I'm sold on the "Raider" package


Apr 14, 2011
Now I have gone back through the tape and broken down many different combinations of people we've sent from the stand up formation and how many each combo has brought pressure. I know the QB is probably looking to a hot target because he knows a blitz/stunt is coming from somewhere but it just seems like the stand up formation confuses the pass blockers from a leverage point of view and the push has been wildly successful.

I like that we are trying new things am I am sure this is a success. Anyone disagree or does anyone have stats that dont support the package?
Agree with you. I was okay with it last year because it was at last something different, and I'm seeing the advantages of it still.
I think that when its timed correctly, it can be a real pain for the O Line to defend. In fact, that fumble with on the 1 by Wisconsin may have been a direct result of us using the Raider package earlier. They were nervous and trying to get off their blocks much faster.