Instead of $15 per hour minimum wage... how about this?

How do you justify giving $15 an hour to a cashier ($31,000 a year)? Do I even need to get into more specifics here? Can we use common sense? What does that do to the price of food? How does that impact businesses profit? We have already seen examples of the opposite effect raising the minimum wage has as people make too much money to be on welfare so they cut their own hours or find lower paying jobs.

Why are people frowned upon in this society for making money they have worked hard for? I will tell you this much, everybody has opportunities in this country. You can go into the armed services and make a darned good living. What most people don't get, however, is that low income student can go to job corps and get trained in a trade or job of their choice for FREE. They get FREE room and board, and like the one in Ottumwa, IA that is co-op with Indian Hills, kids can also choose to go their for FREE!

Ya know what, Starbucks has a deal that for anyone who works their 25 hrs or more a week, they will pay for your degree at Arizona State online for FREE. Don't tell me there aren't opportunities. It is laziness!
Remember the angry Democratic mantra...... You did not earn that.... Understand that bit of untruth and many of their proposals come more clearly into focus.

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