In the past decade alone, the SEC has erected 31 new statues of college football icons

"Epidemic"? Sounds like it. The SEC may have more football monuments than DC has political ones. A little common sense is tough to find, but maybe some needs to filter into this statue situation. If you wanna build a statue, SEC, instead of the Nick Saban types, maybe consider some of these folks instead:

Susie King Taylor
Taylor is the only African-American woman who is confirmed to have published a wartime memoir about the Civil War. Born into slavery, Taylor taught herself to read and when she escaped to St. Simon’s Island in Georgia, she founded a school. Taylor’s husband served in the Union Army, and she was both a nurse and laundress to the Union forces.

William Wells Brown
Many regard Brown as the first-ever African American to publish a novel. Born to an enslaved black mother and her master, Brown escaped slavery in 1834 and became a well-known anti-slavery speaker, activist and writer. He is best known for his controversial novel “Clotel: or The President’s Daughter,” which traced mixed-race female descendants of Thomas Jefferson.

Charles Hamilton Houston
Known as “the man who killed Jim Crow,” Houston was a legal genius who challenged the “separate but equal” doctrine, particularly in schools. After racist experiences in the Army in World War I, Houston was determined to end Jim Crow and when he returned to the states, he enrolled in Harvard Law School. Houston went on to be one of the heads of the school, and enlisted some of the top students in the fight for civil rights. Houston also served as special counsel to the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.

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Not that I believe anything like this is even remotely possible, but the Penn State debacle should be a lesson about erecting statues to sitting coaches.

Not that a guy like Gary Patterson isn't worthy of having a statue erected for him some day, but doing it while he's still coaching is almost offensive if you think about it.
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