Ignore the critics – Kevin Costner’s three-hour western is a must-watch

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I like Tombstone, but it’s nowhere close to Unforgiven.
I am hoping this is one of those movies that has a slow build in its following and more and more come out to see it as positive word of mouth spreads. I could also see Part 1 being a flop at the theatres, coming out quickly to streaming services where it gets binge watched like crazy, and people flooding to the theatres to see Part 2 in August. I think that is the only thing saving this bold project right now, that Part 2 is coming out real soon. If 3 is in shooting right now I think we'll get to see at least on streaming, not sure about a Part 4.

I am planning on seeing it as I love Westerns, and this looks awesome. Problem is my schedule won't allow it in the near term and who knows if makes it even a month in theatres before it is pulled off the screens.

Watch this project becoming a massive financial flop only to be revered as an ultimate spectacle of film making and beloved 20-30 years from now.
It would be the first movie ever to fall completely flat on its face the opening weekend and somehow miraculously gain momentum to become wildly popular. Also, there isn’t a lot of Uber positive feedback from audiences. Mostly just ‘meh’ from moviegoers. It’s gonna lose money in theaters.