Ilhan Omar violated campaign finance rules


HB Heisman
Mar 16, 2013
Ilhan Omar violated campaign finance rules, investigation finds, as more questions about tax filings arise

By Gregg Re | Fox News

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN): What to know

Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., repeatedly violated state rules when she used campaign funds to pay for personal out-of-state travel as well as help on her tax returns and must reimburse her former campaign committee nearly $3,500, Minnesota campaign finance officials ruled Thursday.

The Minnesota Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure Board said the first-term congresswoman also must pay the state a $500 civil penalty for using campaign money to travel to Florida, where she accepted an honorarium.

"Rep. Omar must personally reimburse the Omar committee $3,469.23," the report concludes. "This reimbursement payment is the total amount of campaign funds that were used for purposes not permitted by statute in 2016 and 2017. Rep. Omar must provide documentation within 30 days from the date of this order showing the deposit of the reimbursement into the Omar committee’s account."

Additionally, conservative commentators pointed out that the Board's report revealed Omar and her current husband, Ahmed Hirsi, filed joint tax returns in 2014 and 2015, when Omar was reportedly married to another man. Omar engaged in a civil marriage with Ahmed Nur Said Elmi in 2009, and the couple separated in 2011 without formally petitioning for divorce until 2017.

Prior to her marriage with Elmi, Omar had reportedly wed Hirsi in the Muslim "faith tradition," but the couple separated shortly afterwards. Omar did not officially marry Hirsi until 2018, after reconciling with him and splitting with Elmi.

Tax experts say the IRS only permits joint filings if a couple is in a state that legally recognizes the couple as married.

"Time to get federal IRS officials involved?" asked conservative blogger Michelle Malkin. "What say you all?"

"A sitting congresswoman may have filed EIGHT YEARS of fraudulent, felonious, tax returns," added writer David Steinberg, who authored a Twitter thread flagging the issue.

'The crisis committee had Frederick & Rosen prepare releases for Rep. Omar and Mr. Hirsi to sign in order for Frederick & Rosen to obtain Rep. Omar’s and Mr. Hirsi’s filed joint tax returns for 2014 and 2015," the report notes. "Frederick & Rosen then reviewed the documents obtained from the Internal Revenue Service on behalf of the Omar committee. However, there is no substantive evidence in the record to show that the services benefitted the Omar committee, and the Omar committee has failed to prove, by a preponderance of the evidence, that the services from Frederick & Rosen were a permitted noncampaign disbursement under Minnesota Statutes section 211B.12. Rep. Omar must reimburse the committee the $1,500 that was paid to the Kjellberg Law Firm for the services from Frederick & Rosen, Ltd."

That reference to Omar and Hirsi's joint filing, however, was not investigated or addressed further in the report.
When they say "repeatedly" and the total was only $3,500, it makes me think she's in the wrong business anyway. If I could take multiple personal trips and get my taxes done for $3,500, I'd probably sign up for that. She should be my travel agent.
This part is particularly revealing -
Additionally, conservative commentators pointed out that the Board's report revealed Omar and her current husband, Ahmed Hirsi, filed joint tax returns in 2014 and 2015, when Omar was reportedly married to another man. Omar engaged in a civil marriage with Ahmed Nur Said Elmi in 2009, and the couple separated in 2011 without formally petitioning for divorce until 2017.

Prior to her marriage with Elmi, Omar had reportedly wed Hirsi in the Muslim "faith tradition," but the couple separated shortly afterwards. Omar did not officially marry Hirsi until 2018, after reconciling with him and splitting with Elmi.
Holding up the mirror isn’t supporting the image, it’s just being real. Now will you get real and support punishment for this at the top? Of course not. You are what you accuse me of. How fun.
You’ll have to go slower and use smaller words for Mattski to understand. Maybe a chart would help.
Back to the original post. The campaign finance thing really isnt that big of a deal.

The taxes and the way she files is actually more interesting. There could be some healthy back taxes there.
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Filing false tax returns to defraud the USA.

No biggie to @3 and Out on D

Party over Country

While she shouldn't have been filing with the wrong guy I don't see any proof there was an effort of fraud at play here.

I'd have to look up the punishment for filing jointly with a person you are not married to but it certainly doesn't sound like prison worthy behavior.

Honestly it sounds like she will have to pay back the 3,500 from her own funds, pay a $500 civil penalty and likely re-file her taxes from those years and maybe there will be a fine or penalty involved in that too.

I don't see anything that is prison worthy here.
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Filing false tax returns to defraud the USA.

No biggie to @3 and Out on D

Party over Country

While she shouldn't have been filing with the wrong guy I don't see any proof there was an effort of fraud at play here.

I'd have to look up the punishment for filing jointly with a person you are not married to but it certainly doesn't sound like prison worthy behavior.

I would assume she would have signed 2 sets of returns. If that were the case, not prison worthy but a healthy fine might be in order.
Holding up the mirror isn’t supporting the image, it’s just being real. Now will you get real and support punishment for this at the top? Of course not. You are what you accuse me of. How fun.
I didn't start the thread. Your 1st defense was to blame trump instead of criticizing Omar. Very telling of you, has nothing to do with me.
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I would assume she would have signed 2 sets of returns. If that were the case, not prison worthy but a healthy fine might be in order.

?? Seems to me that she just filed jointly with someone she wasn't married to for 2014 and 2015. I don't see anything about a second set of returns.
Holding up the mirror isn’t supporting the image, it’s just being real. Now will you get real and support punishment for this at the top? Of course not. You are what you accuse me of. How fun.
I didn't start the thread. Your 1st defense was to blame trump instead of criticizing Omar. Very telling of you, has nothing to do with me.

But but but Russia.
I would assume she would have signed 2 sets of returns. If that were the case, not prison worthy but a healthy fine might be in order.

?? Seems to me that she just filed jointly with someone she wasn't married to for 2014 and 2015. I don't see anything about a second set of returns.

The way I understood it was that she filed jointly with 2 different people. The current guy and the one she is married to.
She can just amend the returns - the IRS won't care. But I just her smug little smile.

BTW, can a women have a punchable face or is that a no-no?
The way I understood it was that she filed jointly with 2 different people. The current guy and the one she is married to.

I understood it to she filed jointly with a guy she's not married to and that's it.

How likely is it that a couple that has been separated for years would file a joint return?
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She should most definitely reimburse for the expenses, and if she did so knowingly and intentionally, face some sort of reprimand or censure.

This is no way validates the religious, racial and ethnic discrimination that the OP and his ilk have become known for.
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She can just amend the returns - the IRS won't care. But I just her smug little smile.

BTW, can a women have a punchable face or is that a no-no?

Kellyanne Conway, her face is very punchable, if that's your thing. Both before and after her facelift, again if that's your thing.

As a general rule punching a face is a no-no and definitely not my style.
I didn't start the thread. Your 1st defense was to blame trump instead of criticizing Omar. Very telling of you, has nothing to do with me.
I didn’t start the thread either. My first response was to blame the source of the problem. Very telling that you still deflect from that. That says a lot about you.
I didn’t start the thread either. My first response was to blame the source of the problem. Very telling that you still deflect from that. That says a lot about you.
Trump is the source of Omar not following campaign finance laws now? Lol, that's awesome. Might want to sit the rest of this one out.
Wanna bet?
Just to chime in do you know how many total votes AOC received, not how many she won by in NYC but how many total she received? Approx 77,000 total, she will not be re-elected. As far as Omar she will probably be in prison by then.
Personally I think we should install a new rule retroactive to 2016. If a politician is found guilty of violating campaign finance rules, they should be forced to resign within 30 days.

Let the cards fall where they may.
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She did this on purpose. Smart move. Attention being paid to this allows her to partake more in her one true passion: Rampant Jew Hate.

Good for her.
I need to keep you focused. You’re welcome.

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