I'll keep posting this

I don't want to make this political, so everyone, please don't. There are great things that have come of the woman's rights movement. But when kids see their dads emasculated by their wives in front of them...that makes it so much more difficult for men. Mom gives me love and attention. Dad brings rules that I don't want to go by.

Now that may sound sexist, and it is. There are plenty of moms out there with the temperament to discipline. But usually they want to be their kids friend rather than being a MOM. Defer to dad to be the asshole.

I've seen it time and time again.
I don't want to make this political, so everyone, please don't. There are great things that have come of the woman's rights movement. But when kids see their dads emasculated by their wives in front of them...that makes it so much more difficult for men. Mom gives me love and attention. Dad brings rules that I don't want to go by.

Now that may sound sexist, and it is. There are plenty of moms out there with the temperament to discipline. But usually they want to be their kids friend rather than being a MOM. Defer to dad to be the asshole.

I've seen it time and time again.
Why did God invent grocery shopping carts?
There are other significant issues here. Kids acting out in school. Unable to deal with consequences. Refusing to listen to rules. Failure to follow through with assignments. This goes beyond childhood
I think this is non-political issue that needs to be addressed before we f up more kids. Especially in the day of age when kids are looking at screens for 8 hours per day. We need to adapt, but enforce rules.

You think it is only eight hours?
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Amazingly, he's a "centrist" in today's political spectrum.
I’m not talking about his politics. I’ve just always found him insufferable.

I visited an old HS friend two weeks ago. You’ll never find a nicer more compassionate dude. So his kids must be monsters right? His son is an officer in the army and finishing up ranger school. Daughter was lovely.
Sure Maher is not a father. I don't have any biological children. I have 4 step-children that I consider my own bc their bio dad is a POS. But parenting as step - parent is more difficult than being bio parent in many ways and I can handle it. They may not like what I say today, but in 10 years they will no exactly what I meant.

Kids need to hear the truth and not always told what they want to hear. If we don't, we fail them.
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