Iowa AG Bird attends Trump trial in NYC, expresses support for former president

An astute AG who has argued Supreme cases losing to a minnie mouse country bumpkin.

That should tell you how bad your party really is. Your side has turned into a bunch of pretentious, elitist snobs that think you're so much smarter than everyone else.
She's an elected official attending on her own time and at her own expense. If she's sees an injustice with the criminal justice system I see no issues with her calling it out.

No. She is delegitimizing our judicial system by falsely claiming this prosecution is politically motivated. She needs to gets back home and do her job, but she sucks at that, so maybe DC will be a good place for her.
Anyone ever notice how they love to claim this and the other cases are politically motivated, but for some reason never actually attack the cases on their merits?
Anyone ever notice how they love to claim this and the other cases are politically motivated, but for some reason never actually attack the cases on their merits?

Charges are made, Judge is assigned,
the accused gets the defense machinery in motion, including stalling tactics,
the jury is selected with approval from both sides,
evidence is presented,
witnesses testify (or don't),
the jury deliberates,
and the jury returns a unanimous verdict.

This is how the judicial process works. If the charges don't fit the crime the jurors find the defendant not guilty'

If the jury finds the charges do fit the crime and defendant is guilty as defined by the charges, guilty. In this case 34 charges filed, guilty verdicts on all 34.

It doesn't matter what color or political persuasion the defendant is. If the Speaker of the House of the United States, doesn't feel the justice system we have in place is fair or should be selectively applied to meet his personal standards, what can we expect if his party has the control he espouses.
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Charges are made, Judge is assigned,
the accused gets the defense machinery in motion, including stalling tactics,
the jury is selected with approval from both sides,
evidence is presented,
witnesses testify (or don't),
the jury deliberates,
and the jury returns a unanimous verdict.

This is how the judicial process works. If the charges don't fit the crime the jurors find the defendant not guilty'
If the jury finds the charges do fit the crime and defendant is guilty as defined by the charges, guilty. In this case 34 charges filed were guilty verdicts on all 34.

It doesn't matter what color or political persuasion the defendant is. If the Speaker of the House of the United States doesn't feel the justice system we have in place is fair or should be selectively applied to meet his personal standards, what can we expect if his party has the control he espouses.
Agreed - to some extent, I can even agree that politics played a role in this trial. The defendant is, after all, the GOP presidential nominee as well as a former president, and the charges focus around actions he took in the 2016 election which he won.

But I've not seen a single GOPer attack the case on its merits, nor a single poster here do likewise. Instead, it's somehow entirely about Biden and the weaponization of the DOJ...despite the fact that this case was brought at a state course - on something that the DOJ actually passed on.
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Agreed - to some extent, I can even agree that politics played a role in this trial. The defendant is, after all, the GOP presidential nominee as well as a former president, and the charges focus around actions he took in the 2016 election which he won.

But I've not seen a single GOPer attack the case on its merits, nor a single poster here do likewise. Instead, it's somehow entirely about Biden and the weaponization of the DOJ...despite the fact that this case was brought at a state course - on something that the DOJ actually passed on.

The Orange Turd was convicted of a felony. If he hadn't been running for President and conspired with sleaze bags and tried to buy silence like a mafia boss this wouldn't have been an issue.

He can deny shit til hell freezes over. Witnesses testified and documents recorded his trail of snail shit. He's a disgusting pig and the Republican party has boxed themselves into the same moral morass. They're like star-struck teen agers slobbering over pin-ups and wall posters of him.
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