Iowa’s Depressing and Inevitable Result


HR King
May 29, 2001
I can’t remember a major news story that was at once so terrible and so boring. A suspenseless race has turned out more or less exactly as everyone expected; The Associated Press called Donald Trump’s victory a half-hour into the proceedings, well before voting had ended at many caucus sites.

Now I guess we’re supposed to pretend that there are important stakes in the contest for second place, but ultimately, I don’t think it matters any more than the outcome of the Trump-less debates did. Barring some spectacular deus ex machina, the primary contest is over, and now the nightmarishly long slog to the general election — enough time to conceive, gestate and give birth to a baby — begins.
Maybe it could have been different; a year ago polls showed that most Republicans wanted to move on from Trump. But that would have required the party to unite against the ex-president’s stolen-election conspiracy theories and to take seriously both his indictments and a jury’s finding that he committed sexual assault — risking the ire of his fanatical base.
Instead, Republicans did what they always do, indulging the MAGA movement while hoping some outside force would make Trump go away. Rather than take him on directly, Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis spent most of their energy and resources attacking each other.
Then again, maybe there’s nothing Republicans could have done, because their despairing base loves drama and yearns for a strongman. The one thing that unites Americans of all political persuasions, after all, is the conviction that our democracy is failing and our country is going to hell. Tonight, Iowa’s Republican caucusgoers have sent it a little further on its way.

It’s nice to see all the HORT “non-Trump supporting” republicans joining with the rest of the board to lament Trump’s grip on power. I love that they are speaking out about how bad this is for the party and the country. I know they really can’t stand the guy; this surely isn’t a case of saying one thing and being secretly pleased he’s winning.

No siree!
What we’re watching isn’t a primary process, at least not as we’ve understood the term historically. What we’re watching is something else entirely—even the word coronation is far too weak for this, and too … neutral. This is a prostration. A party of supplicants surrendering their will to a rapist facing 91 felony convictions who has proclaimed himself to be God’s direct agent of vengeance on earth for the devout. This is as far away from a small-d democratic process as anything in this country can get. The Republicans all love it; they’re deadly serious about it—and they very well might recapture power this November.

So no, this is not a primary process. This is a holy war and will be waged as such. Responsible conservatism, which was a once a thing, is dead. This campaign isn’t about any of the normal things of which presidential campaigns are traditionally made. To this transformed—or if you prefer, deformed—Republican Party, it’s about saving America from godless Marxists like Joe Biden. The GOP is not a political party anymore built around principles or ideas. It’s a crusade built around one man many of them consider a messiah. At least the Iowa caucus clarified that much.

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It’s nice to see all the HORT “non-Trump supporting” republicans joining with the rest of the board to lament Trump’s grip on power. I love that they are speaking out about how bad this is for the party and the country. I know they really can’t stand the guy; this surely isn’t a case of saying one thing and being secretly pleased he’s winning.

No siree!

It's just proof, if we stop talking about him, he will just go away. They were right, all the talk on HROT caused him to stay in and be relevant. I blame all the HROT libs for this. Now, "they" have no option to vote for Trump because "Sleepy Joe" is just that bad.
What we’re watching isn’t a primary process, at least not as we’ve understood the term historically. What we’re watching is something else entirely—even the word coronation is far too weak for this, and too … neutral. This is a prostration. A party of supplicants surrendering their will to a rapist facing 91 felony convictions who has proclaimed himself to be God’s direct agent of vengeance on earth for the devout. This is as far away from a small-d democratic process as anything in this country can get. The Republicans all love it; they’re deadly serious about it—and they very well might recapture power this November.

So no, this is not a primary process. This is a holy war and will be waged as such. Responsible conservatism, which was a once a thing, is dead. This campaign isn’t about any of the normal things of which presidential campaigns are traditionally made. To this transformed—or if you prefer, deformed—Republican Party, it’s about saving America from godless Marxists like Joe Biden. The GOP is not a political party anymore built around principles or ideas. It’s a crusade built around one man many of them consider a messiah. At least the Iowa caucus clarified that much.

I would be far more impressed with Haley if she had the moral compass to call a spade a spade regarding Trump. Anyone without enough backbone to that has no business anywhere near the levers of power so far as I'm concerned.
Donald Trump has 91 indictments charged against him.

40 in the state of Florida for his illegal removal of classified
documents from the White House

34 in the state of New York for tax fraud concerning his
business deals.

13 in the state of Georgia for his tampering with the election
of 2020.

4 in the Washington D.C. for his incitement of a riot on
January 6 at the Capital Building.

Bottom Line: Donald Trump is a criminal who does not belong
in the White House as the President of our nation.
The complaint as I understood it was that democrats were swapping to Republicans for the day to cast votes for who they wanted to be on the R ticket (despite clearly not voting r in the actual election). Celebrities like mark cuban were openly pushing people to do this and that's where the Nikki Hailey vote came from in part.

Let's be honest, even if that kind of behavior isn't illegal it should be heavily looked down upon.
It’s nice to see all the HORT “non-Trump supporting” republicans joining with the rest of the board to lament Trump’s grip on power. I love that they are speaking out about how bad this is for the party and the country. I know they really can’t stand the guy; this surely isn’t a case of saying one thing and being secretly pleased he’s winning.

No siree!
It is indeed sad. But with that said, as a small-d democrat at my core, I'm not sure there's much to say when a fairly substantial majority of an electoral population subset disagrees with me, other than, we'll see what happens when other subsets, and eventually the entire population set, chimes in. It's easy enough for me to marvel at the stupidity, but stupid people get to vote too. And in the immortal words of Roman Hruska on Harrold Carswell:

“Even if he were mediocre, there are a lot of mediocre judges and people and lawyers. They are entitled to a little representation, aren’t they, and a little chance? We can’t have all Brandeises, Frankfurters and Cardozos.”

I can’t remember a major news story that was at once so terrible and so boring. A suspenseless race has turned out more or less exactly as everyone expected; The Associated Press called Donald Trump’s victory a half-hour into the proceedings, well before voting had ended at many caucus sites.

Now I guess we’re supposed to pretend that there are important stakes in the contest for second place, but ultimately, I don’t think it matters any more than the outcome of the Trump-less debates did. Barring some spectacular deus ex machina, the primary contest is over, and now the nightmarishly long slog to the general election — enough time to conceive, gestate and give birth to a baby — begins.
Maybe it could have been different; a year ago polls showed that most Republicans wanted to move on from Trump. But that would have required the party to unite against the ex-president’s stolen-election conspiracy theories and to take seriously both his indictments and a jury’s finding that he committed sexual assault — risking the ire of his fanatical base.
Instead, Republicans did what they always do, indulging the MAGA movement while hoping some outside force would make Trump go away. Rather than take him on directly, Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis spent most of their energy and resources attacking each other.
Then again, maybe there’s nothing Republicans could have done, because their despairing base loves drama and yearns for a strongman. The one thing that unites Americans of all political persuasions, after all, is the conviction that our democracy is failing and our country is going to hell. Tonight, Iowa’s Republican caucusgoers have sent it a little further on its way.

Pack your trash and get your perverted ass out.....
Just watch Haley's tone in the next week.
If she stops attacking Turd, it means someone from Turd's inner circle is telling her she's under consideration for the veep position.
Just watch Haley's tone in the next week.
If she stops attacking Turd, it means someone from Turd's inner circle is telling her she's under consideration for the veep position.
not a bad take, really, given that the way the calendar sets up, if she's going to be able to present a credible challenge, it's now or never. To walk away at that juncture would be a sign indeed.
It’s nice to see all the HORT “non-Trump supporting” republicans joining with the rest of the board to lament Trump’s grip on power. I love that they are speaking out about how bad this is for the party and the country. I know they really can’t stand the guy; this surely isn’t a case of saying one thing and being secretly pleased he’s winning.

No siree!
Biden is old, though.
I have resigned myself to the reality that a certain segment of the GOP-loyal electorate has no respect for our democratic principles, our system of law and order and completely lack a moral compass. Couple that with their perverted version of Christianity and the need to blame anyone but themselves for their position in life and the recipe for impending disaster is nearly fully baked and ready for serving.
Uh, they voted. Say what you will about them, but that's pretty democratic per my understanding of the term.
If that were the only reason. Edit: If you vote you must believe in Democracy? Is this your opinion?
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The complaint as I understood it was that democrats were swapping to Republicans for the day to cast votes for who they wanted to be on the R ticket (despite clearly not voting r in the actual election). Celebrities like mark cuban were openly pushing people to do this and that's where the Nikki Hailey vote came from in part.

Let's be honest, even if that kind of behavior isn't illegal it should be heavily looked down upon.
What about former Republicans that are now independents because they deplore what the Republican Party has become?
Uh, they voted. Say what you will about them, but that's pretty democratic per my understanding of the term.
Fair enough, but a lot of them smashed through windows at the Capitol and assaulted. police officers while chanting that they wanted to hang Mike Pence. A lot of them nod along when Trump says General Mark Milley should be hung for treason. A lot of them cheer like the rapture has arrived when Trump says he'll lock up journalists and Hillary, Joe, Nancy...
I do take some solace in Trump barely scratching out 50 percent. That is not the crushing win a former POTUS should claim in a state that is old and white.
I just watched a self proclaimed “far left” woman in NH say she would vote for Haley over Biden. I like the job Biden has done but I’ve reached the point where he needs to read the room, scrap his ego, and drop out.
If he truly cares about the well being of the country, he should. Trump is going to beat him worse than Hillary. Democrats should convince the Kentucky governor to run. Knowing Democrats, though, they would nominate someone who checks all the right DEI boxes.