Inflation hits 20 percent under Biden, pushing small businesses to the brink

And yet, your thread title is still incorrect.
It’s not my thread title and it’s not incorrect. In your mind it’s incorrect because in your mind you inserted a word that doesn’t exist into the thread title.
No. JP’s interpretation of the headline is wrong. He assumed it referred to the annual inflation rate. The headline did not specify the measure of inflation, but the very first line in the article did. Just because JP inferred it doesn’t mean the headline implied it. says...and I quote...

Inflation hits 20 percent...​

That's simply wrong. There is no defending it - it's a stupid take. You know it but here you are going full-TJ, as usual. Were that the entire headline and the story was talking about inflation over the past decade rather than anything remotely current, it wouldn't even be a discussion.

Buuuut...let's play stupid games and see who gets the stupid prize. The fiscal year for the United States runs from Oct 1 to Sept 30. That means that "under Biden" runs from his first budget that went into effect on Oct 1, 2021. Given that metric...


That would be

But...wait...what about his predecessor? Trump's reign would be from Oct 2017 through Sept 2021. His budgets - such as they were - in place.


Now...maybe I'm eyeballing that wrong...but that looks like 11%. Versus 13%. Granted, it's going to continue to rise in Biden's term but he doesn't have the "benefit" of a pandemic and does suffer with the recovery from same. So....I'm not seeing the major issue. Certainly not from a personality perspective.
It is incorrect

Everyone has pointed that out for you.
But you insist on looking like an idiot (again)
Everyone who subconsciously inserted the word ‘rate’ into the headline has pointed out that they were duped. I, on the other hand, saw 20% and immediately figured he was probably referring to cumulative inflation. And damned if I wasn’t right yet again.

I’m sorry that you’re so slow on the uptake. But that’s a you problem.