Internal DHS data reveals the 45+ U.S. cities that hundreds of thousands of migrants have flown into US

During his first 364 days as president, Biden took 296 executive actions on immigration—as compared to 86 during Trump's first year and 472 during the entire Trump presidency, analysts Muzaffar Chishti and Jessica Bolter write in a new article for MPI’s online journal, the Migration Information Source. Of Biden’s 296 immigration actions, 89 have reversed or started to undo Trump policies, making clear the administration is doing more than unraveling his predecessor’s policies.

The Biden administration’s actions cover a wide range of issues—greatly narrowing the number of unauthorized immigrants vulnerable to arrest, detention and removal; lifting some barriers to U.S. entry and to accessing immigration benefits; and raising the refugee resettlement ceiling to 125,000.

Reverses the Trump policy banning refugees from key regions and enables flights from those regions to begin within days. Declares that the 15,000 annual refugee cap set by Trump will be raised to a number to be determined by May 15.
Revokes a Trump-era proclamation that limited legal immigration during the Covid-19 pandemic
Expands the United States Refugee Admissions Program and rescinds Trump policies that limited refugee admissions and required additional vetting
Rescinds Trump’s memo requiring immigrants to repay the government if they receive public benefits. Elevates the role of the executive branch in promoting immigrant integration and inclusion, including reestablishing a Task Force on New Americans. Requires agencies to review immigration regulations and policies
Fortifies DACA after Trump’s efforts to undo protections for undocumented people brought into the country as children
Reverses the Trump administration’s restrictions on US entry for passport holders from seven Muslim-majority countries
Halts construction of the border wall by terminating the national emergency declaration used to fund it
Undoes Trump's expansion of immigration enforcement within the United States

Not seeing anything here that supports your claim, Cletus.

Perhaps you could narrow down specifics, instead of just posting a laundry list of nonsense...
E.g.: DACA has absolutely nothing to do with your original claims
I would disagree with your assertion of "zero ****s" Clearly, you argue from a position of a nativists...and that is fine. I presume your bias does not affect your interaction with students from developing nations (assuming you still are teaching and not just a third assistant football coach in Florida).

We have asylum laws that need to be enforced. Part of that enforcement is that a person seeking asylum has due process rights. Unfortunately, there are not enough asylum judges or lawyers to handle all the cases in a time period that you would find acceptable. There was a bill that would increase that funding, but Trump instructed the House to kill the bill. Therefore, the delay in obtaining a hearing date continues.

Then you suggest that Trump's policy (which is the MPP or colloquially referred to as "remain in Mexico") was a saving grace, which was overturned by Biden's EO. The program initiated at the end of January 2019 and sent approximately 125,000 asylum to Mexico. Biden's EO did reverse MPP and allowed approximately 25,000 asylum seekers to enter. But, as you probably not aware, Biden's EO was enjoined in August of 2021. In December of 2021, the Biden administration negotiated with Mexico to reinstitute MPP with the negotiated conditions. After further judicial review, the plan was stopped in February 2023 after Mexico declined to accept the asylum seekers. big complaint against Biden is an EO that was effective for a little over a year. the other EO dealt with reviewing policy and reuniting separated families.

Again, if America wants to change the American creed and discontinue refugees and immigration from developing nations, the law needs to be changed. there a change in the law, but the guy you are going to vote for (Trump) told the House to kill it....but you want to talk about an EO that lasted a year.
nothing more telling than this comment being completely ignored.
Not seeing anything here that supports your claim, Cletus.
Of course you don't.

You see:
- a President telling the world to "Surge our border"
- an overturning of all effective laws keeping illegal immigration at a minimum
- 3 years of the White House saying "There is no crisis at the border"
- Then a sudden panic attack about the situation
- Then they seek to build the wall again AFTER selling off all of the materials
- and the graph below

...and come up with the brilliant assessment of "Biden and his administration had nothing to do with it!"

Which is almost as stupid as thinking the COVID lab at Ground Zero of the COVID outbreak had nothing to do with it. But no one is THAT stupid, right? Oh wait.
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Of course you don't.

You see:
- a President telling the world to "Surge our border"
- an overturning of all effective laws keeping illegal immigration at a minimum
- 3 years of the White House saying "There is no crisis at the border"
- Then a sudden panic attack about the situation
- Then they seek to build the wall again AFTER selling off all of the materials
- and the graph below

...and come up with the brilliant assessment of "Biden and his administration had nothing to do with it!"

Which is almost as stupid as thinking the COVID lab at Ground Zero of the COVID outbreak had nothing to do with it. But no one is THAT stupid, right? Oh wait.
what laws were overturned?

i've seen lots of talk about EO's being rescinded...i haven't seen that laws were overturned - and certainly not ALL EFFECTIVE LAWS

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