one kind of welfare benefit; 76% of immigrant-led households with children receive welfare - which government will continue, even if it has to print mountains of paper money that, through inflation, destroys the value of working Americans' savings.
Many of our ancestors migrated legally to the United States for economic and personal freedom, never expecting a government welfare state to pay them money for nothing. Today, according to the Center for Immigration Studies, about 51% of immigrant-led households receive at least one kind of welfare benefit; 76% of immigrant-led households with children receive welfare - which government will continue, even if it has to print mountains of paper money that, through inflation, destroys the value of working Americans' savings.

Fine, so find a fix for it. Building a bazillion dollar wall DOESN’T SAVE YOU MONEY!
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Maybe if you stopped comparing them to rabid dogs people would take you more seriously.

You're detached from reality if you think lightly trafficked message boards determine anything of value. But you have come to the right place to find equally silly narcissists who claim to speak for everyone.
How about if I just quit because you bore me and you can claim you won? Then we’re both happy.

It appears someone communicated to you that my job is to entertain your ilk. Like so many in your circle, that person was badly misinformed.

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